Li Yu turned his head from the computer, smiling at Zhou silent standing in front of him wearing an apron, and flew a kiss: "wife, don't say, you look like a yellow faced woman in your apron!"

"Well, when you praise me, come and eat!" Zhou mutely crossed his waist.

Li Yu bitter face, pitifully asked: "wife, you do the rice in the end can eat ah?"

"Who says you can't eat! Poison will not kill you Zhou silently raised his head and said to the other employees, "Hello, comrades, come to dinner! Misimici

"Oh, Madame, here we are!"

Employees waved to Zhou.

"Come and eat! Or it will be gone! " Zhou yelled in a high voice.

Since Li Yu's company lost such a large sum of money, many employees have run away, including Julie, who used to pester him. Now the employees left are loyal old employees.

Although the company lost money, Li Yu didn't reduce their wages. In addition, last week's silence, the landlady treated the employees as if they were brothers and sisters. Therefore, the employees who stayed behind did their best to work for him.

Li Yu recently in a good mood, inspiration naturally high, soon, a new game will be born.

It is said that this game will be more perfect than "God and devil Love".

When everyone was sitting around the table, Li Yu gave Zhou silent a smile and said, "wife, I really don't know that you can make a good dish from a lady who doesn't touch the spring water in more than 20 days! It seems that the necessary bankruptcy is still needed! How else could I have such a virtuous wife? "

"Fart!" Zhou silently took the spatula, as if the red wolf beat the gray wolf on Li Yu's head, "you hurry to make money for me! I don't want you to be a pauper again! If you don't come back to Gao Fu Shuai in a year, I'll dump you! "

"Good, good, I will try to make money! Try to raise a wife, OK

"Well, you boy! I will brag to my mother Zhou silent frowned upside down, put a bowl of meat on the table in front of Li Yu, pretending to be fierce and yelled: "anyway, I'm living with you here now. You can't say that I only love Gao Shuai Fu. Don't insult my character!"

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