Fingers gently stir with the rhythm of some skin rhythm, as if feathers, stir up the most secret melody, so that she almost feel like paradise, but her heart is burning like fire, so thirsty, going crazy!

Ouyang looks at the woman's expression with the light from the corner of his eyes. The stubborn hedgehog has already responded, and seems to be looking forward to his deeper action.

The expression on his face is a face that would rather die than be unyielding.

Is it necessary for her to do this? Who was holding his sleeve and pestering him to have a good time with him? Was she so short of money at that time?

Isn't it ridiculous that you can sell your self-esteem for money, and now you turn your face and refuse to recognize people, and pretend to be a saint like snow and ice?

There was something sharp in his eyes.

He is rarely so strict with people, especially for women, he is generally very gentlemanly, very polite, because he really has no interest in most women, it is better to be polite.

However, the woman used her silence and intransigence to make his self-esteem feel greatly frustrated.

However, she clenched her teeth tightly without saying a word. The dangerous smell in men's eyes was stronger, like a black whirlpool, which would crush people to pieces, and a sneer came out from her throat: this woman is so bold! So against him, well, he will let her die willingly, to see how he ate her all!

The other finger went in.

The whole body of her attachment trembled, and she felt that every pore was sending out a cry of panic and heartiness. However, she still said nothing and closed her eyes, as if the old monk had settled down and did not pay attention to the temptation of men.

"You are dishonest, miss!" Ouyang suddenly said a word in Japanese.

Attachment a Leng, but also in Chinese reply: "I have always been very honest, I have always been particularly honest to my heart!"

"Oh? Is it? " Ouyang continued to speak in Japanese: "so please tell me that it is the first time for an honest girl to conceal herself? Can a woman make fun of it

With that, the strength of his fingers increased.

A gasp from the attached throat conceals the surging in the heart

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