"After a long time, it turns out that it's a little lover quarrelling! Hey, no wonder! What do you say? The swearing words are so ambiguous

You can't help turning a tomato into a red one! I would also like to wish you a son. Not only do you have a little JJ, but also you will be exploded in turn... "

"Well, if I have this ability, I think you know it best!" Li Yu suddenly bent down and interrupted her!

Zhou silent surprised, "what do you want?"

"What am I doing?" Li Yu said with a smile: "since you said that I have no ability to have a son, this is the biggest insult to a man's dignity. I have to give you a little punishment. Comrade Zhou silent, tell me from facts, do I have the ability to have a son?"

Zhou silent was so angry that his face was bleeding. He cried out, "you just don't have this ability! NND, before and after even less than 20 minutes, I thought you were so good! It turned out to be a useless Silver Pewter gun head

"Wow, this sentence is too strong, too strong, too bloody!" The onlookers couldn't help but cover their mouths and snicker, "the couple quarreled, and even how many minutes can they tell each other? Maybe there will be more powerful content below!"

Hearing this, Li Yu's face suddenly changed. His eyes were full of murderous air. He slowly bent down, rolled up his trousers and took off his shoes. Then, he jumped down into the dirty and smelly pool!

Very standard posture!

Comparable to the Olympic diving athletes!

Zhou silent was surprised. He watched Li Yu approaching him step by step. His famous brand suit was slowly soaked by the stinky pond water

Zhou silent only felt a burst of heartache. My God, how could this suit take tens of thousands of ocean, and it was destroyed!

Looking at Li Yu's frozen face, she was forced to the edge of the pool. Zhou silent eyes closed, heart a horizontal, a fork in the waist, facing his angry mouth: "what do you want to do?"

"What do you want me to do?" At this moment, although there are many mosses and duckweeds on her body in the mud and foul water pond, Li Yu's brilliant image seems not to be affected at all

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