CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 928: Leaving Miyao

Children's nature is like to go out to play.

When Xiao Nian was entangled in the palace, there was no way to think about it. In fact, there are a large number of bodyguards to follow, and there is nothing in the city.

"Well, I will take you there, but you... especially you, Gong Kui, you have to obey, don't run around, hear no?" Xiao Nian warned his fleshy daughter.

"Understand! Mrs. Palace!"

Gongkui Lizheng, a military ceremony for her nondescript.


When Xiao Nian was teased by her daughter, she turned to look at the paintings that had not been drawn on the drawing board. When she came back, she then painted it. "Let's go."


Miyako ran out excitedly.

When Xiao Nian took Miyako to the downstairs, Feng De had already stood at the door with a servant, put the small bow into a violin case and handed it to the palace.

"Thank you."

Miyazaki bowed his head in a polite manner and took the violin case back.

"When we go out to buy things, we don't have to carry bows and arrows?" When Xiao Nian walked over and stretched out the box on the shoulder of the palace, it was not light.

It’s too tired to carry it.

Miyazaki looked at her and shook her head. "Before I was not cooked, the bow and arrow must always be with me."

"Who is this who taught you?"

Xiao Nian asked some strangely.

"It's dad and he said." Gong Kui jumped out from the side and took the violin case holding the palace. She shook her head and blinked her eyes. "It's so heavy, but I didn't learn."

Fortunately, dad didn't want her to learn, it was too scary.

Is it the son of Miyao?

Shi Xiao Nian has been eccentric about the recent moves of Gong Ou. She looked at Gong Yi’s firm eyes and asked him not to remove the box.

On the side, Feng De is telling people to put a cushion on the car. When the little thoughts look at the past, Feng De smiles kindly. "You are pregnant now, the car is not comfortable, add a cushion and be comfortable."

"The righteous father thought too thoughtfully."

Xiao Nian was grateful.

"These are water. If you are thirsty, you can bring it with you." Feng De said, let the servant on the side move the big box of water into the car and move out a box of red wine.

When Xiao Nian was completely stunned.

“This is the latest non-alcoholic red wine in France. Pregnant women can also drink it. It tastes good. You can try it.” Feng De pointed to the red wine.

When Xiaonian laughed, "Yefu, I just go shopping, not to go honeymoon now."

Wen Yan said that Feng De’s face was stunned. “Look at my memory, I thought you were going to the Beibu Gulf today.”

"Let's take these out first."

"Everyone is in the car, just let it go." Feng De said, reaching out and closing the trunk, and took a soft blanket from the servant. "You bring this blanket, cover it when you are sleepy."

When Xiao Nian looked at him a little embarrassedly, "Yefu, you said that I seem to be going far."

They all said that she is not going to honeymoon today.

"I am not worried about you." Feng De said, the person stood in front of her and stared at her deeply. "Little thoughts, all the way."

"Okay, don't worry."

When Xiao Nian smiled and nodded, he turned to look at the two children. "You two, get on the bus first."


The two children got on the bus.

When Xiao Nian held the blanket and followed the car, she suddenly heard a rapid car coming. She looked up and looked at it in a wrong way. She saw the silver-gray sports car coming all the way from the road, drifting a big circle. After a sudden brake, they stopped in front of them, and the dust was rolled up countless.

The door was bounced off.

Palace and European dust servantly walked down from inside, and a pair of black scorpions looked straight at her.

His face was pale in the sun.

"Miyao?" When Xiao Nian looked at him inexplicably, "Are you not going to the company?"

How come home again.

Miyako stood there, reached for the door, lowered his voice, and his voice was low. "I have forgotten the documents."

"Do you come back and get the documents yourself?"

When Xiao Nian looked suspiciously at him, is the sun coming out from the west today?

Miyao did not answer, walked silently toward her, looked at the blanket she was holding in her hand, "Now are you ready to go?"

"Don't shift the topic." When Xiaonian questioned his face, the scorpion turned a few times and said seriously, "How can the grand president come back to pick up the documents, there must be conspiracy, I know!"

The wind stopped in an instant.

Miyako stood there with a low eye and a thin white lips.

"Is it even if I go out of the door, you are reluctant? Would you like to come back and send it again?" Xiao Nian smiled brightly, and his eyes looked at him clearly. "Miyao, you are too sticky."

The servants standing next to each other bowed their heads and laughed.

Miyao gave her a low look. "Let's put gold on your face, hurry, and be careful on the road."

"Oh, then I am gone."

When Xiao Nian walked with the blanket toward the car, a slender hand lifted up beside her and put it back.

"I am going to get the documents."

Miyao turned and walked inside.

When Xiao Nian bent down, he turned his head and looked at the back of Gong Ou, the soft lips moved, or whispered out, "Miyao."

Miyako’s footsteps stopped suddenly, and slowly turned back, looking at her with no expression.

When Xiaonian threw the blanket into the car, he smiled and opened his arms to the palace. "Hug."

Surrounded by people.

All eyes are on.

Gong Ouyi told her, "You are sick."

"Hold it, I will leave."

When Xiao Nian stubbornly held his arms to ask him to hug, he refused to give up.

The servants and bodyguards on the side were forced to turn their heads and look at the other side.

Miyau looked at her impatiently, and suddenly strode towards her, grabbed her into her arms and hugged her. She held her head and held her tightly, with strong attachment. .

When Xiao Nian was held up, he almost couldn’t breathe.

"You are a woman who is really annoying, and said that I am sticky!"

Miyako’s voice exploded above her head.

It is obvious that he held her tight.

When Xiao Nian smiled, he reached for his back and smiled. "Miyao, I will be careful, so rest assured."

When she finished speaking, she could feel that the body of Gong Ou had a slight stiffness. When she read her hand, her eyes were bright. "I am leaving."

"it is good."

Miyako stood there, and the black scorpion stared at her deeply.

"OK Bye Bye."

When Xiao Nian rushed to his hand, he lowered his head and sat in the car. The driver standing by the side quickly closed the door and sat in the driver's seat.

The car slowly started to move forward, when Xiaonian looked back, Miyao still stood in the same place, so she looked at her straight.

Until he disappeared into her sight, he stood still like that.

He probably has forgotten to take the documents.

When Xiao Nian was low, he looked over the blanket and found that the needle corner on the side was not made by the factory assembly line. Is this what Feng De personally sewed for her?

Really have a heart.

When Xiao Nian smiled faintly, he hugged the blanket into his arms.

She will be careful, she will.


The large maternal and child supplies, the Hill tribe, had already cleared the scene before they arrived.

The dense bodyguards stood outside, and some of them followed them and read them in.

“Is these dresses unique?”

When Xiaonian stood in front of the glass window, he asked the staff.

"Yes, these dresses are all hand-sewn. The gemstones above can be replaced. They can be replaced with pink diamonds or aquamarine." The staff introduced them to me.

When Xiao Nian took out a piece of paper from the bag and handed it to the staff. "This is the size of our family. It is a hassle to change the dress."

"Okay, let Mrs. Palace take a break in the cafe, or go around, we will send the master to change the dress."

The staff said respectfully.

"Thank you."

Xiao Nian smiled and took two children to sit in the cafe area. The staff of the Hill tribe immediately brought a variety of snacks and juices.

Following her bodyguards, I removed the things one by one. When Xiao Nian and Gong Yi almost didn’t eat much, Gong Mi was drinking a bottle of juice.

When Xiao Nian stopped, he couldn’t stop it.

After a while, Miyako jumped up and her face was flushed. "Mom, I want to go to the bathroom."

"All said don't drink so much."

When the little thoughts are strange.

"Is it going to the bathroom? Please come with me."

The staff politely pointed out the way.


When Xiao Nian said, leading Miyako in the past, the palace was carrying his box and bodyguards all the way.

Stop at the door of the ladies' toilet, when Xiao Nian turned to look at the bodyguards, said, "Let's wait here."

"Yes, madam."

The bodyguards stopped.

Gong Gong quietly stood by the wall.

When Xiao Nian took Miyako to walk in, the inside of the bathroom was wearing a work clothes in the inside of the door. The person who was wearing the overalls was cleaning. When he was not interested, he only looked at Miyako. "Can you?"

"Yes you can."

Miyako went into a door.

When Xiao Nian stood outside and waited, the cleaner turned around with the bucket and made a face-to-face look at the time, when Xiao Nian subconsciously wanted to let go of the place and then saw a familiar face.

Qiu Qiujun.

Nursing mother.

When Xiao Nian thought that he would meet the foster mother in this place, he stayed there for a while.

Qiu Qiujun was wearing a clean overalls at the moment, with some bends on his back. His face used to be graceful and generous, but now it is wrinkled and looks older than the actual age. It is all age marks.

Qiu Qiujun looked at her eyes red, and her lips trembled to call her name, "Little thoughts."

Unable to meet the defense, a low call to let the little thoughts of the family just remembered the time when they were young. At that time, Qiu Qiujun would still hold her in her arms and shout her name over and over again.

"How will you be here?"

When Xiao Nian avoided her eyes, she asked faintly, and then she thought of the raging fire in her hometown and the **** words on the wall.

"I am doing things here." Qu Qiujun's voice shook a little, and suddenly looked out of the bathroom, nervously, "Is Palace also coming? He has been catching us and not giving us a way to live."

The voice of Qiu Qiujun was uncomfortable.

In the face of Yan Qiujun’s nervous, pale, and awkward face, Xiao Nian did not know what to say, but said, “He is not here. I will have never met you.”

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