These days, the Wangs are in a state of jubilation, all of which comes from the remarriage of Wang Zixuan and Shiyuan.

At the weekend, Fei and his wife, Wang Zimin, Ding Haonan, Ou Yijia, Xianya, Wang Zixuan and Shiyuan set out for feicui island.

When I went this time, I took Ding Haonan's new yacht. This yacht is a small one. We can drive it by ourselves.

Xianya and Wang Zimin and Fang Yiru are always chatting together. After reading for a long time, Shiyuan wants to join in, but she doesn't know what to say. And Xian Ya didn't take the initiative to say hello to her as in the past. Even when she saw her, she just gave her a smile. When Shiyuan went to say hello to Xianya, she just said hello and left. Shiyuan felt strange, but she didn't think much about it.

Ou Yijia also knew about Mu Hanyu's visit to Wang's house. This time, he formally explained to Wang Zixuan, but Wang Zixuan said that he was OK.

It's a fine day today. The yacht sailed all the way to the Jade Island.

Shiyuan just went to say hello to Wang Zimin and others. After a few words, she went on the deck. But seeing that Wang Zixuan was alone in the control room, she went in.

"How did you get here?" He asked with a smile.

"Come and see what you're doing." She swayed behind him, looking at him.

He changed his driving status to automatic driving and sat down to talk to her.

The glass door of the control room is closed, standing outside can't hear what people inside are saying. Two people have been talking and laughing, and did not notice that someone outside to see. And the person outside is Xu Shiyuan!

In fact, Shiyuan originally heard that Wang Zixuan was driving, so she was curious to go and have a look at it. However, as soon as she came to the door, she saw Xian Ya leaning in Wang Zixuan's arms. I don't know what they are talking about. I can only see Wang Zixuan's serious look.

When Wang Zixuan looks back to the door, Shiyuan quickly hides to one side and is not seen by him.

Why avoid him?

She left and went all the way to everyone.

In the afternoon, they arrived at emerald island.

Considering the hard journey, everyone went back to their rooms and had a rest for two hours.

Shiyuan is lying in bed, but she can't sleep. She finds that Wang Zixuan is pretending to be sleeping though she also closes her eyes. She didn't ask him any more, she just walked around the island alone.

Now the emerald island and Shiyuan didn't change much when they first came. Japanese immigrants came here during World War II, and there was a temple on the island. After the defeat of Japan, those people also moved away, and the temples were in ruins. In particular, after the Wangs bought the island, no one paid attention to the temple, but built a small church. Now, there are several fishermen who live on the island. The Wangs employ them to take care of all the attachments on the island.

Shiyuan went out of the villa, but went to the broken temple among the rocks.

Along the stone steps up, did not take a few steps to see that high red wooden door, in the years of erosion, the original red has been basically invisible.

Entering the temple, there are only three or four broken houses. I don't know what gods were worshipped in them. In short, there is nothing left. She sat on a stone chair under an acacia tree, looking at the blue sea waves in front of her, listening to the waves, listening to the calls of sea birds, closing her eyes and feeling the pleasure of the sea breeze.

Why are you here? It's because it's the highest and the cleanest place on the island.

She couldn't tell why she was in such a low mood and didn't even want to explain it to him? Is it still a thorn in her heart after so many years?

She told herself again and again to believe in Wang Zixuan, but why didn't he explain anything? Why didn't he tell her anything about his conversation with elegance?

Because it was winter, it was dark very early, and the tide rose, drowning her way back. She didn't notice how many steps the sea would drown when the tide rose, so now she could only watch herself trapped here.

She doesn't have a flashlight on her body. If you look at her mobile phone, there is not much left. What shall I do? Are you going to be stuck here?

There must be other places to go out besides that entrance.

At the back of the temple, there was a road cut in the stone wall. She stood on it and looked down from here, as if she had come to the opposite side. Although I have never walked by, I'd better try to walk once. At night, the sound of the wind blowing into this shabby house is quite frightening.

Fortunately, this informal road could still survive, but because of the darkness, she could not see the steps clearly, so she had to sit on it, support her body with both hands and try with her feet. Open the mobile phone, bite in the mouth, you can see a little road, better than nothing.

Although Xu Shiyuan is brave and has practiced rock climbing, she still can't help being afraid of the scene today. No more than 10 meters down, the hair has been wet with sweat.

Wang Zixuan only knew that she went out, but did not care where she went. Wang Zixuan didn't realize that she had been out for a long time until she met Fang Yiru and Fei an Chen on the beach outside the villa at about five o'clock and were asked "how can we not see Shiyuan?"."You may be wandering around! She won't stay anywhere Wang Zixuan replied.

It's such a big place on the island that no matter where she goes, she'll be back at dinner time.

At this time, Shiyuan was in a place they couldn't see in wangzixuan.

Moving down like that for about an hour, she found herself well away from the ground.

The electricity in the mobile phone has run out, and there is no natural light to show her the way. She just feels that her heart is hanging in her throat, which has reached a very tense state.

She didn't dare to go down any more because her shoes had fallen off.

What's dark below?

She wiped off the sweat and looked down. My God, how could it be sea water down here? What's going on? That's not what I saw before?

She looked back at the road she had scraped, and instead of going straight down, she made a circle. The house in the temple has deviated by about 60 degrees, which means that she has deviated from the original "landing" location by 60 degrees. No wonder it's not right to look down!

Now that we have reached this point, should we go back? You know, she was sitting on the ground and rubbed down. The so-called "steps" are just some grooves to step on. If you turn around and climb up, you don't even have a strong fulcrum.

She wiped the sweat from her face, rubbed the palms of her hands on her clothes, and calmly began to observe the situation around her.

Below is the sea. I can't see the appearance of many reefs because I can't hear the sound of big waves hitting on the rocks. The left side is full of stone walls. On the right side, it used to be a forest? Is this rock separated from its surroundings? From the analysis of the extension trend of this stone step, it should be possible to reach the edge of the woods.

Now, there are two options: the first is to continue walking in the dark. However, because you can't see the road clearly, you may not find the groove. Once you lose the center of gravity, you will fall down. From this point of view, once the foot slips, it should be the back along the stone wall to slide into the sea. The second is to get up and jump into the sea. If you jump forward from this angle, you can enter the water accurately. After entering, swim to the shore again, because the woods on the right side are on the beach.

What to do? Jump?

She looked up at the sky. There was no moon but stars.

With a smile, she wiped off her sweat, and stood up carefully. Just as she stood up, she pushed her foot and stretched her body like a fish into the surging waves.

When the sea arrived at night, I didn't know if it was because of the fear in my heart, and my temper became more and more irritable.

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