CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 911: Make a little more memories for her

Chapter 911 makes a little more memories for her.

Miyagami felt that her chest was inserted by her, and he reached out to her and yelled angrily. "I didn't fold a thousand paper cranes last night, but I was you..."

He wants to stop talking.

"What is it for me?"

When Xiao Nian sat on the bed and looked at him, his eyes were black and white and clear.

"It's nothing!"

Gong Ou glanced at her with a glance, turned to the hanger to get clothes, and the two slender legs walked a little and turned around.

"Miyao, what's wrong with your legs?"

When the little thought asked doubtfully.

"leave me alone!"

Miyau is depressed.


Great fire.

When Xiao Nian was sprayed with his anger, he was almost ignited, and he could only shrink back silently. He stood up from the bed and went to the end of the bed. He raised his hand and slowly touched a cellophane crane. The sun fell on the paper crane. On the wings.

Then she touched the starlight.

When Xiao Nian’s eyes slowly turned into a crescent moon, the smile on his face could not disappear, so beautiful.

Miyao said that because she burned her favorite glass candy paper, she still has her heart.

When Xiao Nian was facing such a large number of paper cranes, he couldn’t move his eyes. Suddenly there was a voice coming from behind. She turned and saw that Miyau had already put on her clothes and stood in front of the bed, and there was a comic book in her arms. .

Gong Ou stinks and throws a comic book into the bed. "This is the autograph of the top ten cartoonists in Japan. This is the top ten signature of the Italian painter. I am not giving you the death." !"


When Xiao Nian was standing there in error.

In a short while, the big bed was filled with countless signature comic books and signature oil paintings. She sat down and picked up a comic book. The cartoonist also liked her very much.

Actually, the books are signed.

"How did you do it?" When the little thoughts looked at Miyao, "Do you not let the bodyguard copy the signature of the god?"

Otherwise, how can I do it in such a short time?

"Small thoughts!" Gong Ou was clenched with her fists, and screamed with anger. "But it is just a signature. My palace will not have the ability to fake it for you? Maybe you will find it for you." It’s fake!”

She dared to question his ability!

When Xiao Nian was sprayed back and forth, he quickly said, "Well, I am wrong. I want these signatures to be easy with the general ability of the palace. I am a villain, you are a lot of people, don't be angry."

It turned out to be a gift to burn him.


Miyao gave her the comic book in her arms to her bed, and turned and walked away. The walking posture was bizarre, and even awkward.

Yesterday was still fine, how suddenly this happened.

"What happened to Gong’s leg?"

When Xiao Nian asked with some worry, Liu Mei was tight.

"You don't have to!"

Gong Ou head did not return to the road, full of anger.


When Xiao Nian bit her lip, she reached out and patted her mouth. It seems that she really angered Miyao. She is also, questioning what kind of strength, even if no brain touched Miyao, it was beautiful.


She is so stupid.

By the time of breakfast, Xiao Nian had received 11 gifts from Gong Ou, and each one was several times more than the one that Mu Qianchu had sent. Some of the things that had already been out of print did not know how Miyau was. All that was done was placed in front of her.

All her childhood and teenage memories were filled back by Miyagi.

The time was too short. She didn't know how Miyau did it. Maybe, when he decided to burn them, he secretly raised these gifts for her.

When Xiaoyan was moved, he realized that everything he did was planned. He would never find it to just humiliate his own vinegar.

When you are young, don't think about it.

Cherish the moment, this is the only thing you can do now.

When Xiao Nian told himself that after drinking the last porridge in the bowl, he turned to look at Gong Ou, and Miyau was still sitting there with a spoonful of spoonful of porridge. The porridge seemed to be like him. He can't wait to even swallow the spoon.

"Is still angry?"

When Xiao Nian reached out, he carefully poked his arm.

"You don't have to!"

Miyagou forcedly took a porridge and gave her a sly look.

"Don't be angry, I am not good, I apologize to you." Miyao gave her 11 gifts, and she still questioned her bad.

"Not accepted!"

Gong Ou snorted and turned his face. When he read clearly, he saw a little darkness under his eyes. It was clearly dark circles, and it was not there yesterday.

"Have you not slept last night? How was your face so bad?" asked Xiaowen, worriedly, reaching out to explore his forehead and was opened by Gong Ou. "Don't you!"

This man is really...

When Xiao Nian did not know how to say it, she apologized, how would he still think?

Is it strange to walk strangely?

She remembered that she had a sprained medicine in her bag and wiped it.

Thinking about it, when Xiaonian stood up and walked in the direction of the stairs, Gongou immediately yelled at her with dissatisfaction. "When you miss, you don't care? You are still not my woman? Is your heart in the refrigerator?" about you!"

So cold-blooded.

When Xiao Nian looked back at him silently, he said, "I have a sprained medicine in my bag. I will use it to wipe you."

It is said that the anger of Gong Ou has been eliminated a lot. "You still have some conscience."

"I am really worried about you."

When Xiao Nian said helplessly, he turned and went upstairs. He hadn’t walked a few steps. Miyao suddenly seemed to think of something and immediately stood up and limped to catch up. “No! It’s all in medicine. There are musk ingredients!"

He told the doctor.

"The kind of ingredients are not high, I will help you with the medicine and it will be fine."

When Xiao Nian said, there was some darkness in his heart, and he did not expect him to remember this detail.

"That's not OK!"

Gong Ou rushed over and chased the time on the stairs. She just pulled her and twisted her waist. He quickly reached down and pressed his waist and gritted his teeth. "Hey."


When I looked at him with a small sigh, I twisted again?

When is Mongol so vulnerable.

She reached out and touched his waist, and Gong Ou immediately said, "Don't move!"

After that, Gong Ou went upstairs, walking still limping, big long legs are not good.

How could this look like this?

"Miyao, you won't be a thief last night?"

When I was young, I was really confused.


Gong Ou bite his teeth and go upstairs, let her hover half a body and hold a personal hold for a whole night to try, more tired than a thief!

Upstairs, Miyao still insisted that she not touch the medicine, forcing her to stand farther.

When Xiao Nian could only watch him wipe the medicine, he couldn’t help anything. Gong Ou put the medicine aside and stood up to pull the clothes down. When Xiao Nian immediately asked nervously, "How, better. No?"

"How could it be so fast?"

Gong Ou screwed his eyebrows.

Also, this kind of injury will not be good immediately.

"That way, you are lying on the bed, don't exercise, it's not good for you." When Xiao Nian said, he went to the bed and put the comic book on the side and put it aside, and said the quilt.

The glass sugar paper crane in the sun shimmers.

"Don't sleep."

Miyao stood there and looked at her.

"Why?" When Xiao Nian looked at him, "You can't do this, just lie down for a day today, can I accompany you?"

"Then you will be bored." Miyao said, "I said, I will accompany you to a place today."

"It doesn't matter where you go. You should first raise your own injuries."

When Xiao Nian said, it was only one night that he suddenly twisted his waist, his legs were smashed, his face was still so tired, and he went out to play crazy.

"No, I don't want to waste time."

Miyao Shen Sheng said that hegemony is not tolerable, and he puts his hand back into the bag.

The room was silent.

Only the sound of the cellophane crane swaying in the wind.

Gong Ou turned his head and saw that Xiao Nian stood in front of the bed and looked at him quietly. The expression on his face seemed to be solidified. He realized what he said.

“What do you want to waste time?” Xiao Nian quietly looked at him and asked, “Can we not be together every day?”

Why don't you want to waste time, is time precious to them?

Miyaguro’s black scorpion looked at her deeply and smiled. “What are you sensitive to? I’m not thinking about wasting my time sleeping in bed.”

“Is it?” Xiaoxiao said with a smile, no more investigation, said, “I see you tired or sleep, where do you want to go tomorrow?”


Miyao looked at her.

Another tomorrow.

"Well, anyway, we are still together for a long time." Shi Xiaonian said with a smile, "Is it still said that the day is ready to go back?"

If so, she can't say anything.

"I don't mean this." Gong Ou immediately said, staring at her, "less sensitive, I don't want to go back now, sleep and sleep, you can accompany me!"


Also said that she is sensitive.

She has tried to persuade herself not to be sensitive, but what he did is hard to let her guess.

Gong Ou went to the bathroom, opened the faucet to wash his hands, and slammed his hands against him, and smashed the medicinal scent. He raised his face and looked at himself in the mirror. A pair of black scorpions were very deep and a thin lip smashed a point. Cold.

Gong Ou, you say this again, how can you make enough memories for your memories?

**** it!

Miyagou swept a handful of water in annoyance, splashing countless splashes of water on the mirror, and the drops of water dripping down the mirror, slowly blurring his handsome face, revealing a hole in his face.

For a long time, Gong Ou wiped his hands and went out. When Xiao Nian sat in a chair by the bed, he turned a comic book and laughed when he saw the fun place.

He wants her to keep this smile.

At the very least, keep it until the child is born, otherwise it will hurt her and her child in the stomach.

Lancaster will not give him so much time, has been forced over.

All he can do is make her happy. Even if one day is dangerous, even if he is not around her one day, she still has memories to think about, and at least she will not be too bad.

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