"Lin Zhu, do you know who you are now? Your boss has long decided to dismiss you from the post of editor in chief. You are nothing now. Will anyone believe the news you release? "

Lin Zhu's body, suddenly a shudder!

It seemed to her that her career was over.

Her status as a city celebrity, fashion queen and party queen has long been gone.

Now she is just an ugly and unbearable pregnant woman,

however, it doesn't matter.

Even if they can't get this man, at least, they split up.

In this way, it's also a piece of pleasure!!!

She sneered: "well, I'm nothing now, but what about you? What about you? Ha ha ha, Huo Sheng, you can't protect your beloved. You are not a man! "

after listening to this sentence, Huo Sheng's heart was empty

Originally, at that time, Xiaozhen didn't lie. She was cheated by this evil woman, misunderstood her and made her so sad

Think of here, anger, hatred and self blame like a poisonous snake, severely strangled Huo Sheng's heart!

As soon as he turned his head, he looked coldly at Lin Zhu struggling in the pool of blood. There was no sympathy or pity in his eyes, but hatred and disgust. It was as if what he saw was not a woman, but a toad rolling in the mud. He said coldly, "so, all the details of the little novel are true? Seven years ago, you seduced her father, destroyed her family, took almost all the property of their family, caused her parents to divorce, her mother took her away from home, and pretended that she was no longer in the world. You did all this, didn't you? "

Lin Zhu's legs have been gurgling blood, accumulated into a pool.

But even though she frowned at the pain, her voice was still full of crazy pride, as if talking about the proudest thing in the world.

There were snow-white teeth in his cracked lips, like a bloodthirsty mother: "yes, that's true! It's a pity that you didn't believe it at that time. You didn't believe that little bitch! Don't you say you love her very much? You don't believe her! I don't know what you love! You are just a hypocritical man

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