"They are not only more handsome than you, but also have more money than you. They are also 100 times more devoted to their feelings than you are. You can't compare them with them! What kind of man are you to speak ill of a girl behind your back? You can tell Huo Sheng if you have the ability. You can tell Huo Sheng that it's not good to tell Huo Sheng that he doesn't knock your teeth out with one punch! Let you look for teeth everywhere! I'm still here

Li Yu was also in a hurry just now, saying such words, he also felt some regret.

But, looking at Zhou silent this pair of feeling, hand in hand with Wang Yang's arm, the expression that is nervous, like protecting a calf.

Can't help but sneer, NND, make this kind of love look to who to see!

He added some evil breath to his mouth: "well, Zhou silent, I haven't seen you for a few days. You are good at swearing! I don't know if my skills have improved in bed... "

As soon as the voice fell, Zhou silent's face turned blue, and Wang Yang's face became very ugly. It was like the ocean before the storm came. Zhou silently covered himself behind him and coldly said to Li Yu, "keep your mouth clean!"

"Oh! Why is my mouth not clean? I'm telling the truth! Yes? She hasn't told you what I have to do with her? Is it possible that She also lied to you. She is still an innocent girl with yellow flowers... "

Wang Yang's face was red before the word "girl" was spoken, and a left hook punched Li Yu!

Although Li Yu was big and agile, he sidestepped to avoid it.

But Wang Yang's punch was also very fierce. Although he didn't hit Li Yu in the face, he also hit him on the shoulder, making a dull sound!

Li Yu was not angry but laughed: "Oh, Hello! Wang's young master is very good! The little hairy head protected by seven sisters has not eaten her milk. She has learned how to beat people. What a beautiful person

"Who do you think is a little hairy, who hasn't eaten the milk yet?"

Wang Yang's face turned red.

Zhou silently looked at the two people, and was about to fight. He quickly grabbed a "Hey, what are you two doing! This is the hospital, you are not afraid of a while doctors and nurses to see your jokes! Even if you don't want to face, Huo Da Shao is shameless! "

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