"You think you can repay it by sleeping with me now, don't you?"

Ouyang grinned coldly. Suddenly, he slowly turned around, clenched the steering wheel, looked at the boundless night ahead, and coldly threw out a sentence: "if you think you can repay me by sleeping with me now, you are wrong! Do you know how many women are waiting to go to bed with me every day? You know, there are almost no women I can look up to. Today, I specially drove here to save you and took out a gun. No matter what you say, this kind of kindness is not something that you can repay by dedicating yourself now. Are you clear? "

"What do you want?" The voice of attachment was cold, as if there were no waves in the ocean: "I have now, but this body, I am just an ordinary little reporter, no money, no fame, no value to use, Mr. Ouyang, you give me a problem like this, I really don't know what to do! If you can't even see my body, then why leave me here, let me out of the car, I will thank you! It's just that I don't want to be alone with you in the future

"Are you so afraid of me?"

He held out a hand, did not look at her, but firmly placed on her beautiful lines, tall and attractive chest

there was a shiver in his attached heart. He just gently put his finger on her skin, and she felt as if there was an electric current running through her body.

It was joyful and uneasy, and there was almost a cry from the bottom of my throat.

She secretly reproached herself. How could this happen!

Why does he seem to have magic, his body seems to be eager for his embrace and touch, can she not be so cheap!

The heart of attachment cries out in pain, trying to put on a calm expression on his face.

Fortunately, Ouyang just looked ahead and didn't look at her face. He stroked her skin and said, "do you know? I'm not a person who can save people easily. You owe me this love. I won't let it go easily! "

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she said in a stubborn and sad voice, "what do you want, Ouyang? I'm willing to sacrifice myself to you now, but you don't care. You want me to repay you. Do you want me to die here and give my life to you? "

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