CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 931: Shamed by Lancaster

"You told her so much? She didn't have the heart. She is now flying and taking care of others' lives?" Zhong Zhong screamed and screamed, and lifted his head to the moment, "but your good days are over. You have killed Lancaster’s jewels, and the death is not far away."

Being used as a monkey is still not known.

When Xiao Nian was holding Miyako stood there, the blood in his hand became a piece. She looked at her adoptive parents and raised a sardonic smile on her lips. "Poor, you are pitiful enough."

And what about herself? It’s ridiculous.

The most ridiculous person.

"What else do you want to install? If you didn't kill the flute, how could you see her mother fainting and send her to the hospital? Didn't you always put us outside? Suddenly, you are kind enough?" Zhong Zhong said confidently. .


Yes, when she saw that Qiu Qiujun passed out, she thought of her mother's words, so she was stupid, she was stupid, she could not be saved.

She is the burden of Gong Ou, a big burden.

When Xiao Nian can no longer listen to a word, holding Gong Kum and continue to go inside.

The interior of the Hill tribe was particularly large. It seemed that there was no end to it. When Xiao Nian passively followed, he finally turned into a bright place.

There is a password lock glass door in front, which looks like an office from the outside. Someone presses the password and the door is opened. There is a hole in the inside.

Going in the office again is a very large bedroom, clean and tidy, it is not like the treatment for prisoners.

"You are here! We are all outside, don't want to escape!"

Several masked men put down their guns and began to take off their bodies and walked out to disguise themselves as the staff of the Hill tribe.

When Xiao Nian held Miyako to the bed and tried to put her down, Miyako still held her neck and refused to let go, when she could only pour her bed with her.

She is really unable to eat.


Especially tired.

I want to vomit, dizziness, and the whole person is very uncomfortable.

"Xiaokui, get up." Gong Yu went to the past and reached for the palace. The palace was screaming desperately when he was touched, and his mouth was gibberish.

Miyazaki stood there and looked at the time, "What happened to Xiaokui?"

When I asked this sentence, the whole person would blow up. She fell on the bed, her neck was tightly stretched, her eyes were stunned and desperate, and her voice was a little dumb. "She was stimulated, very scared, she needed to see her. Doctors."

Such a small child can't stand such a **** gun battle.

"No, Xiaokui is very brave."

Miyazaki said with a slap in the face, took off his shoes and climbed into the bed, and reached out to pull the hand of Miyako from the body of Xiao Nian, and Miyako was holding it, "Ah, ah."

The daughter's screams are like the countless knives stabbing on the little thoughts, making her unhappy.

"Forget it."

When Xiao Nian was holding the hand of Gong Gong, he couldn’t bear to look at Xiao Kui.

If you have a little sense of security with her, just hold it.

"No, she has kicked your stomach a few times." Miyazaki said with a firm expression, clenched his teeth and opened the hand of Miyako, and Miyako’s hand was opened with a little bit of force.

When Xiao Nian’s hair was pulled down, a few blood marks were caught on his neck.


Miyazaki looked at him when he was staring.

When Xiao Nian couldn’t take care of her own injuries, she watched Gong Kum rolling around and screaming in the bed, and quickly picked up a pillow for her to hold, and the screaming of the palace kiln that was holding the pillow gradually weakened, and then desperately Drill into the quilt.

"mom." Miyazaki looked at the little thoughts, then quickly slipped out of bed and rushed in the direction of the bathroom.

"Little sunflower, nothing, don't be afraid, mom and honey are here."

When Xiaonian was afraid that Gongkui would suffocate himself, he reached out and opened a little quilt. Gongkui was so scared that he couldn’t move his pillow.

Can't let Miyako go down like this.

Miyako loves to eat.

Yes, eat it.

When Xiao Nian turned around and looked around, the room was clean and empty, nothing, no food.

"mom." Miyazaki's little figure was drilled out of the bathroom, holding a wet towel in his small hand. When he came to the moment, he looked at her in black, "wipe."

Her hands and neck are full of blood.

"Holy乖, I will give some food to Xiaokui first."

When Xiao Nian smashed the small head of the palace, he went up to the door and reached for the door.

The door was opened, and two foreigners who had dressed up as a staff member stood outside the door and looked at her coldly. "What? Go back!"

When Xiao Nian just wanted to open his mouth, he came in again with a tablet computer in his hand and looked at the time and said, "Our husband wants to talk to you."


Mona's father Lancaster?

When Xiao Nian frowned, no action.

"Go in!" Someone pushed her awkwardly, and when she was thinking about it, she calmly said, "Give me some snacks and toys that kids like, or I will refuse to talk."

Wen Yan, the three people all laughed, and the person holding the tablet smiled. "I have come to China to learn a word, toasting, not eating and drinking fine wine. You can treat the prisoners in these ranks even worse. ?"

"I don't understand." When Xiaonian stood there, the blood on his neck kept squatting, his eyes were reddish, but it was cold. "I only know that your biggest task now is to stabilize me and not let me find it." And I just need toys and snacks. If you don't, I can do more extra-budgets."

"The threat of a pregnant woman has little power."

The expressions of the three people have changed, and the mouth still says so.

"Then you will try."

When Xiao Nian said.


A slap in the face of her face, when Xiao Nian was beaten face, half of the face immediately swollen, the blood of the corner of the mouth was dazzling.

Miyazaki stood by the bed and looked at the scene. The little hand subconsciously touched the small arrow at the waist.

When Xiao Nian stood there, he did not move, and there was no compromise in his eyes.

"Don't go get toys and snacks?" The humanity holding the tablet is very uncomfortable. "Can you talk now? Mrs. Palace?"


When Xiao Nian turned back, walked step by step and sat down on a white sofa.

The man put the tablet in a position, connected the call, and soon, a holographic image was released in the blank space. The background was an antique study. The old man with a short blond hair was sitting in front of the big desk. At this moment, a pair of blue dragons are looking at her contemptuously.

This is Mona's father.

When Xiaonian sat on the sofa, the palace was slowly moved over, holding the towel to wipe the blood on her hand, and the more the blood was rubbed.

"We finally met."

Lancaster George sat at his desk and opened his mouth, revealing a natural high.


When Xiao Nian sat there silently, his eyes looked coldly at the old man. Although it was just a bunch of holographic images, his momentum was too strong and he felt as if he was in this space.

This feeling is powerful and terrible.

"Actually, I have long wanted to see you. After all, it is a character who can steal a man from my daughter." Lancaster George said, then smiled disdainfully. "But it's a pity, a woman who can't be beaten, with you." Parenting is as stupid."


When the little thoughts are silent.

"How, I will treat you with respect?" Lancaster George looked at her swollen face and said with a smile.

When Xiao Nian didn't have the strength to argue with him, she also understood that this call was to see her wolverine look.

"You said, what can you give Miyao to contribute? Ne is closed down. You said, I asked him to disperse the house." The taste must be very happy."

Lancaster George said with a smile, reaching out and holding a cup of tea slowly.

"Despicable." When Xiao Nian opened his mouth coldly, there was no panic on the face of a wolf. "You dare not confront the palace and the euro, and you have done all the way, is it disgusting?"

"I don't dare to confront a young man. You are too young to look at me." George sneered sneerly and looked at her with a cup. "I was just ruining him with the most painful way of letting Miyao. Don't you think it's wonderful?"

"I only think that you are disgusting. Your daughter kidnapped my son. You came to kidnap me. The so-called big family is so despicable and smug, you are as ridiculous as your daughter."

When Xiao Nian said coldly.

It was said that the expression on George's face began to distort. It was a shame for him to be irritated by a young woman. So he tried to control his emotions, and the facial features looked very embarrassing.

Miyazaki still sat there silently and wiped the blood on his hands.

"When you miss, you are so arrogant." George returned to normal, pressed the cup in his hand to the desk, and looked at her with blue sorrow. "Soon, you will see ne fail, you will see Miyamoto is like a fly, he will panic, he will collapse, he will be overwhelmed, he will personally destroy the palace for you and your children."


The face of Xiao Nian was gradually pale with each of his words.

"My daughter is dead. I need someone to appreciate it with me. So I will share it with you about the next news of Miyao." George said, full of revenge.

When Xiao Nian licked his lips.

"Enjoy your last time, wait for Miyake to die, you and your children can also go to him." George took the tea cup toward her direction and gave her a cup.

The holographic image suddenly disappeared in the room.

The phone was hung up.

The people who stood by the side took the tablet and walked up to them. "There was a major gun battle in the city, and the whole country was shocked. Now the palace and the police are probably crazy."

As he said, he turned out a picture of flesh and blood, and the face above was shot by bullets.

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