She couldn't climb up to him, but she didn't want to be the object of his abstinence and catharsis!

Thinking of this, the attachment of the heart quite calm down, the muscles of the whole body also slowly relaxed, but, accept his kiss lips with a cold

Tears suddenly rose in her eyes and a trace of sadness flashed in her heart.

Perhaps, this man now these actions, does not mean that he has any special in his heart.

But just like all men, they don't waste all the opportunities to have women.

Anyway, she had sex with him. What about this time?

It's a long night. Even if I do it, it's only an hour's work.

What is it to a man?

Think of here, her a cavity of blood subsided, cold closed his lips, resist his attack.

Ouyang quickly found her refusal, star eyes micro MI, some surprise in the heart.

He has now confirmed that this little woman is her in Shibuya street! Even if a person's face may not remember clearly, but the feeling of kissing is unique in this world!

He likes to kiss her, whether in Japan that time, or today in a small wedding, or now

He likes how she feels in her body!

He gasped tightly in his throat, pinched her jaw, kneaded her whole body into the body and pressed her under the body. The voice had a threatening smell: "I saved you. Why did you do this to me?"

"do you think you are kind to me

Attachment suddenly smile, that smile is very bitter, with a kind of see through the world, the taste of self abandon.

She raised her eyes and looked at the man. Her face was very calm. She said, "yes, I owe you! Once you gave me so much money that I needed. I should thank you. Without you, I would not graduate so smoothly. I may still be struggling to work in Japan. Without you, I might have fallen into the clutches of hooligans. Indeed, you have saved me many times. I should thank you... "

Her lips left a sneering smile and continued to look at the man: "do you men think that the best way for a woman to express gratitude is to give her life? Because women in your hearts are just animals that can be used to vent. All right! If you think so, I'll cooperate with you! "

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