CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1014: Gong Ouqi can't find the cause

It turned out that she has become the second owner.

"That said, the mr palace still remembers what happened to us before, but it has betrayed me under your control." Xiao Nian laughed at himself with a smile, and she turned her head to look at the calm lake. "The people who play with technology are really smart, people have a feeling for technology products, and then cut off."

She and the mr palace have experienced a satirical joke in the hands of people who play with technology.

"This will also get your husband in." Bit said, can't hear if it is ridiculous.

"Now do not need it to do undercover, why not directly change its recognition of the main program, let it forget me?" When Xiao Nian asked, she is so uncomfortable to be concerned by the mr palace.


Bit is silent, just looking at the lake.


When Xiao Nian looked at him, without waiting for the answer, the two men sat side by side by the lake, and the mr palace on the side stood quietly, as if guarding something.

For a long time, the bit stood up from the ground, ** said, "The milk is very cold, drink it."


When Xiao Nian looked at the food in front of him, he did not speak.

Bit turned and left, leaving a sentence floating in the night before leaving. "I don't hate you, I don't want to delete the program."

When Xiao Nian sat there for a long time, then she stared at her own hands and thought, is it really time to thank her for cooking? Because of this cooking, Bit did not hate her.

It is pure luck for her to live now, and she does not know what to do next.

The mr palace left with the bit, when a small person left alone at the lake, the man leaned on the big stone, silently looking at the lake in front, the wind blowing her long hair, confused her eyes.

I ate a little bit of stomach, and when I didn’t know it, I fell asleep on the stone, and the body had an unspeakable fatigue.

In her dreams, she returned to the time she had just met Miyazaki, and she was almost mad by a paranoid distrust every day.

Every picture was terrible, but she could raise her lips with her dreams, and even the lake was not aware of her feet.

For example, in the exquisite museum of the museum, Feng De walked almost in front of her in a halo. "It is useless to be stubborn. It is better to follow the young master than to follow the young master. It is good to say that you have established a relationship. Isn't it?"

She asked Feng De how to please.

Feng De pointed to her hand. She opened her own fingers and looked at the thick stack of papers. Suddenly, all the papers became pots and pans.

Feng De stood by and laughed at her and smiled mysteriously.

Then, when Xiao Nian woke up, his body was cool and his feet were soaked. She retracted her feet and looked up at the night. The night was darker than ever, and even the moon could not be seen. .

I don't know how long I have slept, when I have a sneeze, I decided to go back. She has to live healthy and can't stay outside.

But how can she go back to Miyao?

When Xiao Nian stood up and went back, her feet were numb, and she quickly reached out and held the cold stone beside her, and the ten fingers were barely in the night.

When Xiao Nian thought of the dream he had just done, the righteous father said that stubbornness is useless, and obedience to establish a good relationship can have a way out.

I don't know if this set can be used in this boy?

Anyway, they all like to eat the food she made. Even if she can't let the bit put her, at least she can exchange some information through the food, and then find another way, instead of letting time pass.

When I think about it, I have a moment when I have a moment.

Yes, Miyako must be trying her best to wait for her to go back, and she has to work hard.


In the 13th district, the night was calm and deep, and the branches led to the high walls. In the walls, the bodyguards alternately patrolled in shifts.

A bedroom is lit with lights, and on a large bed, Miyako lay down on the quilt and fell asleep, without the meaning of waking up.

A snow-and-silver Fende walked anxiously in the room, repeatedly paced, and looked at the bed from time to time. The doctor finished the inspection for Miyao and stood up.

Feng De was originally arranged in the palace of the old castle, but there was a big event on this side, and Gong Ou did not wake up all day. The headed bodyguard did not dare to contact him.

He rushed over and did not expect it to be such a scene. The three masters of the palace were missing and one was not asleep.

"Block the housekeeper."

The doctor respectfully lowered his head toward Feng De.

Feng Dechao made a look, and the two stepped out of the bedroom. The doctor immediately said, "The housekeeper, I am incompetent. I really can't see the second master in addition to being overworked and having any problems with his body."

"This does not blame you, I gave the young master the pulse, did not put a problem to let you diagnose again with the perspective of Western medicine." Feng De said, tone with anxiety.

The doctor said with a sigh of relief. "The company even said that the two young masters are really tired and need to rest well."

"Okay, you go ahead."

Feng De let the doctor leave, standing alone in front of the corridor of the handrail, looking down, the bodyguards are standing in their posts, not dare to relax at the moment, there is no chaos here, everything is as usual.

But Feng De has no doctor's optimism, Xiao Nian has disappeared. How can the young master still sleep, that is, the fight will not fight, and he will not be able to sleep at this critical moment.

Is it too much thinking or is there another reason?

Feng De couldn't find out. For a whole day, Xiao Nian and the young master had no news. If they go on like this, everything must be messed up.


There was a noise in the room.

Feng De quickly returned to the room, only to see the palace Europe sitting tired from the bed, a cup was knocked down by him, the water flowed out.

"Young Master." Feng De immediately went over and carefully raised the palace.

"What are you doing? I can't die."

Miyazu opened his hand and hated this action, as if he was a weak person, he had nothing.

"Yes, young master." Feng De retreated to the side, hands in front of him, dare not speak.

Miyao was holding up his body and his head was faint and so that his eyes were dizzy. He shook his head hard and the whole room did not rotate.

He rubbed his eyebrows and said coldly, "How come you?"

"I am waiting for the young master." Feng De bowed his head back.

"I will let you stay in the old castle, and everyone will rebel. Who will let you go all over here?" Gong Ou opened the quilt. "When is it a little thought? I am hungry!"

He is not sleeping well, how tired, eyelids always want to stick together.


Feng De looked at him with some stunned look. This one eyes made Miyau think of everything in an instant. His face suddenly became ugly and irony. He went down from the bed and went to the door. His body was shaken several times and almost fell down.

"Young Master, are you okay?" Feng De quickly chased.

"what time is it now?"

Gong Ou asked while walking.

"11 pm." Feng De replied truthfully, Gong Ou asked again, "Is there anyone who is looking back?"


Feng De was silent, and he could not say this answer.

There were just a few bodyguards coming over, and Miyao’s anger was unstoppable. When he lifted his legs, he turned a bodyguard to the ground. “Waste! I let you a bunch of waste come to see the sunrise and sunset. What is the use of raising you! Even the individual can't find it!"


A few bodyguards did not dare to resist, and they were so angry that they were angered by Miyao. Some people were stunned and they didn’t dare to scream.

Miyao did not vent excessively on them, just said, "Give me the record of your work today!"


Gong Ou went downstairs, took two steps and stepped on the air. People almost rolled down. He quickly reached down and held the stair railing to stabilize himself.

A turn of the head, Gong Ou saw the fear of Feng De's face.

"Young master, I think your situation is not right. Maybe the medical equipment here is not enough. Would you like to go back and do a physical examination?" Feng De worried.

Or transfer the instrument, but if you transfer it, you have to transfer a lot of large equipment, which may cause Lancaster's attention. It is safest to sneak back to do a check at this time.

"What are you talking about!" Gong Ouhei screamed at him coldly. "Is there something wrong with me? I warn you, if you are old, you will stay at home honestly, don't lie in the crowd!"


Feng De was sprayed with a look. When he looked down, he saw the bodyguards in the hall looking at him. He had to keep his mouth shut.

Gong Ou continued to walk downstairs. This time, he also took a careful note and did not step on the air.

As soon as he entered the hall, Miyau opened all the monitoring screens, and then took the records handed over by the bodyguards. The brows were tightly tightened.

"It's still smart, you know the secret search." Miyao looked up a little bit better after checking the records. "There is no movement in Lancaster?"

"No, as usual." The headed bodyguard immediately said, "So I guess they don't know that the young master and the second grandmother are gone, otherwise they will definitely act."

If you catch someone, it will be a reaction to life and death, but Lancaster does not.

"Does the young master go to secretly investigate the bit with Xiao Nian?" Feng De handed the note left by the palace to the palace. "It may be that the young master is gone, and the tension is also with the past."

"Impossible!" Miyao opened the note and glanced at him. "They can't be together."

"How can the young master see it?"

Feng De doubts.

Now Lancaster has no movement, just to say that the palace and the small thoughts are relatively safe, isn't it? Just don't know where it is.

"In short, Xiao Nian will not be arrogant to leave me!" Gong Ouqi is authentic, lifted up and looked at a group of bodyguards in front, angered not to hit a place, smashed the information in his hand, "She is I’m going to have an accident under your eyes! I tell you, there’s a time when you have a little thought, I’ve stripped you all!”

Paper flies in the air.

The bodyguards slammed into the ground silently.

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