"Yes." Saner said with a serious face that he would never let Xie Youwei hurt Chu Er Rong.

Solution statement carries Chu XiaoCong on the shoulder, "does this rest assured?"

Chu XiaoCong kept silent and put some snacks. The tone of Xie Shenming's speech is obviously not a joke.

If Xie Youwei dares to hurt Er Rong, he declares that he will never let go of Xie Youwei!

"XiaoCong." Jiebao changed from carrying to holding, "I won't hurt Er Rong, I have to cultivate Er Rong."

Chu XiaoCong complex look at the solution statement, "Mr. Jie, you'd better let us go."

"No way." Jie stated that he didn't want to think about it. "I finally fell in love with two apprentices. I can't give up."

Chu XiaoCong dropped his eyes, "whatever you want, just don't regret it."

Some words don't need to be reconciled to make a dispute. Anyway, Mommy is coming.

Jiebao took Chu XiaoCong to Baihua garden and went directly to the third cage.

"Mechanism skill is the last step, which is also the most difficult step." "I'll give you ten minutes to think about it," Wen Sheng said

"I'll try." Chu XiaoCong has never been sure, every time is lucky to crack the power off.

The third cage. Jiebao came in with Chu XiaoCong for the second time.

According to Chu XiaoCong's first crack steps, the solution statement unties one by one, and stops at the last step.

"Come here." "Ten minutes later, choose directly." Also give Chu XiaoCong ten minutes of breathing time.

Chu XiaoCong puffed up his cheek, staring at the last layer of mechanism.

The last mechanism is the wall, according to the explanation.

Only when the mechanism is opened can the wall be opened. If you guess wrong, the whole floor will collapse and drop them.

Anyway, it's dangerous enough.

Chu XiaoCong looked at it for three or four minutes, and his eyes all felt pain, "Mr. Jie, you didn't make the mechanism here?"

"No Xie declared that Chu XiaoCong could choose the right steps and simply pointed out everything, "before I came here, I had a complete mechanism."

"You are so powerful that you still need matchless. Do you want to use matchless to open these mechanisms?" Chu XiaoCong asked curiously and looked away to explain.

Solution statement gently nodded, and shook his head for a long time, "I don't want to open the mechanism with matchless, matchless can't do this."

You can open the mechanism only when you get the matchless secret.

The second half of the sentence explanation statement did not say, Chu XiaoCong miracle generally understand.

"No one can do it."

Chu XiaoCong incomparably agreed, "I took matchless several times, also secretly studied."

"Have you worked out anything?" He asked curiously.

Chu XiaoCong embarrassed to scratch the cheek, "matchless is very beautiful, as for the matchless secret, I did not study out."

Speaking of this, the story changed, "matchless full name is matchless heart, I think it is related to feelings, it may be the witness of a certain relationship."

"It makes sense." He agreed to snap his finger and said, "I'll have three more minutes. Do you think it over?"

Chu XiaoCong put his finger on his lips and hissed, "don't rush me. I can't guess if I'm nervous."

What else do you want to know He can also answer Chu XiaoCong a question.

"Mr. Xie, did you rob this place?" Chu XiaoCong looked at the solution of pulling down his face, without hesitation in his eyes.

"Not really." "It was sent by a friend," he said

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