"Mr. Huo, I feel you have her in your heart. In that case, you have to find a way to show it! Women want to be affirmed by their loved ones. If they always stand in your field and struggle to find her, she will never feel your love! Love must be spoken out and expressed in a way that can only be buried in two people's hearts forever Mr. Huo, are you willing to do so? "

Huo Sheng's face was a little red. After a long time, he murmured: "but What if betrayal happens in love? "

Chen Dong sighed softly, and then a smile floated on his lips: "betraying such a thing First of all, it depends on whether it is a real betrayal. Sometimes it is just a misunderstanding between both sides... "

"What if it's true?" Huo Sheng's sense of tension, that valuable pen also fell to the ground!

However, he didn't pay any attention, just nervously looking at Chen Dong's expression.

Chen Dong thought carefully for a while, and said with a faint smile: "if it is really betrayal, it is not necessarily a fault that can not be forgiven and forgiven absolutely."

Huo Sheng asked anxiously, "how can it be? If betrayal, it is a violation of two people's promises. In that case, the promises once made do not count. How can we accept each other? I don't think women can accept it! "

"in this way, it depends on the situation of everyone." Chen Dong said with a faint smile, "people are not sages, who can be faultless. In fact, the process of love is a process of mutual maturity and growth. Even though there are some misunderstandings between the two people, they have separated, and they may have done some wrong things... "

"However, as long as two people have the determination to stay together all the time, have the courage to forget the past and start over again, and feel that the other party is their favorite person, then the past pain can also be regarded as the disaster that two people must experience in the process of walking hand in hand..."


"If two people are really willing to join hands and never separate from each other, then they should accept everything in the past calmly. As long as there is no betrayal, I think forgiveness is not totally impossible!"

When Huo Sheng heard this, she felt as if she had been given a shot in her heart. Suddenly, her face was full of vitality.

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