Wang Zixuan did not know the situation, however, for the safety of his sister, he decided to agree to his sister's request. After knowing the location and meeting time, he hung up and said to his family, "she's OK. I'll pick her up later. Don't worry about it!" Maybe he disguised it so well that people's worries were relieved.

The police asked him if he would like to send someone to go with him. He refused and said, "everything is a false alarm. Everyone has worked hard." The people in the hall are scattered. Wang Zixuan and Shiyuan go upstairs to the room together.

He looked at the table below. It was seven o'clock in the evening. It was two hours before the appointed time. He said to Shiyuan, "stay with your parents and wait for me to come back. When I catch the girl back, I will not clean her up! "

His expression is completely dissatisfied with his sister, but Shiyuan doesn't know how, but she can see his inner worry.

"Then be careful. Don't worry about the house. My sister and I will take care of it." The poem yuan comforts way.

He went out ahead of time. When he came to the door, he kissed her, patted her on the top of the head, and then began to walk into the car. When he came to the car, the housekeeper Chen Bo came to talk to him. He left the car that had been locked and went to the side.

At the appointed local time, in front of the No. 3 wharf and No. 72 warehouse in Beigang, this side is no longer used, so almost no one appears here in the evening. On the way to the dock, he called Ding Haonan.

He arrived early. It's a full moon tonight, and it's very bright.

He sat in the car and watched the time approaching.

Finally, he saw a car coming in his own direction. Should it be? He gave each other two high beam lights, the other side in the distance of three meters away from him stopped, got off the car, he also walked out of the car.

"It's doctor Mo, long time no see!" He said with a smile, "I thought it was you! No wonder Ziyan didn't hear from her like that. Where is she? "

As soon as Mo Shaokang waved, Wang Ziyan walked down from the car.

"I'm afraid there is something else that doctor Mo has taken so much trouble to call me here." Wang Zixuan road.

"There's something I want to discuss with you." Mo Shaokang's voice is very cold, even colder than the moonlight.

"Say it

"Tomorrow, bring Shiyuan to see me and exchange her for your sister!"

Wang Zixuan laughed silently, leaned against the car, folded his arms and said, "I'm sorry, whether it's my wife or my sister, I'll take it home. We Wangs will never fall into the hands of outsiders! " Having said that, he asked his sister to come by himself.

Ziyan just took a step, heard the gunshot behind her. It turned out that Mo Shaokang shot at the ground beside her. She was so scared that she crouched there with her head in her arms.

"Mo, why do you need it? If you do this, don't you fear that your mother will be sad? " Wang Zixuan road.

"If it wasn't for your Wang family, would my mother have been like this? Why did Wang Zixuan take her away from me for many years? You take her away, but do not cherish her, hurt her again and again. Bring her over at noon tomorrow and trade her for your sister. Otherwise, you'll wait and see how your sister floats on the sea Mo Shaokang is not as gentle as before, but he has become a terrible devil. Ziyan looked back at him in horror, afraid that he shot his brother, so he walked towards him.

"Sorry, I didn't want to change it." Wang Zixuan finished, picked up the mobile phone and dialed a phone call. Then, he said to Mo Shaokang, "what are you looking at?"

Ziyan also look at, there is a red dot just in Mo Shaokang's body aiming at, that is what, she is very clear.

"You brought the police Mo Shaokang is very angry. He pulls Ziyan and shoots at Wang Zixuan.

"Wait a minute." suddenly, Wang Zixuan's door opened and Shiyuan came out of it.

The three looked back in surprise and saw her walking towards Mo Shaokang with great composure.

"Shaokang, are you looking for me? I'm here. Please let Ziyan go She said.

Wang Zixuan grabs her. Mo Shaokang sees this and shoots Wang Zixuan's leg. Maybe it's because the light of the moon flashes. He doesn't aim. Shiyuan quickly blocks Wang Zixuan in front of him and hugs him.

"Shaokang, what are you doing? We are all friends, we will not hurt you, and you should stop doing stupid things Shiyuan turns back, but her arms are still holding Wang Zixuan tightly.

"You release --" Mo Shaokang was furious, took up the gun and fired at Shiyuan and Wang Zixuan. Ziyan was scared to squat down and hold his head, and did not dare to move again.

Gunfire kept ringing around her. Shiyuan just closed her eyes and hugged him and whispered, "the police are coming. Hold on.".

Mo Shaokang's is an automatic pistol. After the ejection, he will reload it. At this time, Wang Zixuan squatted on the ground with Shiyuan in his arms and yelled at his sister. A bullet shot from the distance quickly passed through Mo Shaokang's grasp of the snatcher's hand. The cartridge case went out again and was tied to the nearby container.That shot, let Mo Shaokang backward, holding the injured wrist fell on the car cover.

Wang Zixuan let go of Shiyuan, got up and ran towards him, and pressed him on the car cover. Shiyuan immediately ran over and pulled Ziyan onto Wang Zixuan's car.

The police car roared, and Ding Haonan in the distance disassembled his rifle and was ready to leave.

In this way, Mo Shaokang was arrested for kidnapping and endangering the personal safety of others.

No one thought it would be like this, especially Shiyuan!

On the way home, she had been thinking why, why such a gentle person would become so terrible? Is it really jealousy?

When Ziyan came home safely, her parents were relieved, but they didn't notice that Shiyuan's leg was bleeding because of the car accident. Until she walked into the building, Wang Zixuan saw her pants were red with blood under the light, and found that her right leg was hit, possibly by the reflected shrapnel.

Wang Zixuan quickly sent her to the hospital, and her sister-in-law in the operating room waiting for the doctor to take out the bullet, while the family members were waiting anxiously.

After Ding Haonan came back from the wharf, she rushed to the Wangs' house. She heard that Shiyuan had entered the hospital, so she rushed over.

"It may be accidental injury. The doctor took photos and checked it. It's not very serious. Just take out the shrapnel." Fang Zecheng said to Ding Haonan.

Ding Haonan then sat beside Wang Zixuan, holding his head in both hands and staring at the ground.

"Zixuan, she saved you, didn't she? That guy, always so impulsive, don't know what to say about her Ding Haonan sighed.

"I owe her more and more!" Wang Zixuan road.

"Fool, there are still decades to come, you should treat her well! That guy, when he comes to save you, doesn't want you to owe her. " Ding Haonan patted Wang Zixuan's back and said.

"Love can make a person forget himself. It seems that Shiyuan is like this! When in danger, I think about you, and I don't think about myself at all. " Wang Zimin said to his brother.

"I would rather hurt myself! She has been lying in the operating room many times, but she has not given me such a chance. What a selfish fellow Wang Zixuan sighed.

In the past few years, how could he not know the mood of waiting in the operating room?

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