Suddenly, a few big words appeared on the screen: "congratulations on your random lottery! Get the mysterious super luxury gift given by the public test system of God and devil love! This lucky draw is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. Congratulations on your good luck

Zhou silent startled, "Wow, what kind of ceremony is it that you say so much?"

She stares at the screen with uneasy mood. In a flash, several big words appear on the screen: "in order to celebrate the great success of the public test of" love between gods and demons ", the company has decided to give you a free gift certificate for traveling to Maldives, including air tickets and hotels! Hotels are arranged in five-star hotels, air tickets are first class, all fees are free, so you can enjoy a seven day vacation full of romance and passion

Zhou silent a Leng, "all inclusive?"

Oh, my God! How lucky she is!

From small to large, she has never been so lucky! Today, Maldives has never been lucky enough to get 5 bucks!

Round trip air tickets, five-star hotels, how can they add up to tens of thousands, how can the game company be so good!

I'm afraid it's not a liar, is it?

It seems to understand her careful thinking, and a line of words was printed on the screen: "if you don't believe that our company has this lottery activity, please call XXXXXXXX..."

Zhou silent picked up the mobile phone, according to the number in the past, there is a mellow female voice to tell Zhou silent company does have this activity.

"Well, how many people have won?" Zhou silent asked uneasily.

I always feel that my luck will not be so good!

"Well This is the trade secret of our company. However, miss, I can tell you that there are very few people, and you must cherish this opportunity! "

"Oh..." Zhou silently nodded, "that When is the departure time? "

"Three days later," the beautiful female voice explained

"Ah? So fast? "

"Yes, the ticket has been reserved, miss. I hope you will attend on time! The expiration date will be invalid

"Oh, that Let me see! "

three days later, city a international airport.

Zhou silently stood at the security checkpoint with a huge box.

In the end, she accepted the prize of the luxury tour in Maldives.

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