CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 998: Gong Ou publicly flirting

Chat, he went to do something serious and talk about what day...

When Xiao Nian had no time to say anything, Gong Ou’s voice passed through the computer and wiped her face. “Speaking in front of my child, when you are young, you are waiting for me! I will let you Know if I am old!"


When she was worried about the headaches, she heard the low laughter from the palace and the staff, and she felt even more embarrassed.

It’s not too early to say that her voice can reach his ears and those computers outside.

In this way, when Xiao Nian thought that the car of Gong Ou stopped at the door of the Barry club, she came over, a pair of black and white eyes staring nervously at the screen, two pictures, one facing the main entrance, one It is his badge perspective.

She bit her lip.

I saw the bodyguard get off and respectfully open the door, and the palace slowly descended from the top, slowly wearing leather gloves and walking inside.

The waiter at the entrance of the club stopped him. Gong Ou’s eyes were cold. A bodyguard smashed the waiter’s foot. “Looking for death? Even Mr. Henry didn’t know, dare to stop?”

After that, the proof on the handle of the bodyguard was thrown to the waiter.

Miyazaki used the relationship to find this Mr. Henry, bought him, took all the identity materials, and made the most out of his appearance according to his appearance.

"Sorry, sorry, Mr. Henry, please here." The waiter was kicked and did not dare to swear. He nodded to the palace. "Do you want to make an advanced box or play two?"

Miyako stood there, and even the eyes did not look at them, arrogantly pulling the leather gloves on his hands, the voice was low, "as usual."

The deliberately changing voice, the thick English accent, from his mouth is like a gentleman in an old film, with a special taste from head to toe.

When Xiao Nian sat there listening, some fascinated to look at the man on the screen, it turned out that he played such an old gentleman would be so charming.

So sexy.

When Xiaonian thought silently, looking at the picture of Gong Ou into the Barry Club, as soon as he entered, the monitoring images outside would not see him, only from his micro-chapter and cufflink monitoring. The picture inside.

Unlike the unpretentious surface outside, the facilities inside are extremely gorgeous, the sofa is a leather, the details are luxurious, and almost every corner has people like bodyguards walking around.

Miyao was taken to the second floor of the box, the waiters had all kinds of smoke and rain, and half of the table was covered. A silver box was opened in front of Miyao, and all the chips were inside.

This is a poker club, and it’s not okay to gamble on a few rounds.

"Mr. Henry, how?"

The waiter asked.

When Xiao Nian could not see the face of Miyau in the picture, he only saw his hand picking up a glass of whiskey with ice and shaking it, shaking the sound of ice cubes hitting the wall.

I have to admit that such an action is also handsome and thrilling.

"Less drink a little."

Xiao Nian said very whispered, she knew that he was carrying out his mission, he should not interfere, and he would follow him if he could not hear it.

When the words fell, Gong Ou’s hand paused, and after shaking the two cups, he put it down and said English in a lazy way. “All is necessary.”

"Okay." The waiter faced the bodyguard next to him. "Please ask the two to exchange chips."

After a few people left, Gong Ou immediately stood up and slowly turned around in the same place, and immediately showed them the whole box.

"The club is not an ordinary person. The normal place should be impossible to monitor, so don't worry." Gong Yu's voice rang in the computer. "You must gamble a few, don't be suspicious."

"You are teaching me?"

Miyao was cold and cold, and reached for the flower pot next to him. He opened the curtain and looked out.

"Yes, the young master of the palace does not need to teach people, everything is careful." Gong Yi said helplessly, "pay attention to yourself."

"A club is just what it scares you."

Miyao is indifferent, so it is said, but he still said according to the palace, carefully choose to gamble a few.

The second floor of the club is a large-scale casino. It is full of tricks, but the things that are played are all without exception.

In order to avoid getting noticed, he lost more, won less, and constantly changed the table to play. When Xiao Nian saw several passage doors in the picture taken by Miyao, everyone stood in front of each door.

I don't know which door has the clues they are looking for.

When Xiao Nian was thinking, Gong Ou suddenly chatted with a young woman with brown hair and blue eyes. The English style was sexy. He spoke and confused the young woman and looked at his eyes. All were full of adoration, and he gambled several times with him. He lost his face and was happy.


When Xiaonian sat in front of the computer, his heart suddenly got a bubble.

Ming knows that Gong Ou wants to inquire about something, but she can't help but feel that she can't find a man to ask, must I find a woman who can't wait to show her career line?

After betting a few, Gong Ou suddenly stood up and went out. The computer voiced the **** voice of the brown-haired woman. "Mr. Henry, don't you play?"

"Means nothing."

Gong Ou head did not go back to the front. The next second, the picture in the lens was shaking, and Gong Ou was pressed to the wall by a hand with red nail polish.

Then, when Xiao Nian sees the woman's surging career line in the picture.


There was a burst of exclamation from the outside room.

When Xiaonian gritted his teeth angrily, a group of jealous men only knew to stare at this and see what they looked good.

In the picture, the brown-haired woman is very young, and her makeup is very charming. She stands in front of Miyao, and she dials her hair and rushes to the palace. I don’t think it’s interesting. Am I interested in playing?"

After that, she was quite a chest.


When I was very eager to grasp the mouse, I bit my teeth tightly.

I have never seen such a woman, but I have already followed a few words with you, and you are just an uncle in front of you.


“Oh?” Miyao’s hand in leather gloves holds the woman’s slender wrist, and the voice is magnetic and elegant. “Is it interested in cigars?”

"I like it very much, that is the sign of a mature man." The woman looked up at him, and the tempting hints in her eyes were obvious.

"That goes to my box."

"my pleasure."

The woman took the arm of Miyau and followed him away. Many people looked at them in the picture, but they did not agree with this kind of picture of your wish, and no one cares much.

Miyao brought the brown-haired woman into the box. When she entered, she heard a "squeaky" sound. The woman dragged her high heels and sat directly on the black long table. The two long legs were together. Sexy posture, a pair of eyes extremely power to hook the palace Europe.


When Xiao Nian tried to hold the mouse harder and harder, she endured it. It was just a play, and Miyao really wanted to do something that would not be under her nose.

She is forbearing, she is tolerant, she is generous...

When Xiaonian sat in front of the computer, he could not wait to bite his teeth. The woman was approaching the woman. In the picture, the plump career line was getting closer and closer to the camera.

The woman raised her face and bit her own red **** thick lips. In the picture of the palace cufflinks, the woman was lifting the legs wearing black silk, and the toes were grinded a little in the pants of Miyau, all the way up.

When I was so angry, I almost shot the mouse. Is this woman’s leg so soft? Have to be raised to 120 degrees!

Seeing the woman's feet constantly rising, getting closer and closer to the sensitive part of Miyao, when the Minor's nails were scratched on the surface of the mouse, venting his anger, and the nail scraping on the mouse was extremely harsh.

"Try this."

Without waiting for the woman's foot to approach her **, Miyao let it open, handing a cigar to the woman's lips and preventing her from giving a kiss.


The expression of a woman's stupidity became a capital in the picture. She did not expect that Miyau really let her smoke the cigar, and some looked at the man in front of her.

“I like the excitement of cigars.”

Miyako also picked up a cigar, and the woman suddenly looked at her face and smiled so badly. She picked up the cigar and touched him. "I am willing to accompany you."

So the man and the woman just sat at the table and started to pick up the cigar. While chatting and chatting, the woman never gave up the seduce. She sat close to the palace, and an uneasy hand climbed to the palace. Wandering indiscriminately.

Miyao did not stop.


When Xiao Nian was stunned in front of the computer, she almost wanted to drop the mouse and left. As a result, she could only do it with her nails and scratches.

She is forbearing, she has to endure.

Miyao must have his purpose in doing this. Certainly, he will not change his clothes in order to go openly.

In the box, the smoke was very fascinating, and the camera was somewhat incomprehensible. When the little thoughts stared hard at the picture, I saw that the woman was over-extended, and she climbed the palace as a mountain, climbing her hands and feet to him. On the body.

“Is the stimulus enough?” the woman said slyly. “With me, even a 90-year-old man does not need any external stimulation.”

"Yes? Then I have to try."

In the smoke, the lens is getting closer to the woman's career line. This angle looks like it is going to kiss the woman's lips. This is a must for the dog men and women.


Death Palace Europe! You are so happy! Did he have such a play on the day when she was closed?

When she was so mad, she scratched the mouse, but she still felt uncomfortable. When she stood up, she would go, and she heard the sound of "砰". The woman fell in the sofa deck and was already in a coma.

Miyao scattered the smoke, cold and authentic, "There are only customers in the basement who have not been in, I went there to check."

His tone is very different from the tone of the previous **.

When Xiao Nian licked his lips, he looked at the picture in the palace to organize the sleeves, and heard him dissatisfied with the authentic, "When you read, are you blind? Is this not jealous?"

He waited for a long time, and as a result, she could actually do it all the time. Isn’t he going to bed with this woman and she will have a little expression?

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