CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 969: When Ms. Qian began to solve the problem

"I have to deal with the worst." Mu Qianchu's voice reveals a bit of dignity.

Everything here can only depend on him.

When Xiao Nian quietly stood there listening, I didn't expect Gong Ou to go, they had an accident. So many people and children, she can no longer watch anyone hurt.

"If it is Lancaster, it should have been attacked as early as possible." Lori said.

"There is a possibility, that is, they are still not sure where we are. Shooting is just a temptation. We want us to be self-defeating and show us the flaws." Mu Qianchu’s heavy voice came.

When the little thoughts are tightening the lips, this possibility is indeed great.

"Why is our location leaked? No one has ever gone out. They are all staring at one. There is no signal here. How did they find the approximate location by Lancaster?" asked Lorient.

"I can't figure this out." Mu Qian first said, "And this is not the most crucial thing now."

There is no time for them to think about what happened, they can only solve it.

"In this case, do we have good movements or no movements?" Luo Li asked. "Nothing is done. If the other party really comes up, what should we do?"

The words fell, and the room was silent.

When Xiao Nian didn't know what they were thinking, for a long time, Mu Qianchu's voice sounded, "Is the surgery of Xiao Nian necessary?"

She stood outside the door and squatted. She didn't understand why Mu Qianchu suddenly mentioned her.

"What do you want to say?"

Lore asked.

"If Xiaonian's surgery has to be done, her body will definitely be weak, then we can't act, we can only spend it here, take a step and look at it." Mu Qianchu said, no way to think about it. .

When I heard the words, I was stunned and my eyes were bleak.

Unexpectedly, she dragged people down again. It turned out that she really couldn’t think of anything and couldn’t do anything.

She turned and left.

The stars at night are dense, the sky is dark, and the air is a touch of coolness.

When Xiao Nian went to the lawn under the night, he looked at the broken walls from far away, and there were few fireflies flying over there.

The night wind blows her skin gradually. #67356

Suddenly, there was a cloak on her shoulder. When Xiao Nian grabbed the corner of her clothes, she was stunned. The gentle laughter of Mu Qian’s first thought behind her. “How, didn’t you fall to the ground?”

The tone in the room was still so heavy, it would be easy, it was completely for her to see.

When Xiao Nian turned back, the light of the ground lamp was not strong, and it fell on two people. The outline of Mu Qianchu was illuminated by a layer of shadow. The facial features seemed extra-dimensional, and the eyes were narrow and long, and the color of the eyeball was light and light. It is beautiful.

However, his face is also a piece of blue and swollen.

"Your face..." When Xiaonian looked at him with concern, he immediately guilty. "It’s all because of me, it will kill you..."

Mu Qianchu’s face was deeper and he pointed to the wound on his face. “You will not even blame this on you? It’s that I am going to beat him, it has nothing to do with you.”


"The volcanic eruption is also related to you? Because you are breathing?" Mu Qianchu calmly looked straight ahead and said that his smile was light.

When Xiao Nian pulled the cloak on his body, "I don't know if there is any relationship with the volcanic blasting mountain, but everyone here is because I am here, and you may be at any time because of me..."

"Everyone is willing to volunteer. Because of the owe, Dr. Luo is guilty. Because the rest of the people have taken a high sum of money, everyone knows that it will not be too comfortable here, but they have chosen to come, not so great. Because of you." Mu Qianchu said, "Your significance to everyone has not yet reached that point."


When Xiao Nian stood there and looked at Mu Qianchu, Mu Qianchu did not look at her, unlike others who always stared straight at her, as if to look into her heart.

His words inexplicably made her a little easier.

These words have never been said to her, she looked at him, "I seem to have been listening to you for a long time."

Because of her parents' affairs, she coldened Muqian early, and now she is getting along under the same roof every day, and she has not listened to what he said.

She is always trapped in a besieged city.

"Then you are willing to listen to me now?" Mu Qianchu asked.

When Xiao Nian thought, "I don't hate it."

So honest.

Mu Qianchu laughed and said, "Dr. Luo’s report says that you are facing, so I thought of abortion. Are you really facing it?"

“Isn't it?” Xiaoxiao’s eyes were bleak and his voice was low. “I am looking for a good path for everyone.”

She doesn't want to hurt anyone.

"Is it? Then you come with me to prove it."

Mu Qianchu suddenly raised his hand and grabbed her wrist accurately and stepped on the lawn. When she read it to him, her wrist was tightly held. She could only follow him.

Mu Qianchu listened to the wind and then walked toward the broken wall. Far away, Xiao Nian saw the childish graffiti under the night.

She subconsciously wants to escape. "Where are you going to take me?"

When Xiao Nian broke his hand, he was tightened by him. It was hard to take her to the broken wall with a hard time. "When you were young, you would use the right way to relieve your own sadness. Painting, how big is the more you will not?"


When I miss my lips.

When Mu Qianchu suddenly mentioned her childhood, she is not a childhood time.

Mu Qianchu took her to a wall of pieces, and the broken wall was the graffiti of her childhood. It seemed that Mu Qianchu was also there, and he stayed with her until late.

"You said that you are facing, why did you come so long, you have never been here before?" Mu Qianchu asked.

She explained palely, "I only liked painting when I was young..."

"If that's the case, Miyako will not try to move these walls here." Mu Qianchu stood there. "He knows that you will be sad, let you graffiti, but you put all your grief in your heart. It grows like a snowball."


When Xiao Nian stood there silently.

"Small thoughts, you are never really facing, you just closed yourself." Mu Qianchu said her symptoms in a word.

When Xiao Nian went back a step, leaning against a wall, he looked at Mu Qianchu.

"Small thoughts, you have always been brave. I have come across so many things before. There is no reason to plant them this time." Mu Qianchu said.


When Xiao Nian stood there silently, he did not say a word.

Only the wind is blowing at night.

The fireflies turned around and flew away.

I couldn't hear her voice. Mu Qianchu suddenly smiled again. He raised his hand and touched the wall in front of him. A pair of eyes looked at the side without a gloss. He said, "Do you forget the sadness of the past, I To remind you, I often come here, the graffiti on this side should be the year when you were taken care of by your adoptive father, so many relatives and friends are there, you just touched a little noise when you helped the dish, he put You don't want to eat your dog."


"Later, you can't sleep, I will accompany you to paint, you painted a black old witch on the wall, no, it is an old witch, a pointed nose, a black hole, especially scary. But in the end, you Still writing at the bottom, Dad, I still love you."


When Xiao Nian was low, she was still thinking about family happiness and parental care.

Mu Qianchu touched the painting on the wall and said that the more he invested, the more he walked toward her. He took her hand and walked to the side. "And this wall, you painted it in a mess, it was your mood." It's very doodle. You see how well you used to paint, it used to be so naive."


"I also remember the paintings here. It was a time when I went back to the festival. You are not happy. I went to paint alone. In fact, I was behind you."


"Please, Xiao Nian, why did you paint me like a clown? You didn't always say that I look good, why did you paint me so ugly at that time? Don't say that you are not unhappy because I left." Mu Qianchu said with a smile, reaching out and touching it on the wall, he said indefinitely.

When Xiao Nian stood there and looked at the smile on his face, his eyes could not help but wet.

She didn't remember how sad she was when she was a child, but the paintings of Muqian's first finger were all wrong. Probably to enlighten her, he taught him to remember these paintings on the wall, and even walked here over and over again. position.

But when he brought her over, he bypassed a wall, so the next painting was all wrong.

He said so much, but none of them matched the content of his mouth.

"I have to say that this painting is the best, the little princess inside is really beautiful." Mu Qianchu touched the wall and said.

When Xiao Nian stood there and looked at him like that, his nose was sour, and he reached out and grabbed his mouth, no sound.

"You see, what happened when you were a child is no more trouble than you are now? But how good you are at that time."

Mu Qianchu said with a smile, he kicked his leg and kicked his foot, did not kick anything, the smile on his face slowly cooled down, he continued to kick, kicked and kicked him to realize that he completely said Wrong, his face suddenly became pale, and people stumbled and went outside.

When Xiao Nian went up.

Mu Qianchu touched the wall and walked a lot of roads. Finally, he found a bag full of spray paint cans on the grass on the other side of the wall. He picked it up and handed it to her. The smile was a bit pale and pale. "You are not saying that you are now. Already facing it? If you can really face everything, let your heart out."

When Xiao Nian looked at the bag in his hand and looked at him without his bright eyes, he couldn’t help but turn his head away, and the water in his eyes was even worse.

"Small thoughts, you can do it." Mu Qianchu clasped the bag with attachment.

When the little thoughts are silent.

"You don't want to paint? Well, I will paint it for you. What do you hate most at the most, how about I paint you as a big witch?" Mu Qianchu said with a smile, picking up a cylinder of paint cans in place. After a few laps, I finally touched a wall to spray. "This is a new wall."

That is obviously a graffiti wall.

When Xiao Nian wanted to talk, Mu Qianchu had already opened the lid, and he had to spray it against the wall, but the spout was aimed at himself.

"Thousands of early!" When Xiao Nian finally couldn't stand the arm of Mu Qianchu, "Don't be like this."

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