The woman has a smooth long hair, slender and graceful body, the whole person seems very lonely, with a little sad taste.

She had a glass full of wine in her hand, but she didn't know what she saw. Her fingers trembled. The glass fell on the ground, and it was a mess rolling with the liquor.

Feel the eyes of the people, attachment feel very embarrassed.

Today she seems to be very failure, no matter what to do is very failure!

He summoned up all his courage to give his kiss to the man, and finally got his cruel reply.

What are you looking forward to, what are you helpless with? Why can I embarrassingly break the cups?

Watching waiter waiter come to the side, she squeezed out a smile: "sorry How much is the cup? I'll make it! "

She stumbled out of the Japanese restaurant and the alcohol in her stomach suddenly came up. The degree of the wine was very low, basically a drink. But maybe it was because some red wine had been drunk at the wedding, plus some red wine The wine you drink at this moment, the concentration of this alcohol is mixed, especially fascinating.

She stumbled on the neon street, like a blockage in her heart, unable to say the pain.

Walking, she was a subway entrance in front of her. She could take the subway home, but she didn't know why. She wanted to walk again in the street that was blowing by the night wind. So she went on

A young woman like her, who has been walking on the street for a long time, especially through some mixed alleys, naturally attracted some mixed attention in the street.

There are jeans in holes, smoking smoke and pulling slippers, the mixed mixed hand at her, smiling face: "beautiful women, play together?"

Attachment to the reason has not paid attention to those people, this world is always some boring people!

Those little gangsters and ruffians were completely unaware of following her: "beautiful women, don't ignore us! It's lonely to see you alone, what? Dumped by a boyfriend? Come on, play with my brother! Brother makes you happy for a while, much happier than your boyfriend! "

I can't help but smile

Even these hooligans, mischievous, all see that she is very lost, was dumped

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