She won't! Don't be naked in front of this person.

Word by word, she said obstinately, "I really don't understand, Mr. Ouyang. I thank you for saving me! But now, I'm going home. Please stop and put me down. Don't say those inexplicable words to me. You probably have the wrong person! I am attached. Before today, you have never seen or heard of me

The man is silent, did not say a word, just the shadow of the eye is flashing.

Then, he severely stepped on the brake, the car was originally fast, suddenly brake, issued a sharp sound.

However, he quickly stopped at the side of the road.

He's going to let her go?

Attachment in the heart of some surprise, some happiness, but also some inexplicable loss.

Did he agree with her? Or did he believe that he was not that woman after she said so?

But he doesn't seem to be so easily convinced.

She didn't know what the man was thinking.

But, in the heart actually had an idea, she wants to leave him, never want to meet with him again, do not want to bump into, let her forever escape this man's manipulation!


Attached fingers have grasped the door handle, gently open the door

however, she found it could not be unscrewed!

Looking back at the man's face in amazement, she whispered, "Mr. Ouyang, please open the door. I'm going to get off."

"I didn't say let you out of the car!" He looked at her with cold eyes and a thin cool arc around the corners of his mouth.

"You..." Attachment can not help but a little angry, heart fluttering: "let me out of the car! Otherwise, what do you want? "

"What do I want?" The next second, the man suddenly leaned over like a leopard and pressed her on the co driver.

Attachment in the throat has no time to send out a low call, the lips have been severely sealed by men.

The smell of tobacco still lingers on his lips, which is choking, fierce, and with a sense of unexplained erosive sexuality. He only feels that the brain is lack of oxygen and can not move for a time.

His eyes are very cold, cold with a trace of narrow taste, attachment finally reacts, finally push his shoulders, low cry: "Mr. Ouyang, what are you doing?"

-- today is cheerleading

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