The picture I saw last time is true. They are together now.

If the two had not established a relationship, how could they be alone on such a special day as the burial of their father?

Moreover, the small and weak body, she was obviously thin, should be the death of her father brought her a heavy blow.

And Ouyang hugged her gently and murmured in her ear.

The two men seem to complement each other. Ouyang's mature and elegant style is like a mountain, which makes Xiaoxiao depend on. Huo Sheng suddenly feels that his existence is too much for the first time!

If they had not been seizing and seizing small bodies and hearts by various means, perhaps they would have been together.

From an onlooker's point of view, they really match!

Ouyang is indeed a good man. He has experienced the failure of his feelings. At his age, he has already understood how to love and how to cherish a love.

However, I don't understand

I have been growing up in a twisted family, and my resentment towards my mother has turned into disdain and possession of women.

Although he fell in love with small, but can not use calm heart and gentle tolerance to love her.

It was his own fault.

It was his own crime.

even if Xiaoxiao did cheat with him, it was because he was not good enough, rude and distrustful, and could not give her a perfect and safe love.

This love, I failed.

Huo Sheng's lips twitched. For a long time, a drop of cold tears fell on the back of his hand.

He suddenly found himself in tears, which was not because of anger, injustice or betrayal of heartache, but a boundless emptiness and loneliness, as well as dark sadness.

He suddenly felt that he should leave, forever leave small life, let her free, let her get happiness together with the person who really loves her, and get a long, stable and quiet life!

Two days ago, after listening to Chen Dong's words, he had plucked up his courage and tried his best to fight for her again.

However, at this time, he felt that all this was in vain. No matter how he fought for it, he could never give a little true love!

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