Only because he thinks that the wife in the game can exist in the game, and it is unnecessary to develop into a one night stand in reality. On the contrary, it tarnishes the emotion in the game.

After this period of time together, Li Yu felt that the character of "ghost seeing sorrow" was careless, and sometimes there were some little women's careful thinking, but he had to cover it up and pretend to be invincible.

All in all, it's lovely!

What's more, there are some similarities between Zhou Muri and that man woman. Every time I go online to see her, Li Yu's heart will have a trace of unclear expectations.

It seems that all the pressure of his work and the emptiness of that period after the collapse of Zhou's silence seem to be relieved in this ghost's sorrow.

Two people after the fight, drink together in the game, watching the stars, blowing the wind, it's really a bit like a brother in distress.

It seems that there is no other thing to do. He spends all day in the game. He feels that she should have her own story, but he never asked.

Two people have nothing to talk about life, talk about favorite movies, found that each other's preferences, surprisingly surprisingly consistent.

Besides, they all like playing basketball and watching reasoning plays.

What's more, I still keep the habit of watching cartoons!

Love to see detective Conan!

Now, playing games has become the happiest thing in his life.

of course, there is another thing besides that, which is to drink with Huo Sheng.

Recently, Huo Sheng seems to have broken up with him. I don't know what the reason is. Besides that recording that night, Li Yu always thinks there are other factors

However, every time Huo Sheng talks about this matter, he just shakes his head and sighs with a painful expression.

As a good brother, of course, we can't mention which pot does not open. Therefore, Li Yu has not been clear about what they broke up because of. He once comforted Huo Sheng and said, "if it's really inappropriate, forget it!"! There are many women on this day! Especially for president Huo, it's just the end of the world!

However, Huo Sheng always shakes his head and laughs bitterly. Once he was half drunk, he said to Li Yu, "it's hard to make water after going through the sea, but Wushan is not cloud..."

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