Slowly, he turned on the computer, skillfully pressed the game button, entered the game.

With a trace of expectation, he wanted to find out whether Xiaoxiao was on line. However, his team-mates were blank in the column of team building. With a trace of disappointment, he slowly flew to the top of the city that belonged to him and his little town.

His back in silver armor looked so lonely and lonely.

Flying down the valley and standing at the gate of the city, as usual, he opened the gate and walked on the beautiful stone paved path. The setting sun shone on him, and his shadow seemed to have a kind of slender sadness.

Once upon a time, two people came to this small town to chat together, pay attention to the opening of each flower, design the shape of each house together, listen to the music fountain together, and quietly join hands, just watching the passage of time

But today, there is only one person here.

Huo Sheng sighed bitterly and walked slowly along the route they usually took.

The town was very small, and soon came to the side of their favorite music fountain. The two stone statues were still gazing at it with deep affection as before. Everything seemed to be the same, but the one who loved the most was not there.

Huo Sheng felt an indescribable sadness in her heart. She left the city and the hostess of the city had abandoned the city.

What is he doing with the town? Just for memory?

Holding out his hand, he had an impulse to destroy the whole town.

However, thinking of Chen Dong's words to him, Huo Sheng hesitated again. He said in his heart, "Xiao Xiao, I believe you will come back one day! In order to wait for the day when you come back, I will keep the city, let everything run as it is, let the flowers still open, the birds still sing, just to find the direction of the city when you come back... "

He quietly sat by the fountain, took out a coin from his arms, put it into the clear water, folded his hands, and made a wish:

he hoped to stand side by side with her one day and watch the sunset slowly set

Then he used a spell to carve a line along the edge of the fountain pool: Iam waiting for you! I'm waiting for you

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