CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 957: Unpredictable


Seeing that she cares about herself, the mr palace talks the same way as the wrong medicine. She walks forward and walks faster than her.


When Xiao Nian couldn’t help but shake his head, did he not find that his temper is getting bigger and bigger?

Starlight, the night sky is silent, two young men standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows upstairs, a handsome and handsome, one looks ugly; a quiet, a lonely.

"Mrs. Gong kissed the robot, and now the two are going back. It is estimated that the robot will have to rest with the wife of the palace." Lorry stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, holding a glass in his hand, and he did not drink the red wine inside. Also can't drink. #_#67356


Mu Qianchu stood beside him, the calmness of his face gradually split, and the words were squeezed out between the lips and teeth.

"Of course it is ridiculous, I want to be known by Mr. Gong, but I can’t blow it up." Lore is now more troubled. The physical and mental conditions of Xiao Nian are all entrusted to him, but he really has no way to talk about it. "The spirit of the wife of the palace should be a very serious problem, but I can't help her. Do you have a way to contact Mr. Gong?"

This thing must be known to Gongao.

Mu Qianchu stepped back two steps and whispered. "There is no way. From the beginning, Miyake is ready to contact us to ensure safe safety."

"That is what can only be resigned?"

When Luo Lie’s voice just fell, he heard a door closing sound coming from outside the door. He also heard the direction of the room where Xiao Nian thought. When Xiao Nian was so in full view, he entered the bedroom with the robot.

Mu Qianchu stood there, listening to the sound of closing the door became very ugly, "can't let the little thoughts go on like this!"

His tone is a little excited.

"So what else can we do now?" Lorie shrugged his shoulders. "Is it possible to persuade the wife, or can you persuade?"


Mu Qianchu was silent, and the wound on his arm was dull.

Luo Li suddenly thought of what he laughed and looked at the pair of dull eyes of Mu Qianchu. "Yes, I thought that Mr. Gong was not there. The relationship between you and the wife of the palace is subtle. What will happen? It’s incredible to kiss a robot. I’d rather let her derail you, which shows that her spirit is still normal.”

I thought that the relationship between him and the time is so subtle, what will happen, but I did not expect that when I chose the robot, I ignored his existence.

This sentence made Mu Qianchu white face, he stood there, the position of his heart has been numb, no consciousness.

He was abandoned too many times, and he did not dare to have any extravagance. However, it was so straightforward that he said that he was humble. #67356

Mu Qianchu turned and his voice became depressed. "You can't control a doctor, so I will manage it. Even if I continue to be a bad person, I will not let Xiao Nian indulge."

Lore looked at the figure that Mu Qianchu left, and pushed the glasses. Did he say anything wrong?


In the quiet bedroom, when you open the curtains, you can let a large moonlight come in.

The mr palace followed her into the room but was silent, standing there to weaken her sense of existence.

When Xiao Nian refused to let it go, he stood in front of the bed and looked at it. "Be tired, go to bed and rest for a while."

She actually invited it to bed.

"I am a robot, no need."

The mr palace refused and was full of personality.

"Then sit for a while, the old standing and doing."

When Xiao Nian went forward and pushed it to the bed, the mr palace was pushed back and forth again, and finally sat on the bed, its body is a stiff boulder.

"I have something for you to see." When Xiao Nian went to the closet, he opened the door and picked up a folded gray scarf and walked over to the mr palace.

"what is this?"

Asked mr palace.

"I will weave you, you are going to leave soon. I haven't had time to prepare anything. I will weave this scarf for you." Shi Xiaonian handed him the scarf. "Look, I don't like it?"

It was said that the mr palace had stood up and shouted. "You weave a scarf for me?"

Its tone is extremely angry, and the dull electronic sound can't be hidden.

When I looked at it with a small sigh, my eyes were black and white. "You don't seem to be happy?"

"I..." mr Palace stuffed, and sat back on the bed heavily, and the tone was not good. "I am not unhappy!"

"That's good."

When Xiao Nian smiled a little, she opened the scarf in her hand and encircled it on the mr palace. The mr palace pushed her hand away, and she gave it another, and she dropped her hand and went to her.

"Actually, I won't weave a scarf. I don't know how to weave it." Xiao Nian said with a smile, and gently put a scarf on it. "The UK is not too hot at this time. My scarf is thin. You just need it."

"I am just a robot, not afraid of cold."

The mr palace said that the tone was very uneasy.

"But you are the person I care about now, I hope that you can be good." When Xiao Nian loosened the loose scarf, he gave it a nice looking scarf knot, and his face was satisfied. "It's very handsome, it is suitable for you." ”

"You like it."

The mr palace said one word at a time, and the two hands did not know when they clenched their fists.

"Do you not like it?"

When Xiao Nian asked, the mr palace did not answer, she did not chase after asking, sit down beside it, "and..."

"And? What have you done to send...I?"

The mr palace stood up fiercely, and a cold body had already ran away.

"Why are you reacting so big, I have something to swear at you, sit down." When Xiao Nian looked at it silently, it was really more and more character, so I was not afraid to be exposed in front of her?


Mr. Palace had been sitting there for a long time before sitting back next to her. When Xiao Nian reached out and reorganized the scarf for it, he whispered, "You have to go to England in three days. This time, it’s going to the old man’s nest. It must be very dangerous, you must pay attention to safety."


The mr palace turned his head away, pushed her hand away, and touched the scarf on her neck.

When Xiao Nian was not angry, he continued. "If you are smart, but your temper is too easy to be violent, don't be irritated by others. Don't worry about Lancaster. Everything is based on your own safety. Do you know?"


The mr palace is silent.

"And, don't be too conceited. Everything goes to your shoulders. If you are looking for help, you have to go. Many people are willing to help you." Shi Xiaonian continued, reaching out and smoothing the corner of the scarf.


The mr palace is silent or silent.

"Take care of your body, don't be too desperate, be injured, get sick and treat. Don't delay, or Lancaster will solve it. If you fall down, how can you win?" .

The mr palace sat beside her and kept her silver back to her.

"Mr Palace, I said so much, did you hear it?"

When Xiao Nian reached out and pushed it.

The mr palace is reluctant to look back at her. "Master, I am just a robot, I will not get sick, you have made me too anthropomorphic."

Wen Yan, when Xiao Nian’s eyes stagnate, he immediately said, “You have to go out, I am just worried about you.”

"Like worrying about Mr. Gong?"

Asked mr Palace, she heard a hint of indifference.

When Xiao Nian was dumb, she lowered her mood under the eyes and said nothing. In the past, she looked up and said nothing like nothing. "Okay, don't say this, you remember what I am saying, Going to the UK, take care of yourself, don't be near, don't be angry, can't fight Lancaster is not important, the most important thing is to come back safely."


The mr palace sat there without saying a word.

Seeing it silent, when you read your fingers, "There are three days left, I can still prepare the same gift for you, sell the first, and wait for the last day."

“And a gift?” The mr palace stood up again in an instant. “Master, do you like me so much?”

For a robot, it’s ridiculous to send so many scarves and send scarves to sell gifts.

"I said, I am very comfortable with you." Shi Xiaoyan said faintly, the voice is very soft, no attacking power. "Do you not like it?"

"I..." mr Palace once again said, but quickly answered, "Master, you should rest."


When Xiaonian nodded, she opened the quilt and lay down on the bed. The mr palace stood guard against her like a guard.

She turned and turned her back to the mr palace looking out the window of the moonlight, under the long eyelashes, the bottom of the eyes was lonely, the sound of the exit was relaxed, "mr palace, I have been very happy in these days of love, thank you You stay with me every night, so I have expectations every day."


What did she mean by suddenly saying these words, and a robot confession?

"I am not a strong person, and it is very easy to get into the corners of the horns. If it is not your sudden appearance, I think that I am not me now, I don't know what it will become." Shi Xiaoyan said to him. "But I seem to be slowly thinking about it now. I know what I should do and I should not do anything."

"Master, what do you want to say?"

"Nothing, I am tired." Xiao Nian said faintly, slowly closing his eyes, the moonlight gradually disappeared in her eyes, "mr palace, today's moon is beautiful."


The mr palace looked up and looked at the moon outside the window. It was bright and bright, and the moon was like a skirt. It was really beautiful when it was worn on the body of Xiao Nian.


The next day, the sun shines into the villa, and when I sit in the restaurant, I turn over a gourmet recipe and record the foods of interest.

"Mrs. Palace, is there enough so much flour in the villa?" Several servants dragged out two large bags of flour to look at the little thoughts.

"Enough, there are some data on the ingredients to report to me."

When Xiao Nian turned over the recipe, he said.

Suddenly, a group of bodyguards passed by the entrance of the restaurant, and the steps were neat and hurried.

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