"What do you think is a bad man? Be dragged into the room to eat dry wipe clean? I'm sorry, but I don't think of anything else! If you say bad people, I think you are worse than others! What's more, it's hypocritical

There was deep disappointment, emptiness and loneliness in her tone.

Li Yu grabbed her and refused to let her go: "no way! You can't go back! "

"Why?" She bit her teeth and forced herself not to let her tears flow down.

Li Yu sighed and said slowly: "because Your room card has just been lost by me in the bathing pool below. It has been sunk for a long time. You can't get in now

"You..." Zhou's silent eyes suddenly widened and his pupils narrowed. Looking at him, he said, "Li Yu, what do you want to do? I am very tired, I have no feelings for you. Can you make it clear what you want? If you go on like this, I think... "

"I'm afraid I'm going to hate you!" she said with a sad smile

"How can you say that?" Li Yumeng kneaded her into his arms, wildly kissing her temples, her hair, gently said: "you love me, I know, just when we were in love, you didn't know it was me, but murmured my name Isn't that the best proof that you love me? "

Zhou looked at him in silence and asked, "did I just call your name?"

"Yes! Just now you, distracted, almost fell into a semi coma state, however, you hold me tightly, gently calling my name

You didn't know it was me, did you? You hope it's me, and I want you, don't you? "

He looked at her sharply, as if staring into her heart.

"Silent, you love me, don't deny, don't escape, stay with me! Your body, your heart, belongs to me

"Ha ha..." Zhou silently laughed in a hurry, but there was no smile on her face. After a long time, she spoke slowly:

"I'll ask you one thing, why are you here? What system player's reward ticket I received is not your fault? Why do you know my name in the system? Why are you following? Tell me, why! "

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