CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 989: Miyamoto lives on her neck


"I have ordered some of him before, but he still has his own way, I have not thought about changing, and you are also indulgent, preferring to take a calming medicine to kill the child and refuse to tell him that he is doing the opposite!" Standing there and saying, "He thought he had calculated everything, but if you didn't enlighten you in the forest, you wouldn't be able to go through this bombing!"

"..." When Xiaonian stood there, listening to Loire’s blame, she couldn’t say a word, she stepped back two steps. "Maybe you are right."

She finally knows why Gongao was so unusual in the restaurant just now that he knew everything, and passed the direct and absolute way.

What she said is so understated... but it is more stimulating.

Lori stood in front of her and watched her attitude soften. "It takes a doctor's advice to pay attention to serious injuries."

When Xiao Nian continued to go backwards, she smiled bitterly. "I know that surgery can also require the spouse to sign and agree. Why can't I wait for my mouth?"

She did so much and the results were all white.

"Excessive concerns about a spouse can sometimes only delay the condition."


When Xiao Nian was speechless.

She turned and left, stepping out.

When Xiao Nian went upstairs, every step was like the lead in his legs. He was very heavy. She went to the bedroom and looked at the closed door with some discretion.

She has not stepped into this room for a long time.

When she was biting her lip, she pushed the door open for a long time. When she stepped on her foot, she heard a vomiting sound. She blinked in shock and rushed into the bathroom without thinking.

The faucet is open.

Miyao's hands pressed on the sink, vomiting constantly, no food, only sour water, vomiting the entire face of the blue veins exposed, very incomparable.

"Miyao?" When Xiaonian rushed forward worriedly, he quickly reached for his back. "How are you?"


Gong Ou lowered his body and vomited for a while, and he couldn’t vomit anything.

Looking at the blue veins on his forehead, Xiao Nian didn't dare to vomit as long as he vomited. She patted him for the back. "You have nothing to vomit, drink some water."

She hurriedly poured a glass of water, Miyao stood bent over and stood there, a face stretched tightly, the blue veins were all exposed, and the eyes were red and bloody.

He didn't say a word, and he vomited in the moment when she handed water. The handsome face had become painful and embarrassing at the moment, but he was like a moment of inertia, constantly vomiting against the sink, constantly vowing...

When Xiao Nian looked at him worriedly, he put the cup aside and hugged him from behind the palace. "You don't want this."


Gong Ou once again retched, when Xiao Nian could feel his body twitching, in pain.

"Dr. Luo told me everything, in fact, it is not so serious. Really, you shouldn’t be so good, I am very worried." The voice of Xiao Nian was so comfortable, his hands clasped him tightly, his head. Go to his back.


Miyao squirmed wildly, as if she could not hear her completely.

After a long time, Gong Ou only turned off the faucet and stumbled and went out. When Xiao Nian carefully held him, he was pushed away by Gong Ou.

He walked forward like a drunk, and the whole person fell to the bed, leaning his head on the bed of the leather. A short hair had already been soaked in sweat, and the blue veins on the forehead did not have any trace of disappearance. There is no expression on the face, a pair of **** eyes looking ahead, no focal length.

When Xiaonian poured a glass of water and sat down to the bed, "Are you alright?"

"I just ate too much."

Miyao fell there and suddenly took care of her, did not look at her.


Xiao Nian looked at him dumbly.

"I have been eating too much." Miyao said, the voice was hoarse to the extreme.

This is the first time since they knew him that he had admitted that he had eaten too much. He always felt that his stomach could contain all the food she had.

A very simple sentence, I don’t know why, when I heard it, it’s hard to get fat, and my nose is sour.

"Drink some water, Palace Europe."

When Xiao Nian gave the cup to him.

"I don't drink."

Gong Ou took her hand away, when Xiao Nian didn't hold the cup, the whole cup squatted on her leg, and the cold water ran down her legs.

When Xiao Nian was about to go to the cup, Miyao had already rushed out of bed, and the whole person was kneeling in front of her, and her eyes were almost prominent. "How, hot, no? Is it hot?"

His hand was tightly held on her lap, only to find that the water was cold.

"I'm fine, Miyao."

When Xiao Nian was low, he looked at him.

This lightly ignited Miyao, and Miyazaki stood up, his eyes glaring at her. "Nothing? Nothing! Even if I force you to take a calming medicine to kill the child, you are fine. Is it? When you are young! Are you **** crazy? What are you going to do?"


When I was stunned, I looked at the face that was angry with him, and my nose was more sour.

"I didn't know until today that I almost killed you!" Miyao stood there and said, "I didn't let you die in Lancaster's hand, but it was in my hands! When you read, you Let me almost kill my favorite woman! Why do you do this! Why do you rely on it?"

He was so vocal that he was like a life and death enemy.

When Xiao Nian was slammed into his ears, Gong Ou glared at her. "Do you know how much I hate you now!"


When I heard the words, Xiao Nian looked at him dumbly, his body was twitched, and the heart almost stopped beating.

He said that he hated her.

How could this be.

In the next second, when Xiao Nian was forced to push down on the bed, Gong Ou's whole person sat on her legs, and stretched out her hands and grabbed her neck. The blue veins on the back of her hand came out. "I am You paid everything, but you made me almost kill you! Why don't you say it earlier! Why? You have so many opportunities! You have a chance!"


"Anyway, you will be killed by me sooner or later, I will kill you today!" Palace Ou Xiasi groaned, her hand firmly stuck her neck, her fingers trembled so hard, how could not be able to do it again.

When Xiao Nian was lying there, looking at his red eyes, there was a desperation that could not be said.

She thought that he really hated her.

He hated her and made him almost lose her.

She looked up at Miyako and her long eyelashes trembled. "What should I do?"


Palace Europe sits there stiffly.

"How can I do it, Miyako." When Xiaonian whispered, his eyes were wet. "I can't stand this kind of chess-like protection. I can't stand someone who died for me. I can't stand two children. I have been shadowed... But what can I do? I know that this man is centered on me from beginning to end. I just want to protect me from start to finish. What qualifications do I have to blame him? What qualifications are there to tell him, I Is there a problem with the spirit? Um?"

She can't do anything.

If she does it, she will not go to this step today.

"So, you can keep me in the dark!"

Miyao stood in front of her and said, a pair of blushing eyes glared at her.

When Xiao Nian was lying on the bed, a long hair had already spread out and landed on the quilt. She was stunned and reddened, and a tear fell from the corner of her eye.

She looked at the man who wanted to kill herself. She said in a word, "You have become a cage for my extreme protection. I have kept me tight and tight, and I can’t breathe. But what can I say, I am afraid that the man who built the cage for me is sad."


"I am just afraid of hurting you, Gong Ou, I am afraid to hurt you. You have suffered enough for me." When Xiao Nian said, closing his eyes, the tears in his eyes continued to fall. "I just want to use myself." The ability to protect you, just wants you to suffer less damage, leaving me with my own back, back to back."

"You are just a woman!"

Gong Ou took her.

"I am a woman from Miyako." When Xiao Nian opened his eyes and looked at him with a glare, "I know that Miyao has a big lie. He said that he is invincible. In fact, it is not."

He is only an individual.

He is hurt and hurts more than others. She just wants to share some for him. She doesn't bear it. She is afraid that he will fall.

It’s just that she hasn’t been able to bear it, like a balloon finally inflated to the moment of bombing.

Wen Yan, Gong Ou Dun became like a stupid child, just staring at her, his eyes full of sluggishness, only those bloodshot eyes so clearly carved pain.

Suddenly, he looked at his hands still on her neck, his face changed, and he quickly released his hand.

Miyao's whole person fell to her side, her head pressed against her face, her forehead pressed against the tears in her eyes, and he was there, like a beast with a wounded head, sobbing low, "I'm sorry, Sorry, sorry, time, sorry, sorry... I don't know what I am doing."

When Xiao Nian was lying there, listening to his apology, his heart was uncomfortable.

"When I miss, I don't want to think about what I have done, you give up on me." He said to her side, his voice was low.

When Xiao Nian was stunned, he turned his head and looked at him stiffly. The white fingers slowly touched his face, and his face was pale and desperate.

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"I don't want to kill you earlier than Lancaster. You give up on me. I want to go wherever I go." He couldn't tell a word, but said that she would give up.

The words of Luo Lie were too big for him.

When Xiao Nian caressed his face, his eyes were covered with water. She moved her lips and asked with difficulty. "I am a little thought, are you willing?"

She was the time when he got his life, he now let her give up...

Miyag Ou was there, the red eyes fixedly looked at her, without the sharpness and strength of the weekdays, like a little beast abandoned in the forest, just look at her.


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