Su Xiaobai with a face: "what is called to do the best?" Cheng Qishan said slowly, "let me give you an example! Once, when Huo Sheng was in primary school, he was going to take part in a large violin competition. You know, when he was a child, his mother forced him to play the violin. At that time, he prepared a piece of music, which was very difficult, not to mention a 12-year-old child, even a 20-year-old adult, could not be able to complete it! But, he likes that song, he always plays, always plays The next day the game, but he has a place how can't play well, there is a glide how can't pull his ideal state, he is very angry! At that time, his mother was not angry with him, but he was angry. He hit the piano heavily on the ground, very upset. On that day, I happened to come to his house. I was very puzzled, so I touched his hair and asked him, "sheng'er, even if you can't make this sound perfect, you've already done your best, and you will definitely win the first place in tomorrow's competition." You know what he said then Su Xiao shook her head. Cheng Qishan said faintly: "at that time, Huo Sheng looked up at me and said," Uncle Cheng, because I like this song, I decided to play this piece of music. However, I didn't make it perfect. Therefore, I was willing to give up! " At that time, I was surprised, "tomorrow is going to be a competition, how can you give up?" Huo Sheng raised his head with pride, and his eyes were sharp. He didn't look like a teenager at all. He said, "I won't take part in tomorrow's competition." I was surprised and said to him, "if you don't join in, your mother will blame you!" "If she wants to blame, let her! Anyway, she doesn't blame me once or twice. Even if I get the first place, she won't like me much! " ——————————————————————————————————————————Huo Sheng's eyes at that time left a deep impression in my heart, such helpless, so mature, stubborn as dazzling poppy. The innocence and impudence and childishness of a child have disappeared from him Cheng Qishan narrowed his eyes, and in his heart loomed the strangely beautiful young man in a white shirt. That kind of vision, let him never forget.

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