Intoxicated in such a dream, her lips showed a naive smile.

This smile makes Ouyang look dazed, she can smile so beautiful!

Before, she put on his charming, attentive and sexy smile completely. Although it was beautiful, it had a more artificial flavor.

But at this moment, her smile is so pure, as if the world's treasure heap in front of him, also can't change such a smile.

He can't help but hold her tighter. At the same time, he hopes that the day will not be bright

However, it soon turned white. Ouyang looked at his watch. At most, he was about to leave in two hours.

Fortunately, it was late in the winter, so he could accompany the little woman for a while.

At the moment, he suddenly felt the taste of not giving up.

He gently rubbed her smooth hair, with mixed feelings in his heart. If she was a Chinese, how good it would be!

If she is a Chinese, he really wants to see her again. Unfortunately, she is a Japanese ,

forget it! This may be God's will. He will not stay in Japan for a long time. He will return to China next month. He will not come back easily except for necessary things. Therefore, why give a woman hopeless expectation?

he sighed and greedily felt the fragrance of her earlobe and clavicle.

It's a kind of Gardenia fragrance.

The heart thought, such a beautiful girl, fortunately the first night is with him, but after that, she will fall into the hands of some men, once for so much money, what does she use to do?

Do you want to sell your body after buying famous brand bags and cosmetics?

I'm used to getting so much money easily. I'm afraid it's hard to change luxury into simplicity.

He really didn't want to see her do that, but he knew it was her freedom and he had no right to interfere.

Involuntarily, he took out his mobile phone and took a picture of her sleeping face in the hazy halo of the morning, just because she looked like a baby at the moment, so that he could not help but miss in his heart.

At this time, it was about an hour and a half before dawn.

Suddenly, in a quiet and warm air, Ouyang's phone rang out suddenly!

"Hello?" he replied in a low voice

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