Although for a long time, attachment has not really regarded the adoptive parents as their own parents, but if the adoptive parents are really cruel to her, how sad she is

Alas, living alone in this world, no relatives, no friends, no lovers, youth is so lonely, alone

Bitter smile, this may be her fate.

But now is not the time to hurt the spring and the autumn

She jumped down from 鈻? opened the website and began to browse the website information

No, she can't sigh here. She needs to find a job. She needs a job to support herself. Although she saved a little money in XX newspaper before, she may spend all her money if she has a disease. She has no sense of security. She must find a job!

Even if the treatment is not as good as the previous newspaper, it can't manage so much!

she quickly browsed the demand of the recruitment website, and she locked in several positions.

Although the size of the company is not comparable to the XX newspaper she used to work for, it is also good.

If you look at their recruitment conditions, you can see that your current conditions are fully in line with your education background, experience and the number of articles published. She is undoubtedly the most perfect candidate.

As time went by, she immediately sent several resumes online.

Soon, I received an interview notice from a media company and went there in the afternoon.

Her originally gloomy mood finally picked up a little spirit. She put on her make-up in the mirror, put on her suit, and took a taxi to the media company. The front desk of the company registered as usual. She said with a smile, "I'm here for an interview."

"Oh, well." The receptionist laughed. "Just a moment, please. I'll call the interview manager."

At this moment, the expression of the front desk lady suddenly moved, and she looked at her attachment and thought, "why did this woman seem to have seen somewhere?"

But she didn't think about it any more.

Soon the manager came. The manager was a lady in her thirties. She was very satisfied with her attached resume. She took her to the meeting room and looked at her previous work experience. The lady frowned and asked, "Miss Yi, can I ask if your previous newspaper office is one of the leading newspapers in the industry. Why do you want to resign?"

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