"I thought you could not wait to follow me abroad to see him. It's better to disturb his engagement."

Chu Hannian realized at the moment that xiuqiqi had completely changed.

"Of course not. He has been separated for such a long time and divorced. It's his own choice who he's with now. Of course, I don't care and I'm not qualified. Now I just want to make a good life for myself. As for other things, I haven't thought about it for the moment and I don't want to face it. Sometimes, I think marriage is an anti human design. If I really love each other, You don't need that certificate, but if you don't love each other, even if you have a certificate, you can't prove anything. "

Xiuqiqi shook his head helplessly, "I know you told me this for my good, but now, I don't want to know."

"Are you sure?" Chu Hannian was puzzled and asked, "I always feel that you don't look so natural and unrestrained. If you are still unwilling, now is the last chance."

"If a man really loved you, really miss you, then, do not need you to take the initiative, he will not be willing to let you pain and suffering, if you feel the feeling, that is, there is no emotion, so I have no reason to make excuses for myself."

Xiu Qiqi said with a light smile, "in fact, it's not difficult to forget a person. Don't be cheap, don't see, it's enough."

"Well, I see what you mean." Chu Hannian finally nodded, "the day I go abroad, I will tell you. If you change your mind, please let me know at any time."

"I don't have the luck like Leng Jianjia. In fact, I admire her, because she is always in your heart. Even if you do something wrong, you are still very firm."

Xiu Qiqi suddenly said, "I really envy you. Even if I'm rejected, you don't think there's anything. It's a pity that I don't have the courage like you. Otherwise, I should go abroad to catch up with you."


"Today is the day to try on the dress. Have you forgotten?" Feng Jiaojiao can't help contacting Ling Xi, but also to test Ling Xi's reaction, worried about his temporary change.

"You know, I'm busy with my work, so I don't have to be reminded of such trifles in the future." Lingxi frowned, "designers know my size, according to the original size, will not make a mistake."

"I just think engagement is a big deal. I want you to accompany me to try on the dress." Feng Jiaojiao broke the last piece of paper, but Ling Xi's attitude was still indifferent.

"Do you think I'm going to waste my time on such boring things? As you know, the woman I will marry has nothing to do with my feelings. " As soon as Ling Xi's voice fell, Feng Jiaojiao felt that her breath was suffocating.

"I didn't expect that, but one day, I will always change your mind." Feng Jiaojiao finally went to try on the dress by herself. However, she couldn't laugh at how the shopping guide praised her. After taking a deep breath, she took the initiative to send the photo to Xiu Qiqi and called her.

"China should also know that Ling Xi and I are going to get engaged. Do you know about this?" Feng Jiaojiao jokingly asked, "didn't you say before that I won't get the position I want, but I'm sorry, I really got it. Even if this position originally belongs to you, but it's not yours now, you still don't want to think about the position that doesn't belong to you all the time."

"I never think that position will always belong to me, and I don't want this position first, Feng Jiaojiao. We really don't have to contact each other, and I won't destroy you." Xiu Qiqi picked his eyebrows playfully. "At first, I really thought so. I didn't want to destroy anything, but if you have to stimulate me, maybe I won't let you be happy."

"So you're threatening me?" Feng Jiaojiao's angry questioning.

"You came to look for things first." Xiu Qiqi reached out and touched his chin. "I always feel that if a person is really happy, he will not go to his predecessor to find any sense of existence. I have completely disappeared in Ling Xi's life. Why do you have to make me unhappy? I'm ready to forget him completely. "

"I know what you think in your heart. You may always think that Ling Xi will come back to you. I just hope you can get rid of this idea completely. It's good for you and him."

Feng Jiaojiao painstakingly way, "I just give you a psychological preparation, even if you come, you will not get the results you want, today he accompanied me to try the dress, you do not know, when he stood beside me, I feel that he is the happiest woman in the world."

"I hear you're just engaged." Xiuqiqi didn't mean to say, "I married him directly. Maybe he didn't particularly want to get married."

"Don't you think your breath is sour?" Feng Jiaojiao's tone of voice is insidious. Xiu Qiqi was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he cut off the call directly.

"Whose phone, hers?" Leng Jianjia instantly guessed, "I'm really convinced that she has already got the position of Mrs. Ling. How can she still hold on to you, unless she is not happy now, so she will be worried. It seems that Ling Xi is not good to her."

"I don't care whether they are good or not. I just don't want to be disturbed." Xiu Qiqi sneered, "who doesn't know their good deeds are coming?"

"Don't you go with Chu Shao?" Cold Jianjia quite surprised, "I thought, you will be the last fight."

"I don't ask for things that don't belong to me. Before, I thought that he would pity me more or less. Then I thought of my past feelings and gave me a chance again. But I thought too much and he would not give me any chance at all." Repair seven seven also don't bother to think more, "perhaps, I and he is not predestined relationship, once the opportunity was destroyed by me."

"I think you still think of him in your heart. You are just a surprise to Chu Shao, and the person you love most in your heart is Ling Xi." Cold Jianjia too much solution repair seven seven, "because you easily put down that person, is not really like."

"Maybe it's too long. Chu Shao didn't give me any hope at that time, so he didn't experience anything together. Ling Xi is my first man. It's not easy to forget." Xiu Qiqi raised his chin and said with a smile, "but I won't hang on a man. Especially, he doesn't have me in his heart now. I also want to have self-respect."

"I still hope you can go to his engagement ceremony and see his engagement with your own eyes. Maybe you can come out completely." Leng Jianjia is also a kind suggestion.

At this moment, I can hear my heart breaking

Do you want to see him engaged to Feng Jiaojiao with your own eyes?

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