CEO's Acquisitive Love

C21 Don't Touch Me

Xu Ran turned her head and saw the blinding white light. She squinted her eyes and put her hands in front of her eyes.

After staring blankly for a while, the blinding white light in front of her disappeared. Before she was fully awake, she heard the sound of the car door being slammed shut.

Naturally, it was Guan Jingyi. Although it was very dark at night and Xu Ran couldn't see his expression clearly, she could feel the anger of the man that was walking towards her.

At that time, Xu Ran's first thought was — run!

Xu Ran ran a bit further. Because it was too dark, and because Xu Ran was too nervous and afraid to be caught by Shangguan Jingyi, she didn't have the time to pay attention to the road beneath her feet. Since she happened to step on a rock, Xu Ran screamed: "Ouch."

Just as her eyes were tightly shut while accepting her fate and suffering a calamity, her arm was grabbed by a large hand. The owner of that large hand exerted a force, causing the petite Xu Ran to instantly fall into Jing Yi's embrace.

"Why are you running!" The tone of his words of admonishment made Xu Ran's eyes tear up.

However, Xu Ran wasn't someone who didn't have a temper. The humiliation he had done to her in front of another woman was still vivid in Xu Ran's mind.

"Xu Ran, do you know who you are?!"

"Don't touch me, don't touch me!" Xu Ran screamed as she broke free from Guan Yi's embrace.

"What happened to you?" The softness in his arms suddenly disappeared, causing Shangguan Jingyi to frown. He knew that she was angry, but he couldn't understand why she would have such a huge reaction to his contact with her.

"Other than that marriage contract, we are two people without any relationship. Guan Jingyi, I know my own identity very well." Xu Ran touched her tears. She was still a child after all, so she couldn't hold back her words.

Guan Yi did not make a sound. Everything about him blended into the dark night. Only his pair of deep, ink-black eyes glimmered as he looked at Xu Ran inquisitively.

After a long while, he said, "An An, let's go home first. If there's anything you need, we can talk about it when we get home."

"There's no need for you to travel. I will go back by myself." Xu Ran said as he walked towards the opposite direction of Shangguan Jingyi.

After walking a few steps, her hand was grabbed. This time, it was her hand that Guan Jingyi grabbed, not her wrist.

"Be good, it's not safe here. There are often traffickers around." Shangguan Jingyi's tone became even more relaxed.

Although Guan Jingyi was a gentleman, those who had cooperated with him before and those beside him all knew that he was not a patient person.

To be able to do this to Xu Ran was not easy. Even the official Jing Yi didn't expect that he would be so patient with a little girl who was ten years younger than him, who even had a generation gap between her and him.

If he was being ruthless, it wasn't like he didn't know what to do with the government. However, facing such a delicate, weak, and whimsical little fellow, official Jingyi was a bit … unwilling.

When the three words "unwilling" appeared in his mind, Guan Jingyi's sword-like eyebrows pricked up. Then, with a bang, those three words exploded in his mind and shattered into pieces.

Ye Zichen looked at Xu Ran in the mirror. She sat in the back seat and nestled in the corner, making sure that she was extremely obedient. When she blew up her fur, it was like a hedgehog standing up all over her body. Once the air was gone, those millions of thorns would instantly transform into a furry appearance. It was soft and exquisite.

"An An?" He suddenly called her name.

Xu Ran lazily raised his head and looked at his resolute face in the mirror before him. He lowered his head and did not reply because he did not want to talk to him.

"Not caring enough about how you feel in front of elegance has caused you to lose face. I apologize, I'm sorry. " Guan Jingyi's tone was very sincere, but in Xu Ran's ears, he looked like he was coaxing a child. Moreover, he would not understand that Xu Ran's anger was not due to face but rather due to the words that came out of his mouth due to the panic of the government. In his heart, Xu Ran was only a virtual wife, without flesh and blood, without a heart.

Guan Yuanyi did not care about himself, not even a little bit.

In fact, after the past few days with Guan Jingyi, although she was suppressing the feelings she had towards him, facing his meticulous care and arrangements again and again, her heart was no longer as firm as it was before, and was even sinking bit by bit. If this matter were to happen to Xu Ran, perhaps she wouldn't have such a huge reaction. But now, she felt that perhaps she was truly bewitched by the 'good' appearance of Jing Yi. She felt that she had become somewhat of a pamper.

As Xu Ran listened to the official's words, a trace of ridicule flashed across her lips. She adjusted the coat on her body and found a more comfortable position to lean against the window as she closed her eyes.

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