CEO's Acquisitive Love

C49 Get Her Dressed

Although Xu Ran knew that Shangguan Jingyi wouldn't take advantage of someone at such a time, he was still a man. She was just a little girl who was unarmed and injured.

It was only when Guan Jingyi placed both of his palms on Xu Ran's waist and gently massaged them that he finally relaxed Xu Ran's taut muscles.

"An An, relax, don't be so nervous." Guan Jingyi massaged her body very attentively, and Xu Ran gradually began to obediently relax as well.

A slightly cold object was pressed against Xu Ran's waist. The cool sensation seeped into her skin, relieving a lot of the pain.

Guan Jingyi got off the bed and stood in front of the wardrobe. He looked at the clothes hanging in front of him that were ready to go. He frowned his pretty eyebrows and felt somewhat troubled.

"An An, where are you putting your undergarments?" Shangguan Jingyi asked.

Only now did Xu Ran realize that he wasn't wearing a corset. Shangguan Jingyi must have thought that the family doctor would come over later, which was why he got out of bed to find underwear for Xu Ran.

"En..." In the second drawer on your left. "

He opened the drawer and sure enough, there were three or four bras, all of them in the style of light-colored girls. Guan Jingyi took a white one and also took a pair of pajamas from the drawer beside it.

"About that, I'll change my clothes myself. Do you want to go wash up first?" Xu Ran looked at a grown man with his underwear in his hand. He looked dazed and had a few mischievous hair. The current him didn't look like a business elite in his thirties. He looked like a sunny boy.

"Yes." Official Jingyi could hear the meaning behind Xu Ran's words and knew that she was embarrassed. It wasn't easy for Guan Jingyi to force her. He put the clothes next to her hand and was a bit worried. He reminded her: "If you can't get it, just call me. Do you understand?" Without waiting for Xu Ran's reply, Guan Jingyi entered the bathroom.

Xu Ran knew that she was injured and she had to move slowly. If she bumped into Guan Jingyi who was changing out, wouldn't it be very awkward? Xu Ran endured the pain on her waist as she quickly took off her clothes and put on some clothes.

However, it did not seem as easy as he had imagined.

"Anthea, are you dressed?"

"Wait... Wait a moment! " The buttons on Xu Ran's corset could not be buttoned up no matter what. Xu Ran was so anxious that she was sweating profusely.

At this moment, the door to the washroom opened with a "pa da" sound, and an official, who had already finished washing his face and rinsing his mouth, walked out.

Without saying a word, Guan Jingyi sat by the bed. The little girl's back was facing him as she took the two separate buttons from her. It only took her two seconds to button it.

Xu Anshan had already put on her pants. Now, all that was left was her pajamas, the kind with a row of buttons tied at the front.

"Big brother Yi, I … I'll do it myself."

Guan Jingyi looked at his watch and said, "I think it's better if I do it. Uncle Wu must be downstairs by now. If you continue talking, he'll come upstairs."

Guan Jingyi's words were quite intimidating. As expected, Xu Ran obediently helped him put on his clothes while stretching her arms out horizontally. Guan Jingyi's fingers were very nimble. From the collar to his chest, and finally to the small button in front of his stomach, it was like magic in his hand.

Looking at the official scene in front of her, Xu Ran gulped. She didn't know why, but she suddenly thought of something — a man who took off a woman's clothes was far less sexy than a man who dressed her.

So, the current Shangguan Jingyi is sexy?

A faint magnetic voice came from above his head. Shangguan Jingyi looked at the little girl who kept swallowing her saliva and asked, "An An, what are you thinking about?"

Xu Ran's head swayed back and forth like a rattle-drum as she replied, "No, no!"

"You're still saying there isn't any, but look at you blushing!" Guan Jingyi continued to speak as he rubbed Xu Ran's face with both hands and said, "It can't be that you had a frostbite yesterday. Look at your face, it's so hot."

There was a timely knock on the door. Housekeeper Zhang's voice came from outside: "Sir, Doctor Wu has arrived."

"En!" Guan Jingyi silently tidied up Xu Ran's hair, then used a rubber band to tie up her black hair, causing her to look much more energetic.

Thus, Guan Jingyi got out of bed to open the door.

Seeing the slightly plump body of Dr. Wu, with his head full of white hair, ruddy complexion, Guan Jingyi smiled and greeted him politely in a rare moment. "Uncle Wu, I've come to trouble you personally for a long journey."

Uncle Wu waved his hand. "Let's not talk about this anymore. I never came to visit when your grandfather came to the Wind City." Where is your wife? "

Uncle Wu was born into a Chinese medicine family, and he majored in acupuncture and moxibustion in the university. However, when the country needed talented people after graduation, Uncle Wu joined the army and became a military doctor.

Xu Ran leaned against the soft pillow and called out to him when she saw Uncle Wu: "Uncle Wu."

Uncle Wu smiled. "No wonder Fourth Bro has taken a fancy to her!"

These words made Xu Ran blush.

Uncle Wu simply pressed Xu Ran's waist through her clothes. After easily confirming the diagnosis, he pinched Xu Ran's waist through her clothes a few more times. Xu Ran could only feel the numbness and the heat on her waist. After a while, she felt much better.

"No problem, just don't do anything that consumes energy for the next few days." Uncle Wu said as he packed the suitcases. After he finished speaking, he even raised his head to look meaningfully at Guan Jingyi.

Guan Yuanyi was already in his thirties, and was not a naive kid. Naturally, he knew that Uncle Wu had misunderstood him. Smiling, Jing Yi didn't try to defend himself. He simply said, "Alright, I'll pay attention."

Xu Ran did not understand why Jing Yi would pay so much attention to her own matters.

Uncle Wu laughed as he shook his head, walking outside. He didn't forget to say, "You brat, it seems like old man Guan is blessed. Who knows, he might soon have a grandson to carry."

After sending Uncle Wu out, Guan Jingyi also agreed, "Then I'll be counting on Uncle Wu's auspicious words."

Only after everyone had left did Xu Ran realize the meaning behind the two men's charade.

Come on, Xu Ran felt that she was too embarrassed to meet anyone this time.

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