Although she has received many love letters and invitation from so-called popular senior students in recent years, she is not interested.

She never believed in the depth of communication and identification between people of different nationalities.

She still likes Chinese men. China is her root and hometown.

Even though her Japanese fluency can be regarded as a Japanese girl, she still wants to go back home.

What's more, those so-called popular senior students are more keen on dressing up than girls. They have to wear different styles of clothes every day. I don't know how much gel water is sprayed on their hair styles. It's terrible to think about it.

Such a man, can be friends, do lovers, she is really hold.

She likes a man with manliness, a real man.

So, at most, she had coffee with them once, and then nothing more.

Of course, in those Japanese ladies, of course, it was said that she had sex with countless men.

It doesn't matter. As long as I stay here until I get my degree, I can go back home. I don't have to suffer from such white eyes, I don't have to listen to these false rumors, I don't have to work hard and study at the same time, I wash dishes in the freezing water below zero, I work in the barbecue shop until two in the morning, and I have to get up and go to school at five the next day, Only three months, three months she can get a degree, she can leave Japan, return home!

Her hometown!

Come to think of it, how much we look forward to it!

this is a professional class. A female teacher in a high-grade suit, Ms. Yamada, stepped onto the platform.

Mr. Yamada is also a lady of a large family. It is said that she is the eldest lady of a certain financial group. She is usually arrogant. She regards the attachment of foreign students as nonexistent.

Of course, those big girls with money in the family are close friends with her.

Mr. Yamada looked around the students under the stage, with a proud look on his face with exquisite makeup and a light mouth: "dear students, the school board of directors has made a decision that all students should have a training before graduation. This training requires you to leave the school, stay outside for 20 days, and take part in several examinations. Only when these examinations are passed, can you get your graduation certificate and you can graduate smoothly. Do you hear me clearly? "

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