I can't help but talk to the drama crew next to me. Such a passionate performance can be performed without a double. I think it will be a big selling point of the film. Su Xiao felt the heat of his body, across a layer of fabric, burning her body, her heart He has decided to give up her. What else should he do? Today, everything can be held. Originally, everything would not be out of line. Why, can't help but be moved again? Turning her head, she gently stuck to his ear lobe in the dark and said, "let me go! You told me to let me go... " Huo Sheng's voice was low and hoarse. Her fingers gently stroked her skin, her nose, her lips, her clavicle, her shoulder line, her slender waist, her hips, and a trace of her skin. She whispered in her ear: "I'll let you go, I'll let you go forever, and I won't disturb your life again. Please accompany me through this play, OK? Let me once again review the taste of our love, OK? Let me recollect my life, let me not be too desperate after decades of long years, there is always something to cherish, let me slowly chew, taste... " Tears suddenly gushed out of Su Xiao's eyes, she slowly said: "you don't want to be like this! Since you have decided to leave, why leave such a memory? Seven years ago, that event has been a brand that can never be erased. Let's forget that we once loved! The more you love, the more you hate. It will only make the other party more miserable Huo Sheng looked at her, bent down and gently imprinted a kiss on her lips. This kiss, no desire, clean, white. Then Huo Sheng suddenly stood up and said in a loud voice, "Cheng Dao, I ask ng!" ——————————————————————————————Cheng Qishan, the deputy director and all the crew are watching the performance from their heart, but they hear the hero say they want to take the initiative. Cheng Qishan scratched his head and asked with black lines: "why?" Huo Sheng said faintly: "I'm a little uncomfortable..." Looking at Huo Sheng's expression, Cheng Qishan is really confused. In the past two days, seeing the performance of the two people, there is a tendency to revive old love. Otherwise, Su Xiao would not be so obedient to have such physical contact with him

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