She clenched her teeth. She was cheap

No matter how unwilling, this body is always cheap and gives in early.

He also felt that her body gradually softened, let out a low voice and gasp, and lifted her lips triumphantly: "why, haven't you refused me all the time recently? Little, you know a man's heart very well. If you know what you want, you will make a man feel unattractive and challenging, right? It's losing my appetite, isn't it? However, if you hang for too long, the man will be annoyed. How about meeting me once? "

"You - don't say that!"

"Why not? You're allowed to do it, don't I say it? I just want to say, not only to say, but also to do, baby -- "

Huo Sheng squints and sneers. At the moment, he seems to be possessed by a devil.

She refused him for so long. Why, why?

He wants her right now, OK?

Where he is in charge of any worldly norms, he will do what he wants. Where is he in the hospital or other places?

He lifted up her skirt and raised her legs, all of which were pulled to his left shoulder. One leg was soft and soft to reach the knee position of the other leg. The whole person seemed to be curled up. Only the snow-white lace appeared between the legs, which made her skin more white as snow. The deep part lured him to go deep.

"Don't --"

in such a place, she has no mind to do it.

He said it. He won't force her again!

"no? You promised to stay in my house tonight. It's the same everywhere

"I'm not in the mood -"

"I'm in a mood, and you'll be in a mood. I know you so well."

His action is urgent and deep, the moment is slow to open the chain, waist to open her legs, push himself in.

She is not ready at all, has not been happy with him for a long time, very dry, very painful


I can't stand it

She frowned tightly and bit her lips. She took hold of the corner of his dress. Pale and tearful, she gazed into his eyes and said slowly, "Sheng, please Be gentle. "

"Don't you just like me to push harder? How else can you be satisfied, baby? "

She bit her lips, and her slender body tried to control his strength, while trying to calm down and say, "I don't know what you saw or heard. Tell me these cruel and merciless words to me. If I can, I really want to take out my heart to show you!"

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