She used to think that she was infinitely close to happiness.

That man, gave himself happiness.

Unfortunately, in the nearest moment of happiness, happiness like a colorful bubble, quietly broke, leaving no trace.

She has been afraid, such a deep love, can not be happy.

So, how can we be happy?

Ouyang gazed at her eyes. Her eyes flashed, flustered and sad. Her heart seemed to be tightened by something. She held her hand tightly: "little, you are still young. Maybe, in a few years, you will feel that if you want to have a long stream of happiness, maybe you don't need to love too much."

"What do you mean, elder martial brother?"

"You are so smart, I think you will understand that the feelings that can be used in a person's life are limited, at least I always believe that." Ouyang's hand is very warm, and his tone is very appropriate, "small, in order to love, with too much effort, in fact, it may not be a good thing. The more effort you use, the more painful it will be when you lose it. On the contrary, it is a light, gentle feeling like spring breeze, which is the longest and most peaceful. Of course, you can not agree with it."

"I think you're right." She bowed her head and laughed helplessly, "if I love you too much, it will be very harsh. It seems that there are only ashes left after burning. However, elder martial brother, I am such a stubborn character. Can you accept me who still loves others? It's not fair to you. "

"There's nothing unfair. I'm not a tough and persistent man." He locked her eyes, "I just want to give you happiness, let you smile freely, I am not too overbearing, over a thousand sails, long flow, this is what I really want, small, this is my serious confession, I hope you can consider."

at this moment, in the streamlined sports car separated by a wall, the incomparable face of Zhang Junlang sank into the boundless darkness. What did he see?

He saw that under a big tree, Ouyang and Xiaoxiao were nestling together.

It looks so intimate, so sweet, so touching. Ouyang kisses his little eyes, eyebrows and forehead. Then they look at each other affectionately and hold hands. It seems that they are talking about something sweetly.

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