And he was accompanied by a bowing, well-known man.

Attachment heart, suddenly floating a wonderful mood.

She understood that this man was much better than the greasy, potbellied and shabby old uncle who came over just now. Maybe this man is a very suitable gold owner!

Good people to sell themselves!

Attachment is scared by her crazy idea, but she can't escape the temptation of this idea.

She saw the man coming closer and closer to her. She saw that the man's suit was cut like a miracle in the moonlight, and the material was like a smooth lake without a ripple.

And his tie, tie buckle, cufflinks, leather shoes, all boast the power of nobility and luxury.

This man must be very rich. If this man takes a fancy to her and she has a good time with him, she won't have to sell many times like retail goods to save 500000 yen!

she understood that for the man in front of her, 500000 yen is just like RMB 1, which can be discarded easily

Thinking of this, she decided to stand there, trying to control his heartbeat.

If it is destined to sell her body, then sell it to a person who can offer a high price as much as possible. Anyway, she is not a noble princess. She is just a humble poor overseas student who can't even make up 500000 yen!

She is not in accordance with the heart, is not high, surrounded by the princess, this is her fate, this is her original sin, she has no way to break free, she can only work hard!

One day, she will trample on these people who trample on her. But first, she has to take a step. It's just to sell her body and dignity. What is it!

Is her body and dignity worth 500000 yen?

If this person is willing to offer 500000 yen, she will go with him without hesitation!

It doesn't matter if it's all night!

She summoned up such courage, straightened up her chest, and burst out a charming and attractive smile on her face!

At this time, Ouyang Yayan was also stunned for a moment. Originally, he didn't want to find a woman who was in the dust to vent his anger tonight.

However, looking at these subordinates, he must recommend to himself. He knows that if he refuses again and again, he may lose his identity in front of these competent generals.

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