"Oh, it's a normal working environment! You are at least one of the best-known newspapers in a city. If your female staff members have this kind of thing and such scandals come out, does it mean that the internal supervision of your newspaper office is not good and the wind of hidden rules is prevailing? How did she become a reporter and did she sleep up? "

The front desk lady was said to have a white face and could only wave. She called a department manager to answer the phone. The manager said to the receiver, "excuse me, what can I do for you, miss?"

The vicious female voice on the microphone continued: "didn't you read the post on the forum? There are female employees in your newspaper office who seduce the rich in luxury cars at night and make all kinds of unbearable actions. Do you want to give us an account for such a thing? "

The manager said a good word and finally hung up the phone. However, his face was not so good. When he passed the attachment, he turned his head slightly and looked at her with a bad color.

The attachment of the heart more and more heavy, more and more heavy

then, the phone was not cut off. Finally, the front desk lady had to put the phone up to avoid endless calls coming in.

The vice president finally wants to talk with her boss.

At this moment, the attachment of the heart seems to fall into the abyss, the front is the eternal hell.

In her head, she followed her vice president slowly to the conference room.

The atmosphere in the meeting room is very dignified. Although there are only two people, attachment always feels that there are many eyes scanning towards her through the shutters of the meeting room.

The vice president appreciated the ability of attachment before, and gave several major topics to attachment. Each time attachment did not let him down, but this time he looked at the attachment with a vision that was obviously not as loving as before.

Slowly, the vice president lit a cigarette, looked at attachment, and said in a polite way: "Miss Yi, do you know what I'm looking for you for?"

Attachment felt her brain exploded, but at this time it seemed hard to say that it was because of the photos, subconsciously. She shook her head: "sorry, Mr. Yang, I I don't know... "

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