CEO's Acquisitive Love

C17 Unsuitable to be a Doctor?

"Big Brother Yi, stop the car at the intersection ahead. The emergency room is not far from here. There are too many cars there. It won't be convenient for you to turn around later." Xu Ran said.

Although one of the reasons was because she was worried that it would be inconvenient for Guan Jingyi to turn around, the main reason was that Xu Ran didn't want anyone to see her being sent to work by Guan Jingyi. This luxurious Bentley was too eye-catching.

"Yes." Shangguan Jingyi naturally knew what she was thinking, so he stopped the car by the roadside.

Watching Guan Yi's car disappear into the traffic, Xu Ran came back to her senses. She looked at her watch and saw that it was 12: 30 PM. Xu Ran sighed. She had to admit that he had a sense of time.

At the beginning, when Xu Ran heard this sound, she couldn't help but become anxious. Later on, she came to the emergency room to receive patients as interns. Gradually, in the midst of all the noise in the front yard, the sound of the ambulance didn't have that much of an effect on Xu Ran.

"Xu Ran, from now on, you will be responsible for following Master Kang to the backyard and the car to rescue him." The matron said.

Xu Ran frowned and asked, "Why?"

The head nurse was a warm-hearted person in her thirties, and although she usually spoke in a hurry, with a loud voice and a dry temper, how many doctors and nurses in the emergency room were not like this? Xu Ran knew that although the head nurse did not scold her, she was also resentful and did not have any ill intentions.

"I don't know why either. In short, it's an order from Director Du. Anyways, don't ask any further, An An. " The head nurse waved in the direction of the backyard, indicating that Xu Ran should go find Master Kang.

"However, the people following the car are just doctors with high professionalism and two or three nurses. I'm an intern, and as a intern, I don't have the right to follow the car."

The matron did not know how to begin.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded out from behind him, "You really don't have the right to go with the car. You're Dr. Cui's assistant along with Xiao Wen."

It was Tan Qiuxu, meaning it was obvious that Xu Ran's identity was not as an intern but as a nurse.

Is there a mistake?

"Director Tan, my major in university is clinical medicine …" Xu An felt that Tan Qiu might have done it on purpose.

"What do the jobs I assign you to have have have anything to do with your university major? Or do you think it would be too expensive for an intern like you? " Tan Qiuxu was indeed a bit aggressive when he said this.

Xu An didn't have any room to refute, so he could only obediently listen to Tan Qiuxu's arrangements. Perhaps, he had done this especially to temper his will. He couldn't say for sure. Now that things had come to this, Xu Ran could only comfort him in this way.

However, the next second, to Xu Ran's surprise, Tan Qiuxu added another sentence, "Xu Ran, actually, you're not suitable to be a surgeon at all. You're indecisive, compassionate, and you'll get annoyed when you hear the ambulance. Sooner or later, you'll be unable to bear it and run away.

He whispered these words into Xu Ran's ear. These words were like an ice-cold cellar that stung every inch of Xu Ran's skin and every bit of coldness that was etched into her bones. Xu Ran felt her hair stand on end.

"You …" Xu Ran frowned, looking at Tan Qiuxu with disbelief.

Tan Qiuxu let out a cold snort, then left Xu Ran's side on long legs.

In fact, following a car was much more terrifying than Xu Ran could have imagined.

The ambulance's whistle sounded through the streets, traveling from south to north without any rest. It was like a patient who was about to catch his breath. He desperately wanted the last breath of fresh air, but he would never be able to get it back.

Xu Ran touched her chest. Her face was pale and her heart palpitated in fear.

While driving, Master Kang looked at Xu Ran's expression from the rearview mirror. He turned around and asked, "Miss, what's wrong? Are you sick?"

Xu Ran shook her head. Xiao Wen, who was with her, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and passed it to Xu Ran.

In fact, this wasn't the greatest difficulty Xu Ran faced.

The ambulance had reached its destination in a deserted driveway. A bus had been hit by falling stones from the mountain. A total of 32 passengers and a driver were all injured to varying degrees.

When they arrived at the scene, other than the wails and cries, there were also the dead and wounded lying in front of Xu Ran. She wanted to save every single one of them, but she had no way of doing so.

The hospital had started all the ambulances to come to provide support this time, but a sound and the nurse's men were still extremely nervous.

Director Tian said to Xu Ran, "Let's see what happens first. Let's see who's in danger first and get him into the car!"

Not far away from Xu Ran was a man in his forties. He lay on the ground and yelled, "It hurts, it hurts!"

Xu Ran grabbed the stethoscope in her pocket and was about to run over.

Director Tian continued to exhort him, "Don't just look at those who are wailing in pain, they are seriously ill. Those who are serious often don't have the strength to talk. Understand?"

It was at this moment that Xu Ran came to a realization. Doctor Tian was right, those who were truly injured, those who had their heart and lungs injured, simply did not have the strength to speak loudly. Those who cried out loudly in pain were mostly those who were not in danger of death.

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