CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1026: Escape from birth

Chapter 1026 escapes from birth

There was a long fleet of cars on the road under the night. An old gray car suddenly rushed from the opposite side and slipped past the first car, so that the driver could not reflect it.

When Xiao Nian was surprised and wide-eyed, looking out the window of the opposite car, after a sudden brake, the head of a gray car reflected into her sight.

Like the lens that slowed down in the movie, the window was put down a little, and Xiao Nian saw a face that Sun Si night thought.

Miyako sits in the driver's seat and wears a cap on his head. The face under the cap has a clear outline and a deep line of eyes. A pair of dark eyes gaze at her through the window, and the thin lips smack a sigh of evil. In the arc, there is no panic.

He held the steering wheel in one hand and held the window in the other hand.

That posture is like the coming of the gods, which is surprisingly unprepared.

When Xiao Nian was staring at the face, her heartbeat jumped sharply. What she wanted to say, I saw Gong Ou’s hand pressing the trigger, and one hand put it down to adjust the gear position, and the finger movements were neat.

The next second, when the little thoughts heard the screams of the driver, the head of the bodyguard went to the palace and the Europeans shot, the palace Europe stepped on the gas pedal, the car retreated, and the bullets rubbed on the edge of the car.

The gunshots are extremely harsh.

When Xiao Nian reacted from the initial shock, the nephew turned and quietly moved to the door of the door, trying to keep his body down.

This action made her a very difficult stomach, her stomach was crowded, and she frowned.

From the oblique point of view, she saw Miyao outside the window opposite the car, he was sitting in the car, black eyes staring at her, seeing her knowing that the smile on her face was deeper.

The smile is especially evil under the night, which makes people feel amazed.

That's right, it's a shock.

**! All gave me a car to kill people! fast! The head of the bodyguard hysterically shouted, picking up the phone and aiming at the palace, the hand just moved to the window.

A shot hit the window, and the streamer flew to the back of his hand, wiping a piece of blood red.

Damn, their RV is too high. The driver can't drive when he is dead. This angle is so smashing. He can't see each other, but the other party can clearly see where he is.

He suddenly realized what he was, and quickly retracted himself without exposing himself to the other's goal.

The next second, he looked at the time.

When Xiao Nian’s locked hands were on the door, his body was low.

Do you still want to run? The head of the bodyguard screamed and rushed toward the little thoughts. One arm slammed her neck hard, quickly blocking her in front of her, pointing her at the window, and placing the muzzle in her temple. .

let me go!

Xiaoyan was struggling with excitement.

Give me a good point, or I will kill you! The head of the bodyguard was already tense, and the whole face was green. He held the pistol in one hand and was ready to go.

My husband is coming, you can't fight him, it's better to surrender. When Xiao Nian was stuck in his neck, he couldn’t breathe a little. The inconvenient body kept moving with him. Her hands were always on her stomach.

Farting! He is alone, I will not kill him?

The bodyguard's saliva sprayed on her face, and she shouted loudly, Gong Ou, you **** a kind of shot, watching me or you woman!

Between the two men struggled, Shim Nian had been hearing the sound of the head of the bodyguard's head slamming into the roof of the car. She looked out the window of the car, and the person shook so badly that the face of Gong Ou was swaying in her sight.

The pair of dark scorpions kept staring at her, and there was no smile on that face.


When Xiao Nian was struggling even more, the bodyguards in other cars fell down, because the glare of the high beam did not dare to approach the old gray car, for fear of going up as a meat shield, only dare to face the gun far away.

Gong Ou, the gun is thrown away, or I immediately killed your woman! When the head of the bodyguard was struggling, Xiao Nian said loudly, and did not get out of the car, just squatting in the car.

Miyao should not listen to him!

When Xiaoyan excitedly shouted, he was all captured when he put down the gun. She struggled even harder. For a second, she even hoped that the gun on her head would be fired.

At least, Miyako can retreat.

it is good. The voice of Gong Ou came from the air, without any meaning of gnashing teeth, nor any tension, just as it was easy to ask for a meal.

Do not--

When Xiao Nian madly moved, the head of the bodyguard was shaken by her in a small space and almost could not hold her.

When you are young, remember what you said at sunrise.

The voice of Gong Ou sounded in the night, not in a hurry, not too dry, very magnetic, and every word seemed to stick to her heart.

Promises under the sunrise.

If there is one day, he will die in front of her, she can't let him watch her die.

When I heard the words, Xiao Nian’s body was stiff and no longer moving, and the eyes were flushed to the outside.

This is like a word. The head of the bodyguard sighed and stabilized his body. He shouted at the outside and quickly threw the gun. I counted it to three.

When Xiao Nian was almost half-squatting in the car, looked up and saw that Gong Ou opened the car a little forward, so that they could see themselves more clearly.

It should be said that she can see more clearly that the position of the man standing behind her is not good enough to see only part of it.

Then, Gong Ou turned the pistol and handed it out the window, ready to throw it away.

When Xiao Nian knew that he had thrown away, there were not many gun holes on his body, but countless guns.

The feeling of this kind of eyelids turned out that she couldn’t stand it anymore. When she saw the sight of Xiao Nian became blurred, she heard the man behind her breathing becoming nervous. He was concentrating on the gun in Miyao’s hand. So hard.

When Xiao Nian bit his teeth, he went to the palace and went to the palace to decide to gamble.

Miyao’s gun is slowly getting out of his hand.

When he was dragged, Xiao Nian leaped up and jumped, and his stomach hurts. The head of the bodyguard was slammed into the roof of the car by her, and the pain was fierce, and the hands were unconsciously loose. When Xiao Nian does not deliberately the whole person will fall.

When the head of the bodyguard sees the pain, he is going to pull her up and the head is lowered.

Miyamoto was sitting in the driver's seat, the pistol had fallen off his hand, and the moment when the little thoughts jumped up in the small window of the window, his eyes glanced, his hand quickly fell, and the gun was picked up. , transform gestures.

In the moment when the head of the bodyguard went down to pull the little thought, Gong Ou did not hesitate to buckle the trigger.


A shot headshot.

When Xiaonian painfully fell in the car, his hands were on his stomach, and the person who had not eased to the side fell down. Half of his body pressed her and a pistol fell to the side.

The blood of a car was splashed.

When Xiao Nian’s body splashed a lot, the voice of Gong Ou sounded outside, and when it was small, it came out!

Hearing his voice, when he was not able to take care of his physical discomfort, he tried his best to push the body away from him, and rushed to the door of the car, pushing the door open and panting out.

The high beam of light stabbed her and she could not open her eyes.

I saw that the high beam suddenly rushed forward, the body was almost worn by her, and Xiao Nian was shocked to see the tail of the car.

She heard someone screaming, as if Miyao had hit each other.

Soon, the car began to go back again. This time, the rear door opened, and the car went backwards a little bit, and the guns continued to ring.

When Xiao Nian couldn't care too much, he rushed into the car of Miyao with the gunshots. Her whole person almost slammed into it and fell into the seat as soon as she entered.

The door has not been closed yet, and Miyamoto has stepped on the gas pedal and reversing the speed very quickly.

The whistling windmills and the messy guns kept ringing outside.

This road is not wide. A car can stop the road when it is stopped. Miyako’s car is halfway on the road, half of it is stepping on the roadside flowers, and the open door is scraped on the side of the RV, making a dazzling spark.

When Xiao Nian was turned upside down, she changed direction and rushed to close the door, and a bullet hit the car glass.

The window suddenly shattered.

When Xiao Nian couldn't help but fall back, they circled the road from behind!

Those who dare not move forward in the high beam, because the line of sight is not good for themselves, so they circled around from behind.

Attach your seat belt and sit down!

The voice of Gong Ou sounded in front, and the voice was a touch of cold.

When Xiao Nian’s hands were still locked, he could only force the seat belt to be fastened. Just after he was fastened, Gongou would turn the car in place, facing the numerous guns and stepping on the accelerator.

In the sound of guns, screams began to scream.

When Xiao Nian’s stomach was so painful, she held her hands together and clenched her teeth.

Gong Ou's car rushed out handsomely in the rain of bullets. Soon, a car of the Ministry of the House went out in front of him, and a department rushed out to break the danger for them.

One brake, Miyako parked the car on a wide platform, which is a place where some old people say that they are healthy.

When Xiao Nian was relieved, why did you still have an ambush?

He knew that there was danger, and he almost died.

Gong Ou opened the door and opened the door of her door. A pair of black eyes stared at her deeply. The distance was so close. It was only after the discovery that his nephew was full of fear.

It turned out that he was so scared.

She thought he was more determined.

Rush will only hurt you, I am not so prepared! Miyao said with a thick scorpion, bent over and stood outside the door, throwing a cap and throwing it away. How are you? How is it blood?

His voice shook when he talked about blood.

It is splashing, I am fine. Xiao Nian shook his head and reached out to open the seat belt. The next second, her neck was held down and the whole person was fished out.

Half of the body of the palace Europe got into the car, and the cold thin lips pressed up.

When Xiaonian’s eyes widened, Gong Ou kissed her lips, madly plundering her breath like a beast swallowing, opening her lips, tipping her tongue desperately, and tasting the warmth in her lips. I feel that she is alive.

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