Liang Yuchen looks at Chu Er Rong and Chu Dafeng. Chu Dafeng smiles and lets go of her parents. Waiting for her to hold Liang Yuchen, Chu Er Rong rushes over and hugs Liang Yuchen tightly.

Liang Yuchen laughed, "Er Rong, why are you so enthusiastic?"

"That's not what you said." Chu Er Rong pretended to complain, "godmother, if you want me to hold you, you have to say it clearly."

Liang Yuchen was amused and pinched Chu Er Rong's cheek. "If this is what Chu XiaoCong said, I still think it's normal. Er Rong, are you going to be coquettish to me again?"

"Hum." Chu Er Rong refused to admit her death, and her small face was buried in Liang Yuchen's arms.

Liang Yuchen heart a love, deliberately looked at the East Xuan, "you don't mind too much."

Oriental Xuan is not mind but jealous, two Rong have not sprinkled Jiao to him, Oriental Xuan is about to obsession.

Chu Xiaowei was angry and funny, "I said you don't tease dongfangxuan."

"Godmother, I'm not coquettish." Chu Er Rong, blushing, retreats from Liang Yuchen's arms.

Liang Yuchen also wanted to make fun of Chu Er Rong. Chu Dafeng came over and held Liang Yuchen in his arms. "Ganma, you don't know that Er Rong is thin skinned. Don't tease her."

"Er Rong has been playing coquetry with me, so do you." Liang Yuchen gently rubs the fluffy hair of Dapeng Chu.

Chu Dafeng looked up at Liang Yuchen, embarrassed, "I will not."

"It's not easy to say, Xiao Cong came to teach Dafeng how to be coquettish." Liang Yuchen put this hope on Chu XiaoCong.

XiaoCong's younger brother was excited immediately, "brother, you just need to look at the godmother and say," godmother, I love you so much. "


Dongfang Xuan stood up directly and went to Chu Dafeng and Liang Yuchen.

Liang Yuchen seemed to know what Dongfang Xuan was going to do and hugged Chu Dafeng tightly.

"Let go of my son!" Dongfangxuan is furious, and is he going to be coquettish? Wait for the next life, Chu Dafeng has not sprinkled Jiao on him.

Liang Yuchen smile very innocent, "big maple is also my son."

Dongfang Xuan frowned and wanted to refute it, but Liang Yuchen didn't say anything about triplets.

"Big maple, give your father and mother both a Jiao." Chu Xiaowei lay on the bed, calm to a sentence, with deep emotion, "I still think that my eldest son, daughter's first coquettish object is me, did not think, alas, the world is changeable."

All people brush brush brush to see to Chu Xiaowei.

Chu Xiaowei shrugged, understanding, "you don't have to look at me, big maple on your mother and your father scattered a Jiao."

Chu XiaoCong's voice, immediately ran to Chu Xiaowei, "Mommy doesn't cry, baby will always love you, good Mommy, love you."

"That's good." Chu Xiaowei touched Chu XiaoCong's chin, "Mommy, it's enough to hear you act coquettish."

Chu Dafeng and Chu Er Rong looked at each other, so they went to chuxiao's Micro face and said, "good Mommy."

Brother and sister are not coquettish. I'm afraid that Chu Er Rong's few acts of coquetry were given to Liang Yuchen once. However, the three words "good mother" bring intimacy and dependence as well as strong love and attachment.

Chu smile smile not close mouth, teasingly looking at the Oriental Xuan and Liang Yuchen, "no way, sometimes I feel that I am a million people fan."

Liang Yuchen and dongfangxuan nodded at the same time, and said with one voice, "you know, it's good."

Liang Yuchen looks at dongfangxuan with sympathy. Even miss Chu knows that she is a fan of thousands of people. Dongfang Xuan, who loves Chu Xiaowei, must know very well.

Oriental Xuan eyes are not very friendly, as if aiming at Liang Yuchen's heart, ready to shoot.

Liang Yuchen suddenly remembered what Luo Cheng said. If you make a small business for Chu Xiaowei and dongfangxuan, do you think Chu Xiaowei will refuse?

Chuxiaowei certainly won't refuse. What about dongfangxuan?

If the three children were not here, Liang Yuchen said he would like to know.

Emperor Zhonghai.

Wild crane calm as if drinking tea, but emotional betrayed him from the eyes, looking at Luo Cheng in front of him, "Chu Xiaowei OK?"

Luo Cheng nodded and shook his head, corners of his mouth tightly pursed, "the situation is not very optimistic."

The wild crane jumped in his heart, waiting for his mouth to speak. Linna came in from the door, looking worried, "Chu Xiaowei is dead?"

"Nonsense." The wild crane said this time, looking at the silent Luo Cheng, worried, "quickly say, what's wrong with Chu Xiaowei?"

Linna clenched her fist, her face was solemn, and her eyes were murderous. If Chu Xiaowei died, she would go to Dongguo sunset to kill her life.

"Chu Xiaowei is not dead, but still unconscious." Luo Cheng said the same thing, "the situation is really not very optimistic."

"I'll find Dongguo sunset." Linna dropped this sentence, turned around and left.

Just after Lina went out. Luo Cheng also stood up, "Sir, I want to go out to have a look, you are busy first."

The wild crane looked at Luo Cheng's back and asked tentatively, "Luo Cheng, are you sure Chu Xiaowei hasn't woken up yet?""Sure." Luo Cheng sighed, "I heard aunt ye tianqin's voice very anxious, as if she had cried."

In the wild crane's mind, there is only Luo Cheng's sentence. Ye tianqin has cried and cried How many years has ye tianqin not cried? Please, ye tianqin is more troublesome than haze.

Standing at the door of Luo Cheng's bad heart smile, who let Dongguo sunset at the beginning of Chu Xiaowei such a cruel hand, to see how Linna is to deal with Dongguo sunset.

Standing at the door of the room, Luo Cheng heard the fight without opening the door.

Linna's attack is absolutely cruel. Although she is still injured in the first battle with Huazhu, her attack is totally lethal.

Dongguo sunset is also the commander of the Fourth Army at any rate, and his skill is naturally excellent.

Luo Cheng, standing at the door, stayed for half an hour, waiting for Chen songqiu to leave.

Chen songqiu is not impatient at all, but says hello with a smile and Luo Cheng, "don't you go in and have a look?"

Luo Cheng smile can not reach the bottom of his eyes, "I can brain tonic."

"Yes, I also think brain tonic is more interesting than what I see." Chen songqiu agreed.

Luo Cheng hands around the chest, "Linna and Dongguo sunset two people's skills are not divided up and down."

"No, Linna is injured, or Dongguo sunset is not Lina's opponent." Chen songqiu said, "Linna's martial arts are almost the same as Kerr."

Luo Cheng raises eyebrows, "I said is now, Lina and Dongguo sunset are not equal."

Chen songqiu misunderstood Luo Cheng's meaning, "Linna will not be happy to hear this sentence."

"Honest words are hard to hear. I like to tell the truth." Luo Cheng smacked his tongue.

Chen songqiu, "Oh, really? I thought you were half truth and half falsehood

The insidious tone of voice makes Luo Cheng feel no brain tonic for a moment, so he turns around and leaves.

After waiting for Luo Cheng to leave, Chen songqiu opened the door and walked in.

Dongguo sunset and Lina did fight, mainly because Lina was too cruel. If Dongguo sunset did not fight back, it was possible to be killed.

Chen songqiu looks at Linna pressing on the body of Dongguo sunset and goes straight past.

Dongguo sunset finally saw the Savior, "quickly take your men away."

"I'm sorry, my men like to compete with masters." Chen songqiu picked up Lina as she said.

Dongguo sunset gritted his teeth, "I don't think I'm looking for an expert to compete with, but I want my life."

"I meant to kill you." Linna said not to be outdone.

Instead of yelling at Linna's arrogance, Chen songqiu asked, "Linna, what did Dongguo Xiyang do to you?"

"Dongguo sunset to Chu Xiaowei is to find death again." Linna jumped out of her mouth word by word. Although she was nestled in Chen songqiu's arms, she was still arrogant and full of arrogance, "Dongguo sunset tells you that Chu Xiaowei is my man. If she is killed by you, I will take your skin off."

Linna's face was gloomy, and there was no sense of joking.

Dongguo sunset also sank his face, "I heard for the first time that you like women?"

"I don't like women, but Chu Xiaowei is a special existence." Linna sneered, "I'm lazy to talk nonsense with you, and the team leader will take me away. I'm afraid I can't help killing Dongguo sunset."

Chen songqiu still said with a smile, "good."

Okay? Are the commanders of the first army so indulgent?

Dongguo's setting sun is not light. What kind of bad problems are these? One by one, they are all sick. Chu Xiaowei is the enemy. Shouldn't the enemy be shot?

What the hell are these people!

Compared with the Dongguo setting sun fried hair, Chen Song Qiu is much more calm.

Linna leaned against Chen songqiu's arms and was worried, "commander, do you think Chu Xiaowei won't have an accident?"

"Do you know Qingchen?" Chen songqiu asked.

Linna nodded truthfully, "yes." It's not how tempting the unparalleled heart is, but the body's medical skills.

"A clean teacher is good luck," Chen Song Qiu explained. "Chu Xiaowei is in the hands of good luck. Do you think he will die? Think about it carefully. Qingchen is still in the Yilin family. If Chu Xiaowei hadn't been out of danger, Qingchen would have gone. "

Linna blinked. "Do you mean rocheng lied?"

In fact, Lina was very cute when she was confused. She was absolutely different from her dead hand just now.

Chen songqiu nodded with a smile, "of course, Luo Cheng's words can only believe half."

Linna finally laughed, "Chu Xiaowei is OK, ha ha."

"I think Dongguo sunset is right. You really care about Chu Xiaowei."

"Chief, you are here too. You know that I like dancing." In fact, to Chu Xiaowei, she didn't know what was going on.

Chen songqiu nodded, "then don't say this." Then he turned, "do you want to avenge Luo Cheng?"

"I don't want to go." Linna whistled, "although Luocheng lied, but I think Dongguo sunset is not good, I would like to hit him."

After all, Chu Xiaowei was shot in the heart and almost died.Chen songqiu's voice, "if you don't want to go, you won't go."

"I'm going to see Jackie." Linna said suddenly.

Chen songqiu did not understand, "don't you go to find white rose and survive?"

"Wait a minute. Now I'll see if Jackie is dead." Linna bad, "I heard Qin Qi ran Qin Shuang does not like Jackie, is Jackie forced to marry?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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