She didn't look at the fat man like a pig's head. Instead, she quietly turned her face to the man in front of her. She whispered softly: "what? You won't even pay half a million? "

"How do you know I won't?"

He curled his lips in a lingering tone.

"If you will..." Attachment squint, smile like a kitten, hands on Ouyang's shoulder.

The vision is hazy, the movement is like the flowing water, timely take hold of measure of measure, "how can you allow your hand down to criticize me?"

That called Yamada's men finally can't help it, roar and rush up, want to push away attachment, language with threat way: "bitch! Bitch! Don't touch our young master, you are not qualified! "

"Yamada, stop it!" Ouyang coldly took a look at him, that vision is like a knife edge, make this called Yamada's subordinates immediately pale.

He knew what kind of person the little Lord was. Although he drank wine and his head was a little dizzy, he did not underestimate his ability and coldness.

He bangs on his head. Yes, it's only 500000. What's the little Lord!

The little Lord is so rich and famous. If you want to have a woman you like, you can't spend much money!

It's the little Lord's business. It's none of your business. Why should I do this!

Thinking of this, Yamada can only pull down his face, make a flattering smile, and vigorously nod his head: "yes, yes, little Lord, I I won't say a word, you You can do what you want. I I'll go first

With that, he wriggled his fat body and left the scene slowly.

As a result, in the dim lane, under the dim yellow street lamp, only Ouyang Yayan and his attachment are left.

Attachment gently bit the lip, she felt that since this man is willing to remove her hand for her, presumably, will not necessarily veto her conditions, thinking of here, her heart lit up a glimmer of hope.

"Well, there is no one now." The man lowered his head and put his jaw on her head. His voice was gentle, but with a slight threat. It was like a needle in a thread, but it made people shiver. It sounded deep in her ears.

"Now, tell me, why do you think you are worth the price?"

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