CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 934: Watching him leave

"Young master?"

Feng De looked up and looked at Gong Ou.

Gongao is like being awake, and the scorpion turned and coldly. "If there is nothing to check, go check it out."

"Yes, young master."

Feng De should be.

Miyao looked at the mirror in front of him, and the eyes were more and more blushing, but the handsome face did not have a little expression.

For a long while, Gong Ou slowly turned around.

"Do not……"

When Xiao Nian looked at him dumbly, don't turn around, look at her and take a look.

Miyau's face turned blankly, like a slow-moving lens, and sent all the despair to the time.

When Xiao Nian screamed and shouted, "Miyao! It is me, I am a little thought! I am here! Palace Europe!"

Palace Europe.

She is here, she is here.

When Xiao Nian excitedly rushed up, he put out his fist and slammed it on the glass. Next time, the glass was immovably embedded in the wall.

The bright red blood smashed down from the glass and was shocking.

When Xiao Nian stood there, watching the palace Europe slowly turned around in front of her, she glared at the glass, but there was no sound.

"Miyao! Palace Europe!"

When Xiao Nian glared at the glass, he shouted despair.

do not go.

Please do not go.

Miyako was far away from her sight, and when she turned to look at the sealed door, she rushed over and madly went to pull the door handle.

Several foreigners quickly caught her, and when they tried their best, they lifted their legs and slammed toward the door. They shouted and shook their voices. "Miyao! Palace Europe!"

"He can't hear it, die!" a foreigner said tightly around her arm.

"Miyao! Palace Europe!"

When Xiao Nian’s voice became more and more hoarse and desperate, the struggling hands were all bloodstained and dragged away from the door by people.

A little bit far away.

Just Gong Ou is so close to her, not even 50 cm.

He clearly looked at her, she thought he could see, but in the end he left her only the back.

This desperation is almost swallowed when you miss it.

She stepped into the trap and she let the two young children follow her risk. She couldn't tell the news. She couldn't call Miyao to save them.

She hurts all the people she cares about.

When Xiao Nian was dragged back to the front of the glass, she looked up and saw that everyone had followed Meng Gong step by step. He stood at the front of the crowd and walked without hesitation.

He just left.

Sorry, Miyako, I am sorry.

She gave him trouble again, causing trouble for the big day.

When Xiao Nian was desperately struggling to open a few foreigners’ imprisonment, he rushed to the whole person and leaned on the half-length glass frame. He raised his **** fist and beat it. The whole person was paralyzed and desperate. “I’m sorry, Gong Ou... ”

She looked at the familiar figure through the glass and moved further and further away from her.

Until disappeared.


When Xiaonian painfully leaned against the glass, there was already half a trace of blood on the glass.

"Here, Miyaguro and the police have visited, it should be impossible to come again. Command it, don't be too cautious, but don't let it go too far." A foreigner headed said to the side.


When Xiaonian was forcibly towed away by them, she exhausted all her strength, and even the strength of walking was gone, her feet were dragged on the smooth floor.

She was thrown back into the room.

The palace was already awake, and she saw her wolverine look, and her eyes fell on her red hands.

When Xiao Nian saw it, he put his hands behind him. The palace slid down from the bed and walked behind her. He looked at it. "You were beaten by them?"


When Xiao Nian didn't want to tell his son that he had just experienced something, it was a scene that he thought he stepped on the cloud and then fell.

The back of Gong Ou turned back is so determined, such a back is like a sculpture knife, carved on her bones.

It hurts to the heart.

"Go wash your hands." Gong Yan pushed her.

"No, you can continue to sleep."

When Xiao Nian said, the voice was dumb, like the throat was crumpled by life.

"No, wash your hands." Miyazaki stubbornly pushed her into the bathroom, and lifted her feet to give her water.

The water column rushed down towards her bright red hands and slammed into the wound, and the hands of Xiao Nian’s hands trembled involuntarily, and his face was white.

Miyazaki saw her so busy with the small water, and the black man looked at her worriedly. "Is it better?"

"Well, much better."

When Xiao Nian tried hard, he did not dare to let the palace be disappointed, and he resisted the pain and washed the blood on his hands.

After washing her hands, Gongyi couldn't find anything to wrap her up. She took two towels and wrapped her hands. The white towel wrapped the scarred hands and couldn't see the wound as if she had never been injured.

"Thank you, holy."

When Xiao Nian looked at him, the sensible things of Gong Yi made her feel unfounded.

"You go to bed."

Miyazaki raised her and said, when Xiaonian struggled to stand up, suddenly, Miyako, who had a good night's sleep on the bed, suddenly screamed. "Oh, go away! Go away! Go away! Ah! Ah!"

When Xiao Nian quickly rushed to the bed, I saw Gongkui still closed his eyes, like a nightmare, two small hands desperately caught in the air, the voice filled with fear.

"Xiaokui, I am a mother, don't be afraid, it's okay, nothing." When Xiaoyan quickly shook open the wrapped towel, gently patted Miyako, the voice hoarsely said, "Not afraid, Xiaokui, let's go out." Play well, go to the playground, there is a lot of fun there, right?"


The call of Miyako is getting smaller.

Seeing this trick is useful, when Xiaonian sat on the bed and continued, "There is a good polysaccharide, mother buys sugar for you to eat well? What do you want to eat, marshmallow or lollipop? Have bought it."

In her voice, Gong Mi is gradually quiet and continues to sleep.

When Xiaonian breathed a sigh of relief, he put Miyako’s little hand into the quilt. The hand was cold and cold without a little temperature.

She sat there, looked at Gongkui, and then looked at the small face of the palace, and the feeling of guilty again tormented her.

The fault was that she committed it alone, but she wanted her child to be punished.

She is not really a good mother, not a good wife.

Miyao loves her, and it is definitely the biggest mistake in this life.

She is just a stupid person who is not enough to die.

She looked at two young children and leaned on the bed. If she couldn't hide the robbery this time, she was dead and had a face?


Miyazaki sat on the side of Miyako and looked at Xiao Nian.

He is young, but he is smart. He can see that he can't keep up with the little thoughts.

"Holy." When Xiao Nian didn't dare to look at Gong Yi's eyes, he sat there watching the strange room whispering whispered. "If there is a chance to come back again, you must not choose me as a mother again."

She is not good.

really not good.

"You don't feel bad." Gong Yi looked at her. He only had this sentence. He didn't know what to say with the time.

"Well, it's not sad, there must be hopes right?" When Xiaonian tried his best to see the darkness of the palace, he said that he had no lie. "Dad is invincible, he will definitely save us." of."

"he is great."

Miyazaki rarely praises Miyako so directly.

"Yes, so we should rest assured, I am tired, sleep, sleep together." Shi Xiao Nian said, "Go home and go to Beibu Bay to play."

"it is good."

Miyazaki didn't know what to do to make the little thoughts better, but only to be obedient. He pulled the quilt down and lay down.

When Xiao Nian gave him a cover, he lay down on one side, and the wound in his hand hurt her ten fingers. She didn't sleep and couldn't sleep at all.

She turned her face and looked at the two children who closed their eyes.

Go to sleep.

Even if she didn't go to this robbery, she would use her own body to protect them in the final journey.

This is probably the only thing she can do.


Time passed by, and the bed of the bed crossed the night at nine o'clock.

Both children fell asleep, and a bunch of snacks and fast food were placed on the coffee table in the room, and no one packed up.

When Xiao Nian was lying in bed with a pair of eyes looking at the ceiling empty, no sleep.

She thinks what Miyamoto is doing now, and the blushing eyes are always in her mind; she wants to be particularly anxious now, and when he saw it, his eyes were all bloodshot.

She let all the people break her heart.

If she can, at this moment, she really wants to die, so that it will not drag the palace.

Lancaster couldn't hold the weakness of Miyako.

But no, the two children are still around her, and her strength is small to protect them, but when can she be protected?


The door was suddenly smashed from the outside.

When Xiao Nian was sensitively sitting up from the bed, her stomach was a little faint, and she turned to look at the door. I saw a few people rushing in. There was a little luminous in the darkness, which made people unable to see clearly.

Until her neck was hit by a cold thing.

It is a gun.

"Get up for me, go! Hurry!"

It is a non-standard Chinese. It should be one of the foreigners she has seen during the day, and it has deliberately lowered the voice.

After that, a few hands savagely opened the quilt and grabbed two sleeping children. The palace was immediately awake, and a pair of black scorpions looked in the dark.

"Don't touch my children." Shi Xiaoyan shouted excitedly. "What do you want to do?"

"Ma's, it was discovered here, we have to take you away immediately! Hurry!"

Foreigners forcibly dragged them out of bed and went outside, and the muzzle kept sticking to her neck.

"You don't hurt my child."

When Xiao Nian was pushed forward, his eyes turned and he was pushed forward in the darkness.

It was discovered here.

Is Gong Ou? It must have been sent by Gong Ou.

Yes, he is so smart, how can it be Lancaster’s plan, he must have come.

Then she should delay the time until the rescue is right.

There was a little hope in her heart.

When Xiao Nian thought that he was pushed into a dark passage, the light could not be seen in the past, and the escape route should have been set up at the beginning of the establishment.

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