He was so angry that he coughed and coughed.

Chest is also a dull pain, mouth has blood.

"Retribution? You see who can get me back! You're dying now, and you say that! I tell you, you can go to your daughter now and let her break up with Huo Sheng! Otherwise, I'll tell Huo Sheng that your baby daughter's father is not clear with others, and your baby daughter is just getting close to him for revenge. I'll make her disgraced. Since I can't get Huo Sheng, she can't get it! If you still want to preserve your daughter's reputation, you should persuade her to let her break up with Huo Sheng, or I will let the whole world know that the future hostess of Longlin group has a father who is a mistress outside! lose all standing and reputation! Look how Huo Sheng has such an old father-in-law, how to be a man! "

Lin Zhu is totally crazy and growls with malice

Shu Yimo looked at the woman in front of him, and his expression suddenly calmed down.

At this moment, he recalled the scene after scene seven years ago and the stupid things he had done.

That scene, which made him regret very much

At the beginning, he and Xiuli fell in love with each other in the University. He was so affectionate. He was a model couple. From freshman to senior, they made love and swore to each other.

The man is handsome and talented, and the woman is gentle and beautiful. I don't know how much envious eyes he has earned.

Hold your hand tightly, eyes firm, vow!

"Xiuli, you give birth to the baby! This is the crystallization of our love

"But Now we haven't found a job yet... "

"Fool! Don't you believe the man you chose? "

At that time, I hugged Xiuli tightly, "I will find a good job to support you and the baby! You don't have to go out to work. I'll take all the responsibilities of this family! In the future, just keep your baby well and keep your home clean and tidy

And later, how did he forget the oath he made?

He is a bitches, but in front of this woman also has an unshirkable responsibility!!

At that time, Xiaoxiao knew that he had an affair and looked at his eyes, which was so cold

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