CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1029: Premature birth at the most inappropriate time

Chapter 1029 Premature birth at the most inappropriate time

When Feng De forced to hold the small thought into the car, he looked at the bit with some hesitation before getting on the bus.

When Xiao Nian also turned to look at the bit.

Bits stood there quietly.

When Xiao Nian pressed his hand on the door, he smiled at him and was bitter. In fact, I really wanted to leave you, but I don’t know why, I can’t force you, I just hope that you don’t regret your decision. and also

Bit worried and looked at her sadly.

Also, if you can, leave a glimmer of life in your research. When Xiao Nian said, Feng De once again urged her to get on the bus. She smiled and said goodbye.

After that, when Xiao Nian bent down and endured the pain, he got into the car and sat down beside Miyao.

Bit looked at her and sat up. One hand couldn't help but stretch out and tried to catch her, but she couldn't catch anything. He could only watch her get on the bus.

She knows that he is very important, or does not force him, just like the last time, she clearly can ask for help from Gongao but gave up, he knows that she is only thinking about his safety.

I will give you the next pulse. Feng De also refused to stay strong, and when he got on the bus, he gave the time to Xiao Nian. When Xiao Nian sat there, his face was pale and full of pain. She bit her lip tightly.

The wind drifted into the car, making her even more uncomfortable.

When Feng De saw it, he pulled it on the door and looked at them bit by bit. There was a blank in his head, leaving only one thought.

Once the door is closed, Xiao Nian will leave him. He does not know if she can be healthy and safe.

More importantly, no one will be as good as her.

No more.

Ghosts and gods, in the moment when the door was completely closed, Bit suddenly opened the door and drilled up. This is a big car. It is more than enough to sit on four people.

He got into the car and found a position to sit down. Both Xiao Nian and Feng De looked at him with some surprise.

Bitt looked over at them and asked Feng De, how is she? Why is there so much blood flowing?

Wen Yan, Feng Decai continued to concentrate on giving time to the small thoughts, and then reached out and pressed her belly, his face is very unsightly, Xiao Nian, you must be mentally prepared, to premature birth.

Premature birth.

These two strange words let the little thoughts stay there, she subconsciously held the hand next to Miyao, but Miyao did not wake up to give her a word of comfort.

Will the baby have something? Can you live? When the little thoughts were stuttering, I asked with fear.

She can't let the little pumpkins have something to do. This is the baby of her and Miyako. Miyako has been looking forward to it for a long time.

So we have to go back and prepare, send someone to the hospital to take the blood bag incubator, do all the necessary preparations, and can't evacuate. Feng De said.

Can't evacuate.

Isn't that a bunch of people accompanying her to be in danger?

Send Miyao and Bit first! When Xiao Nian took the opportunity to make a decisive statement, Feng De didn’t quite understand Chinese, but he heard what his name was about and immediately said, I don’t want to leave, I will stay with you.

Righteous father

When Xiao Nian had not taken care of the bit, he just looked at Feng De on request.

Feng De sat there to appease her, well, you don't have to worry about it, I will arrange it, you should adjust your breathing, not too nervous. I am not professional enough, I have to go back and ask the doctor to show you.

Fortunately, the young master also accompanied the doctor of obstetrics and gynecology.

When Xiaonian nodded, he was deeply breathing by the side of Miyao. However, the pain came from a burst of pain, and her head was numb, and the blood on her trousers was getting deeper and deeper.

If she is so painful, can she not give her a painkiller? Bit asked excitedly.

She wants to prepare for production, how to eat painkillers.

Feng De said, looking at the time when he was distressed, he could only adjust her breathing with her over and over again, and wanted her to be better.

When the car is driving forward, it is inevitable that the road will be bumpy. When the car is upside down, the little thoughts will be painful, and the pain can not be suppressed. The hand is tightly clutching the fingers of Miyau Ou.

It hurts too much.

There was no such thing when they were born twins. Every time she turned, she felt that she was dying.

When Feng De saw her getting more and more painful, she almost had to go through the gas and couldn’t help but say that it was better for me to wake up the young master.

It doesn't matter, I don't mind.

When Xiao Nian tried to shake her head, she was not naturally obedient, and she was not able to help me. She would only be nervous and confused. His body was not good these days. This is to add unpleasantness to him.

He is also a person who likes to keep himself awake, and seeing her like this, let alone cutting his fingers, she is not surprised that he has left his arm.

The pain slammed into her, and when she went to Miyao's body, her hands and feet were cold. She resisted the pain, but she still couldn't stand it. She wanted to sit in a different position, and the result was more painful.

Xiao Nian Feng De looked at her with concern and turned to look out the window. Road, fast, we are coming soon.

When Xiao Nian’s face was pale, his hand was tightly held, and Miyau’s hand was whitened. His fingers moved, and she immediately released her hand, fearing to wake him up.

Bit sat there, nervously rubbing his hands and looking at the wet traces of the pants under her, but I didn't understand too much, but I was more and more worried.

Is she really okay? Will she have something? Will she have something? Bit eagerly asked three sentences in a row.

Feng De looked at him and did not answer. He only took a deep breath when teaching.

Daddy, Feng De’s arm has one more hand.

When Xiao Nian tried to hold him hard, his face was full of cold sweat, his eyes were a little faint, his lips shuddered, and his righteous father must save my baby and must live.

Even the best doctors don't dare to guarantee that the children born early can survive healthy and healthy.

When I looked at it, I was so desperate to endure the pain. I was not willing to say anything. He patted her hand. Don’t worry, the righteous father will fight for it.

Be sure.

When Xiao Nian gritted his teeth, the car turned a bit again. Her whole person suddenly thundered like in the ocean. She tried to go upstream, but a big wave came over and let her rise and fall in the sea.

The sea is rolling over her body, not gentle, it is all pain.

There is no place in her body that is intact, except for pain or pain.

Drink some water, come and stay awake. Feng De looked at her eyes more and more, and quickly opened a bottle of water and handed it to her, we must stay awake.

it is good.

When Xiao Nian took the water bottle, the car was driving on the road that was not flat enough. She endured the painful drink, the water did not drink a few mouthfuls, but the small half bottle spilled on her body.

She hurt her hands and caught the bottle.

Nothing is ok, we will be there soon. Feng De comforted her. In fact, there is nothing. There is no difference between premature birth and full-term production. As long as it is born, the child can live in the incubator and must live. Don't be afraid.

When I heard this, Xiao Nian’s face was a little better, and she tried harder to hold back the pain. The hair roots were all wet.

I don't know how long it took, when Xiao Nian had been so painful that I could not feel my legs, and the car finally stopped.

Feng De and Bit get off the train in succession. When the small hand is pressed, the seat is going to go down. The person is too weak to stand on the ground. The foot is like a step on the knives.

She was almost the whole person who rushed from the car to Feng De and Bit. The bit saw her and hugged her and walked inside.

When Xiao Nian was held in his arms, he turned back subconsciously.

Gong Ou still fell asleep in the car, slept very hard, no expression on his face, his head sagged slightly, his chin tightened, his thin lips groaned, his eyes groaned, and the deep outline of the light was a touch of light. shadow.

He still maintains that sitting position, he is still asleep.


When Xiao Nian’s lips moved, she finally did not shout out.

Bit holding her in a hurry to catch up, when Xiao Nian can no longer see Gong Ou, she hangs down, if she can, she really wants Miyao to be with her.

But he couldn't bear to look like this. He couldn't bear to let him watch her for a while.

Under the guidance of Feng De, when the bit was holding, Xiao Nian rushed into the high wall and rushed into the temporarily prepared operating room. Even if no one thought of it, Xiao Nian would suddenly give birth.

Several obstetricians and gynaecologists have already wore surgical gowns to wait there, and they will meet them immediately. Mrs. Palace, this pill is contained in the mouth and can make you feel better.

When Xiao Nian was obediently holding pills, the faint taste of Chinese medicine spread out in her mouth. She was placed on the operating table, and a strong light was instantly turned on, piercing her eyes frantically.

Why not go to hospital for surgery? How to look here is not like a place to do surgery, you will hurt her life. Bit looked at the surrounding environment and excitedly picked it up.

hospital? Now that the hospital is safe here, at least it has always been their safe haven.

I have sent people to the hospital to take the necessary things. The rest of the instruments are only more complete than the nearby hospitals. The doctors are also the best. Feng Dao took the bit back, bit young, you are still waiting outside, I have to change the operating suit.

Feng De decided to accompany him with a small thought and give the doctor a shot.

Bits are hard to launch the operating room.

When Xiao Nian was lying on the operating table, he wanted to ask why Feng De did not withdraw the bitter palace. He had not yet opened his mouth, and a sharp pain hit her overwhelmingly.


When Xiao Nian screamed in pain, his hands were clutching, it was so painful.

how about it? Feng De put on the surgical gown and came over and asked, there is a doctor back, I have to wait for a while.

She hurts like this, can't she still be born?

Feng De asked with anxiety.

When Xiao Nian was lying there, she didn't hear what the doctor said, but she thought the doctor must have shaken her head because Feng De sighed softly.

This waited for a while and then let the little thoughts suffer another hour of torture. The pain made her completely forget her normal health.

The pain of the sky.


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