CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1033: Going to a date for death

Chapter 1033 Going to a date for death

Going back now, they have lost their initiative, it will only be a **** battle.

Everything that was arranged during the time was meaningless.

Gong Ou lifted his eyes and gaze at them. In an instant, everyone did not speak. The eyes of Gong Ou were too cold and too determined. Like a sharp point on the ice front, people didn’t even dare to try to touch. .

He stood up, his slender fingers knocked down the wine glasses on the table, and the red liquid leaked out again, splashing the table, and the color was glaring.

Miyako’s hand was shaking more and he couldn’t control himself.

A few seconds later, Gong Ou turned and left, everyone wants to stop and dare, the doctor stood far away, seeing the situation can not help but open the way, the second young master, do you want to see the baby? He didn't even have four pounds.

People see that children have a heart of love, especially a child as small as after birth. Miyako may find that he has more important responsibilities and will give up his self-investment.

Sure enough, Gong Ou stopped his footsteps.

The doctor saw a play, and quickly let go of the side, pointing to a door not far away, the little baby is inside, the second master went to see it.

Miyau’s legs moved, and the tip of the shoe pointed to the baby’s room. There was still no expression on the handsome face, as if it had been indifferent.

In the next second, Gong Ou turned back and said, striding toward the cabin door.

The doctor suddenly squatted there, could not help but loudly, the second young master, your wife wants you to take a look.

Upon hearing this, Gong Ou suddenly sneered, full of ridicule, thin lips, and indifferent words, her hopes have never been my hope!

It was like she sent him to the plane, just as she asked him to take a look at the child and then couldn't get away.

She is wrong.

He never did what she thought, he was a paranoid, did she forget? He has always done it according to his own ideas, cold-blooded and selfish.

Gong Ou continued to move forward, and his back was indifferent and decided.

At that moment, everyone understood that no one could stop Miyao from going to a date for death.

Gong Ou went forward alone, and some people in the bodyguards suddenly said, "Two young masters, I will go back with you, but also have a care!"

Then there was a second, third, and fourth self-sufficient.

Wen Yan, Gong Ou slowly turned around, a pair of dark eyes looked at them coldly, the voice was cold like snow, your life I did not care, but the time to save.

Everyone has an embarrassed face, and the second young master always hurts.

I don't force you to go with me, but you have to go, the consequences of my palace Europe are all responsible! I am dying to your family, and there is a palace in one day, and they will be rich and rich! Gong Ou said one word at a time, and even mobilized bodyguards are different.

The bodyguards face each other, and Miyao speaks too white, just like a pot of cold water pouring out their momentary blood impulses, no one will not be afraid of death, who will want to hide.

Miyau noodles turned his head in an expressionless manner. Suddenly someone stood up and said, I went, please take care of my family.

I also went, Mrs. Gong has been very good to me.

Then I will go, if it is not the wife of the palace, let us withdraw, I am already dead.

Then let's go together. There aren't many people who have no chance of winning. The palace has sent people to meet them. We may be able to support that moment. The headed bodyguard opened his mouth and then no longer **** to get the gun to start equipment.

The remaining bodyguards began to equip their weapons.

Gong Ou looked at them coldly, and his teeth were tight.

When you are young, this is the group of people you have to be wronged to keep. The eyes are not bad.

He is coming, little thoughts.


As expected, when they rushed back from the underground waterway, they were completely occupied by the Lancaster family, and the two sides faced each other, and a fierce battle was launched.

The gunshots began to spurt out, and the water droplets ooze out of the stone wall, slowly falling, and the blood splashed, and the water droplets changed color.

Cruel and strong.

In the dark and damp stone room, when the little thoughts were lying on the poorly pushed bed, the surgery was not finished, and the surrounding white bra was close, and the eyes were dazzling.

She lay quietly, and had recalled the first time she broke up with Miyako. At that time, Miyau wanted to break up with her and couldn’t tell the real reason, so she pulled a bunch of others.

He even said that her upper and lower rows of teeth did not look good enough.

In order to find a reason to break up, he was really bothered and hard. When he thought of it, the lips of Xiao Nian’s lips were slightly bent, and a pair of loose eyes showed sweetness.

I really want to tell Gong Ou, she has checked her teeth many times, and it is obvious that her teeth in the upper and lower rows are particularly neat and ugly.

The doctors are rushing to perform the surgery in a fraction of a second. When they look at it, they look at her. She smiles, is a little shocked, and is somewhat inexplicably sad.

Outside the white cloth, everyone looked at the ground or stood or stood. Bit sitting in the corner, his eyes were always red, and he was firmly staring at the white cloth, expecting and refusing to have a doctor coming out from inside.

Suddenly, a handkerchief fell into his sight.

When the bit was lifted up, I saw that the woman with a big hat stood there and stood there with a handkerchief in her hand. The meaning was obvious and it was given to him.

Her head was buried very low, and she still showed a little forehead, and the scar on it was ugly.

Bit frowned, and did not pick up the disappointment. Then he remembered the maids who usually took care of him. He was obviously beaten by him, but he finally jumped out to help him.

When Xiao Nian said, don't look at a person with identity and appearance. He has already received a lot of lessons.

Thinking about it, Bit reached out to pick up the handkerchief, and the hand hadn't touched it. There was a fierce gunshot from outside, and it seemed to be far and wide.

Through the hard stone wall, the sound of the gun is not too loud, but it is enough to make people feel wrong.

The people sitting are standing up, what happened? How did it fight outside, and our people arrived so soon?

The people in the palace will come so fast, unless the brothers on the plane are back.

They won't do such a stupid thing. Lancaster has seen the number of people in this battle today. How many people are left on the plane, not enough to fill the bullets.

Feng De was too late to appease the people. When he picked up the white cloth, he walked in. When he saw that Xiao Nian was lying there, it was not affected. The lips were still slightly hooked, and it seemed to be laughing.

Little thought, how is it?

Feng De went to worry and asked if the gunshot would affect her and whether it would affect the doctors' skills.

When Xiao Nian looked at him and blinked, then I said, I am quite tired, I am tired, I want to sleep.

Do you insist on persisting, and then sleep well after surgery?

Feng De said that it seems that Xiao Nian did not suffer from the gunshots.

Ok, then I will sleep for a little while.

Xiao Nian said softly.

When Feng De stayed here, it was discovered that Xiao Nian had been staring at his mouth. She had not heard the sound outside. She just looked at him and said what he said and he was wrong.

He almost turned his head and looked at the doctors. What happened? Can my daughter survive this?

Responding to him was silent, and a doctor changed a bag of blood to add to Xiao Nian.

Fengde stood there, suddenly did not know what to say, quickly opened the white cloth and went out, tears fell suddenly, he reached over his face and tried to restrain himself.

When Xiao Nian was lying on the pusher, looking at the white, blinking, the eyelashes trembled, and she slowly slammed.

Really tired.

She closed her eyes and quietly recalled those who had, and what happened later? Later, Gong Ou wanted to marry her regardless of everything. Even the wedding was forcibly changed by the bride.

Overbearing and rampant, in his eyes, what he wants to do is king.

Sometimes, he is so stupid, stupid to the imagination of ordinary people, what stupid things can be done as if everything is related to her, and later she is gone, he will never do stupid things again. Let's go.

When Xiao Nian thought secretly, I felt that it was quite good. She squinted her eyes deeply, really tired, and really wanted to sleep.

The consciousness gradually drifted away, and the little thoughts were slightly hooked on the lips, and the eyes were closed shallowly.

When you are young! When you are young! Open the door! Open the door! When you are young!

There was a voice coming, like a drum sound, to shock the soul she was about to sleep.

It was the voice of Gong Ou, very loud and loud, anxious and violent, shouting her name over and over again.

Can't talk well, she has to fall asleep, and when she thinks about it, she wants to fall asleep and the magic sound is poured into it, and she can't sleep well.

When Xiao Nian could not help but open his eyes, his brow slightly groaned, he was about to blame Gong Ou, but he could open his eyes, but he did not see Gong Ou, only saw a face sorrow and guarded her.

Yes, Gongao has already boarded the plane. At this time, on the way back to the palace, how can she call her?

I heard the voice of Miyako.

When Xiaonian said softly, the voice was so weak and extreme, but with a smile of happiness.

Fengde stood there wiping his eyes and grabbing her cold hand, just asking for a smile, right? What did the young master say to you?

When Xiao Nian smiled, he was so noisy, he always told me to open the door and was noisy.

But he was noisy, she was really happy because she could hear his voice and couldn't sleep well.

Open the door?

Feng De smashed, how can the young master let the time to open the door, is there a delusion? But why do you think that it is nothing else, but it is to open the door.

The stone wall was tightly closed, and people outside could not find the way to open the door.

Suddenly aware of what, Feng De went outside, the whole person posted on the wet stone wall, the gunshots became more obvious, there was no other sound in the messy gunshots, and the faint appointment seemed to be tearing. Screaming in the lungs.

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