CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 967: You have come to this step today


When Xiao Nian stood up from the sofa and walked slowly, step by step is like walking on the tip of the knife.

It hurts to drop blood, but he has to go down in a sly way.

Pushing open the door of the infirmary, Lorry wore a white doctor's uniform and stood there with a variety of potions. She saw her appear like a ghost at the door. He couldn't help but hook his lips. "It seems that you have thought very clearly. It is."

Nothing can stop her.


When Xiao Nian stood there, watching him silently, and the man slowly walked inside.

"Change clothes in the locker room, I will give you a shot, and then take some medicine." Lore's tone is purely official.


When Xiao Nian went obediently toward the locker room, there was a large surgical gown inside. She took off her clothes and put on a blue surgical gown.

As soon as the surgical gown was attached to her body, her stomach moved, as if she was silently protesting.

When Xiaoyan opened the door and entered the operating room, Luo Lie was waiting there. When she saw her in, Luo Lie sighed without a trace and handed her a small dish with medicine. "Eat these medicines." The water is here, then lie down on the operating table."

"it is good."

When Xiao Nian walked over, there were some white pills in the dish. She reached out and grabbed it. Her hand shook very badly, but she did not hesitate to put it in her mouth.

She is dry and swallowing.

It seems like you want to make yourself feel painful.

Lorry handed the cup to her. "Drink some water, and when you have a pain, there is no difference between giving birth and having a baby."


When Xiao Nian looked at him, Lori found that there were no tears in her eyes, but it was full of bloodshot eyes.

She turned to the operating table and lay down calmly.

Lorley put on his gloves and came forward. He pressed a few times on her stomach. The baby immediately began to move. He was low. "The baby thought that I was playing with him. He was very happy. It would look like a good one. Moving children."

"Can you tell me?"

When Xiao Nian was lying there, there was no hope in the voice.

Don't let her listen again, let this nightmare hurry.

"Well, I am giving you a needle for giving birth now," said Lori. "After that, you will have a certain reaction. You have had a child's experience. It is a painful thing to understand the contraction. This reaction varies from person to person." It may take a long time and it will be more difficult."

Production is painful to greet hope, she is suffering from the death of the dead.

"let's hit."

She doesn't care how much suffering she suffers. This is her decision, so the pain should be borne by her.

"Well, I respect your decision." Lolie said, reaching out and pressing on her stomach several times, deliberately making the child's movements more intense, he looked at the face of the little thought.

Such a clear and beautiful face with five facial features is desperate at the moment.

Lorry picked up the syringe in his hand and slowly lifted it up, letting the syringe enter the line of sight of Xiao Nian. When Xiao Nian was lying with his eyes lying, he suddenly said, "He is called a pumpkin."


Lori stunned.

"He is a small pumpkin." Shi Xiao Nian said in a word, like biting his lip, listening to **** suffocation.

Wen Yan, Luo Lie understood her meaning, "very cute name, he must like it, move even more, but unfortunately, his likes to stop here."

When Xiao Nian closed his eyes, desperately swam the whole body, and every movement of the child was tearing her nerves.

"Then I started taking the injection."

Luo Lie said that the hand holding the syringe slowly fell, and when he entered the place, Xiao Nian’s hand grabbed the surgical gown.


The door was suddenly opened with force.

Luo Lie turned his head and saw Mu Qianchu standing in the doorway panting. A pair of dull eyes were looking forward at the moment. There was no correct place to drop. His face was not as good as the time.

"This is the operating room, what are you doing?"

Lorry asked coldly.

"I came with a little thought!" Hearing the voice, Mu Qianchu walked toward them accurately and touched the hand on the operating table. When he felt the bulge, He let out a sigh of relief, and he will pick up the little thoughts. "Little thought, you go with me!"

"I am treating, at the beginning of the thousand, you let go."

When Xiao Nian’s hand was opened, he was still pulled hard by Mu Qianchu, and the whole person sat on the operating table.

Mu Qianchu took her hand and her eyes "瞪" to her. "What treatment? Is it induced? If I didn't realize that you were not right these two days, people stole the information of Dr. Luo. I don't know." You have to have an abortion!"


When Xiao Nian looked at his face in shock, he actually knew.

"Go, you go with me." Mu Qianchu was gentle in the past, and repeatedly forced her to pull down the operating table.

"Thousands of early, this is my business."

When Xiao Nian refused to leave with him, he reached out and pushed him.

Upon hearing this, Mu Qianchu’s face was paler. He laughed and laughed at himself. “Yes, I am not qualified to take care of you, but I am no longer qualified to rule you today! Follow me!”

Said, Mu Qianchu pulled her hard, and Lore stood on the sidelines and symbolically stopped. "Mr. Mu, women have absolute autonomy in birth, I believe you should know."

When I heard the voice of Luo Lie, Mu Qianchu’s tone was very powerful. “Doctor Luo, I appreciate your being, but I didn’t expect you to be just a listener, not to consider it for others.”

"Thousands of early, Dr. Luo is not such a person."

When I have a headache, how can there be so many twists and turns.

Lori has tried to get her to leave her child, she is too stubborn.

"Since you have read my information, you should know Mrs. Gong's condition. For her sake, I can only respect her." Lore stood there and put the syringe aside.

"For her good?" Mu Qianchu clasped the hand of Xiao Nian's hand and sneered. "You think this child is gone, how long can you still live?"

When Xiao Nian’s body was stiff.


Luo Lie silently looked at the time.

"Small thoughts lived in an environment that required her to fulfill her companionship, especially after she was together with Miyako. Anyone should be fed up. She is not a weaker ability to resist. On the contrary, she needs her resistance. Too much, she is used to any pot on her own back."

Mu Qianchu said, "Now she has attributed all the factors to her. The shadows of the twins are her back. The mother's death is her back. You think that respecting her is good for her. In my opinion, if even this child is No, she died earlier than anyone else!"

Luo Lie looked at Mu Qianchu with some shock, and Mu Qianchu actually knew this when he was so young. This was what he did not expect.

When Xiao Nian wanted to break the hand of Mu Qianchu, Mu Qianchu grabbed her hand and left, striding out of the operating room, and even hit the wall without a bang.


On the balcony, the air floating in the woods is fresh and the sun is warm.

When Xiao Nian draped a thin coat sitting on the wicker chair, Mu Qian was standing on the balcony, his hands pressed the handrails, his back was slightly bent, the short hair was blown up by the wind, the five senses were feminine, and the eyes were dumbless. .

When Xiao Nian looked at him, I remembered that a long time ago, when I was young, Mu Qianchu liked to stand on the balcony and blow it up. At that time, he was the same.

The two sit and stand, they are silent.

When Xiao Nian pulled the jacket on his body, he was trying to stand up. The voice of Mu Qianchu came. "Small thoughts, I know that you hate me for doing more business. I also know the most unqualified person in the world." It’s me, but I can’t watch you die.”

He can't do it.

When Xiao Nian’s eyes were dull and whispered, “It’s not that serious. Really, there are more abortions in the world. The children are still unaware, it’s okay, it’s really okay.”

Small pumpkins won't hurt, and they won't hurt.

Mu Qianchu retracted his hand and stood straight, slowly turned to face her, and the man walked over to her, sat down on the wicker chair next to her, and the voice was low with a hint of dumb, "Little thought, we I know each other for a long time, and I am very clear about what kind of person you are."


"I don't know Lorraine's psychology. I only know that you can't go through the death of people around you." Mu Qianchu said, "From now on, if I don't sleep for 24 hours, I will stare at you until you will The child gave birth."

It’s too late.

She took the medicine and it was too late.

When Xiao Nian was trying to say, Mu Qianchu said again, "You are not a woman who has no power and no ability. When can you start, you have forced yourself into a silk flower? You are for Gongao, For the so-called no longer hurts the people around you, even if you die, you don't care? Well, you don't care, he will not care about Gong Ou?"

"I will be strong." When Xiao Nian said, the voice was a little shaken.

Perhaps she said that she did not have confidence in exporting herself.

"I don't believe it." Mu Qianchu said, and then a bitter smile, "Do you know, I just heard people read your condition, I suddenly hated Gongao, I was thinking, if I didn't have amnesia, If we are together, I will at least not make you look like this."

She will become like this, half of her character, half of which is due to the overbearing strength of the palace.

Wen Yan, when Xiao Nian’s eyes stagnate, his heart hurts slightly.

"But I later thought, I have such an idea, I have done so many wrong things." Muqian said, "If I have not done those things, now you will at least take me as a friend, and me. Talk and listen to my suggestions."

Instead of all of her own decisions, I will do whatever I want, and I will not hesitate to push myself to a dead end.


When the little thoughts are silent.

"You have come to this step today, there is not even a person who can ask for advice. I am also responsible." Mu Qianchu said bitterly. "If your parents are still there, you can at least complain to them." , but now it’s gone."

When Xiao Nian looked at him, he sat quietly there, his eyes covered with a layer of water.

"You don't want to do this at the beginning of the thousand years. Since it has passed, I don't want to mention it any more."

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