Soon, the car arrived at Lin Zhu's home.

Lin Zhu lives in a small independent compound.

Huo Sheng seldom came here when they were still engaged. He didn't like to go to other people's homes for the night, which would make him feel that he had lost his territory and had no sense of security.

However, he seems to have become another person tonight. Huo Sheng, who was stimulated by those photos, has no idea of going home at all. What is he going to do?

Seeing the empty room, I think of the days and nights when two people used to get along in this room, the chasing, playing, fighting and sweet scenes, or the way she cooks, bakes bread for him, cooks for him, and wears an apron makes him feel pity and love

Or in the bedroom, those intimate moments that two people had spent, the scene of holding hands with ten fingers, every breath, every movement, the smell of her body, deeply engraved into his bones

They all hurt his heart like a knife. Yes, he always loves too much. Even if he knows that she has a secret behind her back, even if she makes him hurt, he still thinks about her

She has always been so gentle smile at him, but at the same time, she stabbed a knife into his back

Huo Sheng's heart is broken. Since he has no heart, it doesn't matter what he does!

Lin Zhu's heart was ecstatic. Huo Sheng didn't come to her house when they had an engagement. Today, how can he let him leave easily?

Lin Zhu's villa is extremely fragrant and gorgeous, with bold colors, scarlet, emerald green and light purple. For men, it is just like a dreamland that can't be detached after entering.

In the past, many of her guests were very interested in the layout of her villa, just like a paradise for men. However, Huo Sheng did not look at it and followed her in silence.

Lin Zhu took him to his living room and took out a medicine box to bandage his arm. Her action was very patient, but Huo Sheng just looked at the starry sky from a distance, without looking at the woman in front of her. He was thinking, if the woman who was with him at the moment was small, how happy he would be

The same thing is done by a woman who doesn't love her or even hates her. Even if she knows it's for her own sake, she doesn't feel a bit

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