CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 960: Why are you so thin?

When Xiao Nian’s eyelashes trembled even more, Miyao squeezed her chin and slowly forced her to raise her face. Her heartbeat began to violently beat.

Rather than beating, it is better to tremble, she can feel her heart shaking.

Gong Ou does not care.

When Xiao Nian had to look up and look at the man in front of him, it was a man who was thin and almost out of shape, and the facial features on his face became more prominent because of thinning.

so skinny.

No wonder he can now hide in the robot so freely. How can he become so thin, has he never eaten anything?

"look at me!"

Miyako looked down at her, and a pair of black cockroaches sucked her in like a black hole.

To his eyes, there are countless pictures in the blink of an eye.

The trap of the Hill tribe, the gun battle on the field, the scream of the horror of the palace, the one-way perspective of the glass, the back of the palace, the palace, the picture of the wounded, the lore and the beginning Give her an ideological work, and Qiu Qiujun committed suicide...

All the pictures suddenly reunited in front of her eyes and reunited in the handsome black scorpion of Miyau.

She saw blood and countless blood.

She heard the scream, and Miyako was helpless.

very noisy.

A lot of blood.

A lot of blood, don't, don't, she doesn't think about it anymore, she doesn't think about it anymore!

When Xiao Nian’s body trembled fiercely, his lips trembled sharply. Under the gaze of Gong Ou, she pushed him away and ran in the direction of the bathroom.

The wrist was caught by Gong Ou from behind.

"What's wrong with you?" Miyau grabbed her hand and asked, then looked down at her hand, her fingers shaking, shaking his eyes.

How could this be.

When Xiao Nian lowered his head and did not speak.

"Are you afraid of me?" Miyao's black scorpion slammed her to her and pulled her back to her. "Or because of that, you started to hate me?"


When Xiao Nian lowered his head and did not dare to look at him, his breathing became more and more heavy, and he desperately wanted to calm himself down. But when he saw the palace in front of her, she could not control her emotions. All the pictures were in her mind. Flashing constantly and flashing.

She knew that she didn't hate Miyako, but she didn't know why she was.

She can't face it, she can't face it.

"You say something, when you are young!" Miyao clasped her slender wrist and stared at her lowly. "If you hate me, just hit me and take a knife and lick me!"

Take a knife?

A lot of blood, a lot of blood, no, don't... really don't.

When Xiao Nian’s face had a big sweat, she couldn’t control the trembling of her body. Her soft lips shivered open. “I want to go to the bathroom, I want to go to the bathroom.”

"Time to read!"

Miyao is low, is he so terrible? It’s terrible that she has been shaking, she knows that he is hiding in the mr palace, it has been normal.

Is it strange to see him himself?

"Yes, sorry."

When Xiao Nian forced his hand hard, he ran to the bathroom.

Miyau strode up, and the door closed hard in front of his eyes, raising a gust of wind.

When Xiao Nian closed the door, the man suddenly relaxed. She leaned on the door and gasped, and the man was exhausted.

"Give you 1 minute!"

The voice of Gong Ou Ba Dao sounded outside the door.


When Xiao Nian heard it and panicked, he fell tired and leaned against the door, sat down on the ground and looked down at his wrist.

This hand was just caught by Miyake.

She really forgot how long it had not been face-to-face with Miyako, and all the shadows that I wanted to forget could be re-appeared in front of her with her face.

She is really not suitable for talking with humans now. Everyone should have her own future and life. She should not be destroyed by stupidity. She does not want to influence others. She can no longer harm others.

"One minute is here!" Gong Ou kicked the door and played very lightly. The tone was mad. "If you don't open the door, I will be embarrassed."

Trick, don't...

How can she make him feel at ease now?

When Xiaonian sat on the ground and grabbed his hair, he tried to calm his emotions. He leaned back and leaned back on the door, his lips moving. "Why did you become so thin?"

How could he become so thin that he has dissected him and he didn't pay attention?

This way the body will be embarrassed.

Outside the door, Gong Ou raised his leg and was about to take another kick. He heard that his leg was stiff in the air.

Her tone was mixed with crying, and he heard it.

Is she distressed?

"Deliberately reduced, it is difficult to move into the inside of the robot with my original body." He stood outside the door and said.

When Xiao Nian smiled in the door, he smiled a bit bitterly. "What is the effective way to lose weight? In just a short period of time, I want to try it."

"You try a ghost!" Gong Ou snorted, starving every day, not sleeping, she can stand it? What does she have to lose?


When Xiaonian sat on the ground, all the fingers were buried in the hair, and the pain was extremely high.

She once thought that the only person who was suffering was her. Since the appearance of the mr palace, she knew that it was not only her who was tortured.

"When you miss, you open the door!"

Miyao clenched his fist and knocked at the door.

Can't open.

As soon as he opened, he saw her shaking again, she didn't want that.

When Xiao Nian shook his head, "You let me stay inside for a while."

"What the **** are you escaping?" Gong Ou's black eyes slammed the closed door. "Yes, I am thin, but I am not too thin to make people look down!"

When Xiao Nian leaned against the door, he breathed in a big mouth and did not speak.

"When you miss, what's the matter!" Gong Ou bite his teeth. "Can you insist on falling in love with a robot, but you can't face me now?"

The object she wants to talk about is him from beginning to end, not a robot.

In this case, what can she face him.


Just because he is now Miyao, she does not know how to face it.

"You will not come out again, I will take this door! I will leave in two days, let me take a good look at you!" Gong Ou began to knock **** the door, I wish I could break the door.

When Xiao Nian closed his eyes, he heard the sound of knocking on the door.

Yes, he is going to the UK. Is it necessary for her to leave an impression that she can’t be assured before leaving? What is the significance of her deliberate misunderstanding of the mr palace for so long?

She just wants to make him feel at ease.

She is so stupid that she can be saved, and what she can do is to reassure him.

When Xiao Nian struggled to stand up from the ground, rushed to the sink, picked up a few cold water and desperately dialed to his face, and a heart gradually calmed down.

Yes, she must be.


She already knows how to go on her way, she knows what to do, she can do it, she can do it.

When Xiao Nian raised his hand and wiped his face, then went to the door and the door knocking continued to ring.

She reached out and opened the door, and saw that Miyao stood there. The clothes on her body had a piece of sweat, and a long leg was so exaggeratedly lifted, making a trick to slam the door and almost hit her.

Seeing that she suddenly opened the door, Miyao stood there, and the black scorpion passed a slap in the face and put her legs down. "I thought you were going to spend the New Year in it."

"Do you want to wash?"

When Xiao Nian was slightly low, he tried not to look directly at his face, only looking at the sweat on his clothes.

This way she can set some.

"I want to talk to you first."

Gong Ou Dao, when Xiao Nian nodded, said that people walked forward, "Let's sit down."

In the sun, it has been so long, and everyone is empty.

She slowly walked forward, her arm rubbed over the arm of Miyau, but at that moment, it seemed that there was a flash of electric light, and Miyao grabbed her and forced her into her arms, and lowered her head to press her lips.

Long-lost temperature.

Like a summer, I know a heart for a long time, need to scream to resolve the heart of the heart.

When Xiao Nian was trapped in his arms, his lips were firmly pressed, and the long-lasting breath suddenly engulfed her, leaving her head blank.

Miyagzu grabbed her wrist with one hand and stopped her waist with her hand. She kissed her soft lips and rubbed her teeth on it, forcing her to open her lips. The traveller walking through the desert desperately needed water. He The fiery tongue got into her mouth, madly grabbing her sweetness, desperate, and wishing to swallow all of her.

"Oh... um."

When Xiaonian couldn't find himself, his hands were in front of Gong's strong chest but he couldn't make any resistance. "Don't you talk?"

"I am waiting for you to wait for you to go crazy!"

She is so naive, thinking that for so long, he just wants to talk? Then he is still a man!

Miyao let go of her in her breathing difficulties, and arrogantly left a sentence and then blocked her lips again, pushing her all the way to the wall and kissing.

Just a kiss is not enough, he needs too much.

When Xiao Nian was unable to respond well, Gong Ou kissed her more aggressively, causing her to breathe again and again to be satisfied, and she took her from the ground to the big bed.

The sweaty clothes gradually separated from the two people and fell to the ground.


When Xiao Nian didn't know how things happened, everything seemed so crazy and logical when the head was blank. Her trembling became a disguised taste.

Gong Ou has always been a man who can't refuse, no, it is a man who can't refuse.

The warm water floated across her body with a lot of foam, and when I was sitting in the bathtub, I couldn't give birth to a lot of strength.

A slender hand picked up the handle and lifted it high.

Miyamoto sat on the edge of the bathtub, staring at the water in her hand and dripping it on her smooth and fair skin. The sexyness of the drops of water made his throat tighten.

She sat in the bathtub and didn't say anything.

Gong Ou was so stunned by the water, watching the water fall on her body, playing happily, slyly, he looked at her, she sat silently inside, a pair of eyes have been kept drooping, not looking at him.

"There are so many words in the mr palace, and I don't have half a word?" Gong Ou asked on the edge of the bathtub. The voice was low and magnetic, and it was full of coziness.

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