CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1016: : Building a relationship successfully!

When Xiao Nian said, he went into the kitchen.

Bit sat there, watching the swan lake dance that had already seen boredom, and his eyes were a bit stunned. Why can she sneer at the life of the nobility so calmly, who would not want to be tall?

Holding a noodle to watch a funny TV? That is a despicable act.

When Xiao Nian baked some bread and cake in the kitchen, the baby in the belly was always noisy, and she wiped her sweat from her head and took a deep breath.

Work hard and try to get back to Bit as soon as possible.

When Xiao Nian picked up the tray and found the mr palace, "I want to give the bit a bit to eat, and trouble you to take me."


Mr Palace bowed his head and thought about it. Fortunately, Bit did not set a program for it to prevent her from entering the work lab. She also just went to see the environment of bit work.

When Xiao Nian followed the mr palace, she was very surprised why there was no Lancaster bodyguard in this place, only the bit of the maid, she must understand.

The closer you are, the more familiar you feel when you are young, the company in ne is also a machine, and there are countless dizzying codes.

In front of it is a glass door, when Xiaonian looks through the glass, Bit is buried in the back of the computer, there are some instruments around she have seen, it is clearly used to study robots.

When Xiao Nian opened the door and walked in, trying to pile up a smile, "Little Master, I will send you a cake."

When the words fell, Bit looked up in shock and looked up.

When Xiao Nian was also there, Bit did not sit behind the computer as she thought, but was holding the plate of pasta she was making, biting a face, a pair of sea blue eyes. He was stunned and innocent and embarrassed.

Eat pasta in front of the computer?

When Xiao Nian remembered that he was opposite him, he couldn’t help but smile. It was still a child. It seemed that he was bound too much by the dogma of the nobility. She suddenly knew how to establish a good relationship.

Bit sees the Italian noodles immediately, picks up the paper and wipes the mouth, unhappy, "I said let mr Palace send, I thought you are a polite person."

When Xiao Nian stood there for two seconds, then went on and put the tray on the desk in front of him.

Bit saw the cake eyes bright, and then turned his head over his face. "There is a small restaurant outside, let's go over there."

When Xiao Nian looked at his computer, the blue model and data of the robot, she lowered her body to hold the mouse.

"what are you going to do?"

Bit was nervous to push her, and her hand was taken back to her belly and subconsciously retracted.

“When you eat, how can you eat these? Have you seen funny funny shows?” When Xiao Nian joined the Internet, he searched and found a western funny show.

This program is very famous. She hasn't touched computer TV for a long time, but the maids of the palace have been discussing this program recently. When she talks, she laughs and she knows it.

"You don't want to touch my computer!"

Bit unpleasantly yelled at her, angrily took the mouse from her hand to turn off the webpage, was about to close, and saw the funny artist in the show jumped into the Swan Lake and suddenly sat down on the ground, very vulgar Put a fart...

Bits stunned and looked like a new world.

ten minutes later.

The glass door of the research room was pulled into the curtain, and there was a burst of laughter in the lab. Bit was wearing a valuable suit shirt sitting on a leather chair, holding a cake and laughing and laughing. It’s coming out soon.

"Look at you, how is this person so vulgar, then fat is still convinced."

"Ha ha ha ha! I can't win if I look at this person. I also say that my makeup looks good, ugly die!"

"How can there be such a person, it is really inferior and funny, you see your face... Hahahahaha!"

When Xiao Nian sat down and watched the bit, he laughed that the whole person was almost in the chair, and his suit was wrinkled and he didn’t know it. He stared at the funny program on the computer. I laughed very happy, and the cake ate three without knowing it.

He looks like a normal child. A 16-year-old boy always has a temper to do things, and he is very tired.

Thinking about it, Shi Xiao Nian said a few words with him. Some people accompanied him and saw that Bit was more happy.

In the next few days, the relationship between Xiao Nian and Bit was soaring. Every time she visited her in the mr palace, she took a delicious cake and walked into the research room of the bit. She watched various entertainment programs with him. .

She now knows that Bit has barely seen this. Even TV dramas and movies have seen very little. He was left outside by Lancaster, but he was severely educated into a nobleman.

"Hahaha, this fool! I am stupid! It’s stupid and stupid, how stupid it is so funny!" In front of Xiao Nian, Bit has completely put down the shelf, and is very relaxed to do something he has never dared to try before. Things.

When Xiao Nian stood there, he took out a piece of paper and handed it to him. He smiled. "You are also very funny, don't you wipe your mouth?"

Looking at the paper in front of me, Bit smashed a bit, shyly and slyly took the paper and rubbed his mouth and looked at her. "Is it really funny?"

"It’s funny than the fart guy."

Before changing, Bit must have felt insulted, but I don't know why, he only feels very fun and relaxed, as if he had unloaded a hard armor.

"When I finished eating, I took things away." Xiao Nian said, put the tray aside, carefully scrape off some of the cake scattered on the table, carefully wipe it clean, check it over and leave him a neat one. The working environment is afraid of making him uncomfortable.

The maids will also be so carefully polished, but he swears that those people are only afraid of him and he is not concerned about him.

Bit by bit, the place on the chest seemed to be caught suddenly. He looked up and looked at the white face. The black and white eyes were far from blue and beautiful, but it seemed to make people Very comfortable, people want to sink into it.

"You must be a good mother, a good wife." Bit's voice suddenly sounded in the lab. "You deserve the best."

When I heard the words, when Xiao Nian wanted to hold the tray, her hands were stiff and her eyes were sour. She slammed her eyes a few times and her eyes were dull.

"what happened to you?"

Bit asked, he didn't notice that he had a lot of concern in his tone, and even his brow wrinkled with a little movement of her.

When Xiao Nian stood there, he looked at her lowly and smiled bitterly. "I left my child, my husband, I don't know when I will be back to them, maybe it will never be possible."

"..." Bit sat there, his eyes followed. "You desperately pleased me, do you want me to let you go?"

"I know, even if you let me go today, I will probably be caught tomorrow, and I will be regarded as a chip of revenge for your father." Shi Xiaonian whispered, "I am not saddened here, but I am I don't know when this battle will end."

"You shouldn't kill Mona." Bit looked at her, and the blue scorpion was serious. "She is the father's favorite daughter and a pretty good sister. Of course, I know this is wrong." ""

Xiao Nian is a gentle and good person, he knows.

"Anyone who cares for a child can be distressing." Shi Xiao Nian stood there and said in a word, "Like the original, if Gongao does not kill, it is our son who died."

Bit sat there, stubborn. "That shouldn't kill him. Mona is a good person. Among the brothers and sisters, she is the only one who smiles at me and invites me to her wedding."

Only in the end he was banned from attending. He was only a servant's child.

"Bit, although the deceased is big, the fault is not necessarily on the living." Shi Xiao Nian said, and did not intend to argue with Bit, they are always the opposite.


Bit looked at her silently.

"In any case, I am very happy to meet you." Xiao Nian smiled. "I was angry and scared when I saw you at first, but now I am glad that fortunately I am in your hands, my baby and I Can live alive."


Bit's gaze shook and she looked at her silently.

"I don't have a younger brother. If there is, he must be as cute as you are." When Xiaonian said jokingly, "Well, don't delay your business, I am going out."

After that, when Xiao Nian left, her smile turned off, her teeth biting her lower lip and biting a white.

She and Bit always stand out and don't know when they can communicate.

"Time - small - read."

The blunt Chinese pronunciation suddenly sounded behind her, and the three words were like being bitten and said, especially hard.

When Xiao Nian looked back at some confusion, I saw Bit standing in front of the computer, and a pair of blue eyes looked at her deeply. "You can rest assured that I have won the space for myself. One kilometer is our family. The bodyguard is also the person who stares at me, but I am staring at this kilometer. Even if I fly a bird, I can know it right away, so you are safe."

When I was looking at him, she thought... Has the relationship been successful?

"You fight for space for yourself, but you are not in the family..." The voice of Xiaoyan was getting smaller and smaller, and the last doubt was swallowed into her stomach, and she couldn’t bear to say it directly.

Bit of course knows what she is going to say, her eyes are at the extreme. "My status is very low, but my father has become a need for me since I discovered that I have made achievements in science and technology. He will not force me. Too tight."

It turned out to be the case.

No wonder she came here for so many days is safe, she lives under the protection of a teenager.

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